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Interview with Priya Rai- On Her Retirement

by JB


Recently International Film Star Priya Rai, made the announcement that she is retiring from performing in the adult industry, and is making the leap into working in the mainstream industry. We sat down with her to get the scoop on this announcement.

So, Priya you have a big announcement to make?

Priya: Yes, I do, actually two announcements. First, I’ve made the decision to retire from performing on camera in adult films.This was my choice, and not based on anything but I want to move on with my career and personal life. I’ve made a mainstream movie “Isis Rising; Curse Of The Lady Mummy” that I star in, and co produced for TomKat Films with my friend James Bartholet, whose also very hilarious in the movie. The movie is out overseas, and will be out here in the states this Fall. I am also starring in a new exciting Bollywood movie project that will be like something that people have never seen before. No, I’m not naked in this, but it will be sexy, and a beautifully made film. I’m really very excited about this new venture of my life.


Any regrets about your work in the industry?

Priya: Hell no, I loved working in this industry, and all the people I worked with. It was so much fun, and I credit this industry for helping to make me a name worldwide, but it’ just time to move on. I didn’t want to make this my life work, I have so much more to do. I want to thank all of the production companies, fellow performers, agents, publicists, make up and hair people, and directors that I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to work with.

You also have another announcement to make?

Priya: Yes, I am engaged now! I’m very excited about this. I met a very successful man, who is not in the industry, we feel in love, and we’re getting married. He’s very understanding and supportive of me. He is not reason why I am retiring, but my upcoming nupitals are a part of the things that have happened that have made me come to this decision. I like to keep my private life private, so that all I’m going to say about that.

Will you still be feature dancing?

Priya: Yes eventually. right now I am really busy with the Bollywood movie project, and getting the Horror movie project’s premiere in Hollywood set for the Fall. I’ll also be probably doing appearances, but as the mainstream movie actress Priya Rai, not as the adult film actress.

Will you keep your official web site?

Priya: That’s a good question. right now yes, but I’m going to revamp it.

You have a new magazine article out on you in Hustler magazine now?

Priya: I do, it’s a “Day In The Life” segment, it’s pretty good.

Any words for your fans?

Priya: Of course! I LOVE you guys and girls. Your love and support mean so much to me,and I won’t disappear, I’ll just be working in the mainstream industry now,and I’ll be doing a lot of new projects that you can see.Plus, I’m sure there’s lots of scenes that I’ve done that haven’t come out yet, so there will probably be stuff coming out. Please keep following me, and remember to keep an eye out for me. Keep those cards and gifts and wonderful comments flowing, I love hearing from my fans, you guys and girls are wonderful.

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