by C. Loftus
I’ve been around the adult industry for more than twenty years now.
I can’t believe it’s been that long. But I was a kid, a newbie, an X-rated virgin when it all began. A long time ago…
I wrote a review on Madonna’s SEX book for the first issue of Xcitement. The book was weird, and metal and expensive (50 bucks!) and the review I wrote was odd, and sexy and interesting and the book was numbered. If I still had it, probably worth a fortune. The year was 1992.
My first Xcitement cover interview was with Windy Leigh. (I’m not sure that’s how you spell it) and what I remember about our interview is that I was so excited to talk to her, and she was so boring. Bored to talk to me, bored to answer my questions, and she did not care at all about our interview. She told me at one point to "make it up", when I asked about her exciting sex life.
She mentioned a friend she had, and said, go ahead and say she tied me up and we had sex together, she won’t care. Of course that wasn’t a true story. and I was surprised, and naive. I thought if someone told me a story it was true. Why would they bother to make it up?
Like I said, naive. It wasn’t my middle name, it was my first name back then….
I feel bad that I don’t now remember every interview I’ve done, because they all were important to me. I spent time doing research on the person, writing my questions and having butterflies before dialing the phone number, every time. But the day and time in my life made a difference in my memory.
If my kid was sick, if my friend was mad at me, if I was having money troubles, all of this colored my perspective. But don’t get me wrong, I always loved writing and questioning and interviewing. It made me happy and intrigued. It kept me interested. I thought about it when I went to sleep at night and when I woke up in the morning, okay afternoon. lol
I’m nosey, I’m curious, I’m a busy body. I want to ask you questions. I can’t help myself!
My chats with the stars….. the story will continue…..