LIB to Shut Down

If I don’t find a worthy buyer, this site will be shutting down by the beginning of May. My health and family have to come first now, so I had no choice but to give myself a deadline. If anyone is interested in buying this site email me at before it is too late.

52 thoughts on “LIB to Shut Down

  1. AIPChristina says:

    Hope you find a buyer hun. You’re right though that your family and health have to come first.

  2. I don’t know…instead of going to the extreme of shutting it down,why not to keep it up but to have somebody run it for you as an employee ? I’m sure a lot of new kids would like to be in such a role. At least you could try this and if it doesn’t work-out then,pull the plug.

  3. I agree with Leslie.

    This is a unique place and shouldn’t fade into dark.

  4. If someone buys the site do they have to take Jeremy along with it?

  5. jeremysteele11 says:

    Walter. One sentiment I share with everyone here is being glad that if/when LIB disappears that so will my commentary. I’ve had about enough as all of you have. The old attack the messenger instead of analyzing what’s shared. You jerkaholics are just such experts in the what’s what of the world.

  6. It was a great run, and it’s nice that you at least let your readers know what’s going on.

  7. Let’s all thank Jeremy for giving us yet another reason as to why we can’t have nice things. Him and his extended vocabulary of words like “Jerkaholics” will truly be missed.

    As for your commentary concern: Google cache saves everything, your rants aren’t going away any time soon.

  8. With guys like this Steele character here with his full of baloney rants no wonder nobody wants to buy this site. Too bad, your site was hijacked by this lunatic. Best wishes to the owner.

  9. dicpusini says:

    Too bad he has to piss all over every thread just when the owner is trying to sell. It is obvious he is doing everything he possibly can to torpedo any sale.

    He has to go and never return.

  10. I came here looking for porn talk and all you get are crazies like Bla and Jeremy! They are the problem with the site.

  11. jeremysteele11 says:

    You’re the same idiot who says Bla and I are the same guy. I’m 1/2 Jew and have a black girlfriend. That makes me a Nazi… NOT!

  12. Larry Horse says:

    I think Steele drives site traffic, his wars with MoFo and especially Sophia Mounds were classic, not so classic were the wars with one trick pony Roy, Jet Tits and BDD. Steele, you could be a Nazi, you would be a Mischling, and back in the day the Fuhrer could declare you Deustchblutig.

  13. Cindi could have permanently banned Jeremy at any time but kept letting this recidivist nut back in.

  14. Wow Jeremy does that really change how you act as a person or write in your comments? I guess your real girlfriend is Monica? It’s all coming out now! LOL

  15. Sean Tompkins AKA TRPWL says:

    Of course Jeremy drives traffic, the same way spammers do when they repeatedly spam a site.. Hes beyond repair and anyone that comes here now can see what the comment threads have turned into..If that fuk head was banned traffic would slow..Cindi backed herself into a corner by letting this retard continue to post his crap which has now changed the dynamics of LIB .

    he needs a kick in the face

  16. I suspect that this guy has driven away more than a few people who might otherwise want to comment. If he had been given the boot a long time ago there would probably be a different crop of people posting here, for better or worse, who knows, but it couldn’t possibly be much worse than it is now. I feel empathy for the lady who owns this site. She says her health isn’t that great and she wants to sell, but I can see any serious buyer would not even think about purchasing after spending anytime “researching” the past few months here. What a shame. Wasn’t this site once considered the be one of the best adult industry blogs? I guess I should aplogize for feeding the troll too, and I should apologize to the Reynolds Wrap corperation for insinuating that their product provides inadequate protection from government mind control laser beam brainwashing methods. Look, there is a sign post up ahead, you are about to enter the Jeremy Zone.

  17. Larry Horse says:

    Its always been a good site, sure Luke had pics and stuff, but then we had to endure his weird ass Jew stuff, even Jews dont talk about Judaism like him. Also he respected Gene Ross, now working as Rob Black’s ventriloquist’s dummy. Cindi has made it work better, Jeremy is just part of the ride here.

