Christy Mack Update

Christy Mack tweeted an update about her condition here. 2 days, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and last night. I’ve had several dentist visits to make eating more comfortable and make my smile look more normal. I still have a few more dental visits to go. I’ve had my eyes checked out and made aware that…

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What PORN Has Taught Me..

Pretty funny subject going around twitter. Porn Has Taught Me…. and people fill in the blank. Here are some of the funny ones- #PORN HAS TAUGHT ME… Americans order pizza for a completely different reason than I would. that the pizza delivery guy is bringing more sausage than you expected how well i can hear…

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HIV+ in UK?

ChristianXXX just posted on twitter that he received an email from AIR (Adult Industry Resources) that there was a positive HIV test. No other info was given. Christian is in England, so they are talking about a British or European Performer. I’ll give you more info when I get it… Thanks Christian

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