Industry Consolidation

Raging Bull writes on ADT: "How come it is basically the only media industry that is not consolidated? In film, TV, and music all the companies are consolidated with each stusio being a subsidiary of a parent company. Porn isn’t like this a lot of independant private companies. The producers would flex much more power…

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DVD Sales

Moxie writes on XPT: In a recent Discussion with Skeeter Kerkove Gene Ross reveals that DVD sales are tanking. If adult companies are experiencing a slow down due to a drop in DVD sales, they have no one but themselves to blame. Have these people never heard of the internet? I’ll bet that VOD sales…

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Lisa Ann Vs. AMA Joe

Monday afternoon I call Lisa Ann of Clear Talent Management. Lisa: "Joe’s an agent’s nightmare. He booked eight people last Friday to do handjobs. It’s a calamity of a day. You ask eight porn people to be somewhere at a certain time, obviously it’s not going to happen. Some of the people were late. "Today…

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