  18. He is the part of the ride that makes you not want to go on the ride again. I can see his shctick being entertaining for a while, but it looks like this guy just never stops, and that is a completely different thing. I have been ‘researching’ this site for a few days now and there is stuff in the archives from this guy years ago with the same routine. At some point enough is enough already. But this little energizer bunny, foil hat and all, just keeps going. What is going to happen to this guy when he no longer has this outlet is a scary thought, and is why we need gun control laws. When this level of lunacy has no outlet it just builds and builds, and the next thing you know we have a half retarded Ted Kacsynski on our hands again. Can you imagine if this guy actualy owns a gun, in real life? Would you feel safe around him? Isnt gun control the reason the government is staging all of these murders Mr Steele? He actually says that Sandy Hook was a hoax? Were those funerals for the children all a hoax too? Free speech is one thing, but giving a lunatic a platform like this is ridiculous. He sould start his own site, not ruin somebody else’s. Free speech does not dictate that any individual with a platform to speak from has to open to any lunatic who wants to rant.

  19. jeremysteele11 says:

    Sean, former defender of MoFo, you’re still an idiot. Luke is Gone, has been gone for a while, and so soon shall be Luke is Back. Then I won’t have to talk to any more of you fools. Go back to jerking. Thinking isn’t working!

  20. The odd thing is that when he’s not ranting about c*nspiracy bollocks, he’s a smart and witty guy who regularly contributes interesting anecdotes and perspectives.

    But when he gets on certain subjects, the part of his brain that controls logic and reason seems to shut down. His hatred of the government is so severe and all-consuming that he appears utterly incapable of any objectivity on the matter.

  21. jeremysteele11 says:

    You got 1/2 of your analysis right. The other half is full of ignorance. The bottom line is the constitution acknowledged in the very beginning that gov’ts inevitably become corrupt and need to be overthrown. This one is so corrupt, so fascist (observe laws, media control and national and foreign policy), and they know it, that’s why they’re driving this car like they stole it, so to speak. The founding fathers are rolling in their graves.

  22. Jeremy has been great for this site. He’s offered a view from inside the porn world, giving us cool stories about his relationship with porn chicks. He also wrote a few op-ed’s, with more entertaining and insightful porn stories, especially those Joe Blow and Loudmouth Margold pieces..hilarious! Jeremy stuck around the whole time, unlike BDD and The Colonel(who oddly had a symbol of a General as his avatar, but I digress) and others.

    If there was a book with a collection of stories (old and new) written by Jeremy I’d buy it. Not to say his writing is perfect but it’s always Jeremy’s stories that rise above anything grammatical. Didn’t Lucky kick him out of her car and leave him in the lurch? Didn’t Jeremy repeatedly write “Mope” something like 88 times in one of his op-eds? Didn’t Joe Blow want to blow Jeremy? These stories weren’t just hilarious, they were actually good fucking stories.

    Jeremy isn’t nearly as abrasive as a lot of other posters, he seems honest, revealing, sincere and yeah, a little conspiratorial but we’re all a little kooky anyway. I guess I can put it this way: Jeremy is more likeable than most, which is saying a lot if you ask me.

    In the end, I think Jeremy belongs up there with Cindi and Luke as the Hall of Fame of this site. Without them, I would have never read this site in the first place.
    NL-Thank you

  23. freddy, I too am worried about Jeremy getting a gun. If I recall correctly, he already has at least one violent crime charge on his record. He wouldn’t pass a background check, but he could go through the loophole that the expansion was supposed to close.

    I could definitely see this guy trying to shoot up a government building or a news broadcast headquarters.

  24. jeremysteele11 says:

    What’s with the insults Holdek? Sophia Mounds, severe, malicious retard, already admitted she made that shit up and was on drugs and apologized, so go fuck your mom, sister and grandma! Why not find out why a Nevada governor candidate is saying it was a false flag op? Plane wing marks, folks. That’s all I ask, and you’ll prove you’re right. Until then, you’ve proven your sad selves incapable of discussing any matters way outside your American I-dull, TMZ and infotainment/newzz ballpark.

    Seriously, WTF is wrong with you people? Others out there are making specific interesting points. Why can’t you just examine them? Afraid to come to terms with the fact you’ve been perpetually lied to and severely brainwashed?

  25. jeremysteele11 says:

    Thanks pornster. Someone’s gonna accuse me of sending you some of my alleged welfare check money to bribe you to say that. Thanks again.

