Camille Crimson Interview-Blowjobs

By Scooter McBooter Camille Crimson is a self-described and unapologetic geek. That’s just fine. There’s nothing wrong with being devoted to classical music, website development, video games, zombies, and Star Trek. Camille can break out her geek anytime she wants considering that her full-time job is showcasing an absolute passion for the glorious blowjob. The…

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A Quickie With Gina Mond

By Scooter McBooter Life imitates art. Gina Mond is a living example. The Russian-born actress combines the all-out rawness of hardcore porn with the flair, panache, and occasionally over-the-top outrageousness that art can be. Now living in New York, the 34DD-23-33 performer is certainly not one to be pigeon-holed or typecast. All it takes is…

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