Missing Al Goldstein… or not?

Al Goldstein… By C. Loftus

He could be harsh, rude, overboard, overstep boundaries, but he was always honest. When I read that he died yesterday I was sad and a bit nostalgic.

If you asked me to describe him in one word, it would be Asshole. And if you gave me two words, I’d say ” Cuddly Asshole” And he would like my description and laugh about it.

I remember seeing him at so many conventions. For some reason he didn’t like Xcitement Magazine. I don’t know why. But when he saw me walking around he would always yell, hey Loftus, why don’t you quit that rag you work for and come to work for me!

When I would stop by and talk to him, he would hug me, and he would always ask me if I wanted a job, if I wanted to write for him. He always told me about whatever new project he was working on. And he always mentioned who he hated at the moment. It seems he always hated someone/something/some business. Someone has always wronged him and he need to get them back. Whether it was an ex-wife, an ex business partner, there was always someone that deserved to rot in hell according to Al.

While this may sound like Al was a negative person, I’m going to say that AL was an activist, and he fought for what he thought was right. He didn’t back down, and he didn’t care what it cost him. So while he may have been a pessimist, he was a vigilant fighter for freedom. And he kept that fight up throughout his whole life.

He did a lot of things I don’t agree with, and he hurt people with his overzealousness. If he was against you, he was your worst enemy. But if he was with you, and he was always “with” me, he was always on your side.

So I may have said “always” way too many times in this story; that is one thing about Al Goldstein, you “always” knew where he stood, and where you stood.

He taught me some things and I’ll be missing him.

2 thoughts on “Missing Al Goldstein… or not?

  1. He was in several of my favorite documentaries about the industry and I’ve always appreciated his honesty. It’s a shame he lost his empire due to the changing of the times, but as long as the industry still exists, his influence will live on.

    “The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.” – Chuck Palahniuk

    RIP Al

  2. Larry Horse says:

    Al was decent honest to good porner. Actually Porn did not deserve him, he was too bright and in many ways too honorable for his time. His porn reviews for Penthouse in the Gooch years were classic and honest, not the AVN drivel. Its a shame he ended up broke and for a time homeless. One thing he was damn right about was the AVNs, many years ago he complained about the number of awards and said they would get to the point where they would give one for the quality of toilet paper on set. I think they are that close now, I bet there will be a catering award one day.

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