  26. jeremysteele11 says:

    (th is com ment just was put on mod… so i’ ll br eak wo rds up… w tf, I d on’t g et it, ci ndi)

    Tha nks po rnster. Som eone’s go nna acc use me of se nding you some of my alle ged wel far e ch eck mo ney to br ibe you to say th at. Th anks ag ain.

  27. Now that this place is fast approaching its denouement, I propose that in commemoration Jeremy should write the most balls-out, inflammatory, shit-talking, grudge-fueled and entertaining porn-related op/ed he can muster. The more douchbags he annoys and fucks with, the better. It’s how I’d prefer to remember him.

    So what say you, Jeremy? I’m sure you’ve got at least one more of those in you. Unleash the fury.

  28. I’d like a picture of Cindi, Jeremy, Luke, & The Colonel for the final post.

    And that stupid homo ad that was at the top of the page for the longest time when Luke bailed, anyone remember that???!!!!!

  29. dicpusini says:

    Je rem y is a tot al re tar d.

  30. jeremysteele11 says:

    hmm, ceth, lemme think… congrats hellsea thats the first time youre kinda funny

  31. Damn this sucks hairy monkey balls. This site rocks, its got good info, interviews and stories.

    Jeremy can be a bit of a drama queen at times, arguing over stupid shit that isnt worthy of being fought over. Luckily, Im good at scanning over that garbage. He picks bad friends. You’re too damn trusting….you can trust no one in playpen of the damned.

    Overall, I think Jeremy is a good dude. He had some fascinating and insightful reads into the porn industry. I think he should buy the site and make it his kingdom.

    This site is going down and that sucks. Fucking GMO’s. Monesato. GMO’s (weed killer, pesticides) are now implanted in the food. They want us all to get sick, buy and be dependent on medicine and hospital hours….so the stockholders (Congress) can profit and buy nice cars and houses

    Sorry about your condition Cindi. Have you tried any natural, organic remedies?
    A simple thing like a pinch of Tumeric every day can do wonders.

    Breakin 2 electric boogaloo

  32. jeremysteele11 says:

    drama king, not queen… cindi needs diet n exercise, the key re: all illnesses, yes they r set to kill us in mass thru gmos n they will succeed… bees r dying in mass n we will b next, theyll blame it on some b.s. virus n continue to push poisons via vaccines

  33. Jeremy destroyed this site and his ass clown partner Bla. I forgot maybe they are the same person? LoL!

  34. Jeremy you have the audacity to whine about insults after accusing families of Sandy Hook victims of fake crying? Go fuck yourself. To you it’s just fun and games I guess.

  35. jeremysteele11 says:

    No, Holdick, you got your shit back asswards. This ain’t fun n games to me. HOWEVER, not only was coroner Carver laughing during the press conference, so were state State troopers and others right besides, as well as others marching around during this horrible aftermath of alleged kid killings , during the so called real life event, where there were several dudes smiling and laughing on video. And as for the families they were also laughing, smiling, not one single family member or witness interviewed as early as a day after shed a single tear. So go fuck YOURself.

    THEY were laughing, smiling. It’s on video. Think, you stupid morons!

    You people are the most moronic scum on the Earth. All you to is repeat the same old “tell that to the victims’ families” insults which is supposed to solve the matter of DHS web site drill listed and pdf listing “actors” and other people scheduled there the same time, day. Because YOU people don’t care enough to investigate these matters, more evil will occur, more people will die, more rights will be taken away, just as Bostonions under martial law are stupidly cheering “USA!”

    Fake crying is for sure when someone makes the convulsing faces and nothing comes out or Kaitlyn Roig wiping away non existant tears and going “yeah, yeah, yeah,” instead of describing what happened to Diane Sawyer.

    Dumb sheeple, show me plane wing marks on the Pentagon from the 9/11 attack or explain to me how the British gov’t didn’t kill it’s own citizens on 7/7 while they were involved in exercise drills (Just like Sandy Hook, just like Boston, etc, etc, etc) in 4 different locations, all where bombs went off.

    No evidence Lanza shot his way in or was buzzed in, both stories which are still the official story, despite cctv cameras. And no evidence of the Boston bombers shown except them walking around… walking around. Earth to Sheeple, come in, over??

  36. The problem with Jeremy is that he is too crazy to realize how crazy he is.

    Jeremy: have you ever been to a psychiatrist? Have you ever been prescribed psychiatric medication?

