Who Is Snowman?

On Friday, Donny Long forwarded me an email describing the porn reviewer Snowman (Raincoatreviews.com) as a pathetic stalker. I forwarded the email (published on Adultfyi) to Snowman and got back this response Sunday from Snowman aka attorney Michael Crosson: Hello Luke – Thank you for forwarding that e-mail to me. I am a licensed California…

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Can A Pimp Be Saved?

Ex-hooker Annie Lobert writes on MySpace: WHAT? Is this even possible? I mean, come on Annie, aren’t pimps controlling, demeaning to women, and don’t they "live" off prostitutes???   The answer is yes; they do—are you shocked? But have you ever really asked yourself what "makes" a pimp? What would drive a man to become…

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Becca Brat Update

My Becca Brat profile. From Shelley Lubben’s page: Becca Bratt left the porn industry two years ago and is now living a whole new life. After a heroin overdose, she made her way back home to her parents and God began to restore their relationship in amazing ways. Becca contacted Shelley Lubben last year and…

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