Michael Whiteacre, Monica Foster & Mercedes Ashley are being sued in small claims court by Tara from FreePornStarPix. She has called them, me and others many names including stalker. If you would like to add your opinion to this, or be involved in the case please address it in comments. My thought is that Tara certainly harmed a lot of people with her work on PWL, libelous stories on her website, and many past transgressions like this one https://www.lukeisback.com/?p=12346 ? Remember when Tara posted pictures of Sinnamon Love’s kids? And alledgedly sent Porn to Kitten’s mainstream jobs? Yeah, me thinks if there is a victim in all this, Tara is FAR from it. THIS will be a fun court case….
You can see more at Sean’s site http://therealpornwikileaks.com/
There are quite a few interesting comments on the site as well.
This case will be a blast. Mercedes, Monica and I have so much information, and so many witnesses, this will be an exciting day. I encourage people to come out and see the show — September 19th at the Superior Court of CA, for Riverside County in Temecula.
I find it hilarious that even Tara apparently recognizes that her brain is so faulty that she only values her peace of mind at $300. LOL
You’ll note, she claims we defendants sent electronic messages to her home PC “to defame” her.
Setting aside the fact that I have never once sent ANY email to her, nor any IM, defamation is a statement which may provide a negative image of someone in the eyes of another.
If you were to email someone and accuse them of a crime, for instance, that is not defamation. Libel (which is written defamation) requires publication — the statement must be false and the publication must have been communicated to someone other than the person allegedly defamed.
What an idiot.
In other news, today on Twitter, Tara outed Michael “PornLaw” Fattorosi as being the Donkey’s attorney:
“Lots of charges for Mike’s ol gang – extortion, blackmail, harassment, VIOLATION OF ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE, etc..” [emphasis added]
“@pornlaw will not be disbarred. In fact, HIS CLIENT / ATTORNEY PRIVILEGE WITH A CLIENT WAS VIOLATED.” [emphasis added]
I wonder if Mr. Fattorosi will comment on this, or if he’ll stick to friending people on Facebook in lieu of addressing his apparently untenable situation.
Mike maybe she is just doing this to drum up some publicity for her site (or she thinks it will)?
@Karmafan – If the best scheme Tara can come up with to drive traffic to her miserable site is to place herself in jeopardy of a civil judgment against HER, then she is even dumber than any of us thought.
Tara, you’re a stupid, piece of insane shit with a brain lesion (aka brain damage)! You will lose, Akinloser.
this shit is hilarious. it wasn’t too many years ago stuff like this was taken care of differently in this biz. i witnessed it first-hand a couple of times. used to be some guys, guys who were generically referred to as “collectors,” were sometimes called upon to do more than collect money. often, i think the system worked better that way. many problems were certainly solved more quickly and they generally stayed solved. payback’s a bitch– always has been and always, in one way or another, still will be.
Yes, Jimmy, in the days of Lenny and Eddie and Butchie, this whole affair would never have happened.
We all know Tara is not the victim here. Of course bullies sometimes like to pose as victims. This should be fun.
And, as Sean has pointed out, isn’t it interesting that she’s suing and/or calling the authorities on the people who fervently opposed PWL….