    “The term ‘anosognosia’ is occasionally used to describe the lack of insight shown by some people who suffer from a mental illness such as bipolar disorder or psychosis. They do not have the insight to recognize that they suffer from a mental illness. There is evidence that schizophrenic anosognosia may be the result of frontal lobe damage.”

  37. “Virtually universal characteristics of cranks include:

    1. Cranks overestimate their own knowledge and ability, and underestimate that of acknowledged experts.

    2. Cranks insist that their alleged discoveries are urgently important.

    3. Cranks rarely, if ever, acknowledge any error, no matter how trivial.

    4. Cranks love to talk about their own beliefs, often in inappropriate social situations, but they tend to be bad listeners, being uninterested in anyone else’s experience or opinions.”

    “Online communication can wonderfully liberate the tender soul of some well-meaning personage who, for whatever reason, is physically uncharismatic. Unfortunately, online communication also fertilizes the eccentricities of hopeless cranks, who at last find themselves in firm possession of a wondrous soapbox that the Trilateral Commission and the Men In Black had previously denied them.” Bruce Sterling

    “Crank magnetism is a term popularized by physiologist and blogger Mark Hoofnagle to describe the propensity of cranks to hold multiple irrational, unsupported or ludicrous beliefs that are often unrelated to one another.[7] Crank magnetism may be considered to operate wherever a single person propounds a number of unrelated denialist conjectures, poorly supported conspiracy theories, or pseudoscientific claims. Thus, some of the common crank characteristics (see above)— such as the lack of technical ability, ignorance of scientific terminology, and claims that alternative ideas are being suppressed by the mainstream— may be operating on and manifested in multiple orthogonal assertions. Blogger Luke Scientiæ has commented on the relationship between the number of unrelated claims that magnetic cranks make and the extent of their open hostility to science.”

  38. Sean Tompkins AKA TRPWL says:

    Steele, Are you still hiding from Nick East..? pussy

  39. jeremysteele11 says:

    Sean former defender of Mofo, u were kissing up to me on yor site when u were attacking nick east. Now yor making up “shyt” as u like to say. I will smash that megastupidlowlife tard if i c him.,

  40. jeremysteele11 says:

    Holdick, youre in major denial n trying to make this about me, when there r shitloads of people saying these events were staged n making specific points that none of u baboons will address. Why am i mentally ill to say a video of two dudes walking is not evidence they planted bombs? U cant even discuss facts here. U lose this debate by default, loser. What can expect from u fulltime wankers? I think u jerked off all of your brain cells.

  41. jeremysteele11 says:

    And i dont know y you copy n paste something about cranks including they dont admit fault. I ackwledge mistakes ive made n bad leads ive followed in my videos. In fact part of the title of one of my vides is “mistakes i have made”. They problem with idiot assholes likes u is youve already made such an emotional investment in your “opinions”, in particular about me, that it would be crippling n devastating beyond your ability to cope if u were forced to accept even the remotist possibility that u personally and as part of a collective, r wrong. Another common problem with u zoo monkeys is u focus soley on the conclusions i n others have made instead of put that focus to better use, that being examination of specific points n information. Instead, your attack mechanism, which really is your defense mechanism, is to call me”conspiracy theorist”, while ironically, hypocritically and laughingly theorizing about why i believe what i do with cut n paste verbiage, which if u had done the slightest bit of homework would inform u that it clearly does not apply to me. Youre the one afraid of being wrong, not me.

  42. Sean Tompkins AKA TRPWL says:

    LMAO Kissing up to you???? Ask Whiteacre, he had to talk me down from adding you to the DSM4..Go ahead ask him, ill wait..

    The whole time you were over there i made fun of you, i even sent fake fwrd text quotes to Nick East, pretending that you were “looking for him” “and talking about dating his sister” LOL i was trying to get him mad enough to pound you..

    Ive never kissed up “down” to you?? For what, retards like you are everywhere..At the time, your retarded-ness was useful against Nick East when he was trying to bash porn..HAHA

    I executed a plan to have 2 of the top 5 porn tards battle each other, much like when Cartman had crack babies fighting each other in the CBAA..You and East were our crack babies..

  43. jeremysteele11 says:

    Thanks for stating youre a lowlife criminal making up things i allegedly said n sending them to nick in order to incite violence n harm against me. I hope everyone with any ethics whos reading this boycotts your site, just as they do the donkey’s which is back up. U were clearly demonstrating that u were on my side at the time whiteacre invited me over there. If it wasnt for the fat that my justifiable hatred for witless nick is so high, thati i have no lack of interest in seeing him in person still, i would be rather pissed off at u right now for being the lowlife piece of criminal shit u just admitted to being.

  44. Third Axis says:

    This is the reason I now rarely visit this site. The quality of discourse has hit an all-time low here. Sorry, Cindi, but you’ve let Jeremy’s conspiracy rants go on for far, far too many months, for endless comments and responses to those comments. It has become numbingly boring and pointless, and has degraded LIB severely.

    There is too much space devoted to non-porn issues and info, and that is what this site used to be about and upon which its appeal rested, but sadly no longer. There are plenty of sites for current issues, and that subject matter is not what I want from a porn site, unless it directly relates.

    The only way to salvage LIB is to more tightly moderate the comments, and to focus on the type of content that users come here for. I know that operating a site such as this is a lot of hard work, particularly for one person, and that’s possibly part of the reason for its decline in content. LIB needs multiple editors, with at least a small staff to produce content and moderate comments to ensure that they are appropriate to the specific subject addressed (i.e., end the constant derailing by users like Jeremy).

    These are only my opinions, and I wish you well, Cindi, and also that your health issues improve. You’ve worked hard on LIB, and I for one appreciate your efforts.

  45. Sean Tompkins AKA TRPWL says:

    “U were clearly demonstrating that u were on my side at the time whiteacre invited me over there”

    I have never been on your side. The world would better off without you..

    LOL i couldn’t care any-less if someone “boycotts” my site..And you asking them to boycott it will make people like me

    I will continue to plot in a effort to get Nick East to fuck you up..Its the least i can do..And when it happens, you can make a fresh conspiracy vid and blame it on the barometric pressure and the Russians..

    Im gonna sent nick a tweet from you RIGHT NOW..

  46. jeremysteele11 says:

    Fred has fled from the point again…again i already addresd your stupid link before u put it. All it is a hostile avoidance strategy of analyzing people instead of the points they make. U match a case example of someoe who cant rationize or answer points, not “conspiracy throrists”, which is a desperately used epithet to avoid any meaningful, honest and sincere analysis, whatsoever.. How many times r u gonna ignore the simple logical question of how does vido of two dudes walking prove they r guilty of bombings going on during terror drill at marathon. The fact that u n noone can answer this most basic of questions proves u are the word we like to use… “sheep” aka braindead zombies.

  47. dicpusini says:

    The LIB village idiot has completely destroyed this site.

  48. Larry Horse says:

    Sean, Steele has more talent Nick East, and he knows Krav Maga, so I think Nick and you should stay away. Oh its DSM IV, not DSM 4.

  49. jeremysteele11 says:

    That’s right lowlife, listen to Larry. I know Jew Jitsu 2.0. First I’ll kick ass, then I’ll sue!

  50. jeremysteele11 says:

    Third, sorry you got sour… that’s too bad. But I can’t derail anything that can’t rail itself wherever the fuck it wants to go. If someone’s got something to say about whatever the fuck the original thread was about, in case I’ve gone off topic (likely), they are always free to post, so you got your perceptions messed on this. You’re not seeing how branching and dragging threads on and “destroying” or “derailing” it simply does not apply… I’M KEEPING THE ORIGINAL STORY ALIVE! For Example Goatlord just kept an older thread alive by posting…. comprende?

  51. jeremysteele11 says:

    (oh no, I must unmod this:was it goa t
    s name?)

    Thi rd, sorry you got sour… that’s too bad. But I can’t der ail anything that can’t rail itself where ver the fu c k it wants to go. If someone’s got som ething to say about wh atever the fu ck the original thread was about, in case I’ve gone off t opic (likely), they are always free to post, so you got your perc eptions all messed on this. You’re not seeing how bra nching and dra gging thre ads on and “destr oying” or “der ailing” it simply does not apply… I’M KEEP ING THE ORI GINAL STOR Y ALIVE! For Example Goa tl ord just kept an older thre ad alive by posting…. comp rende?

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