Adult Healthcare Foundation would like me to send this letter…
Message Subject: I Support AB 332 – Condom Law Will Improve Adult Film Worker Safety on Sets
Dear [Decision Maker],
I am writing to urge your full support for Assembly Bill 332, authored by Assemblymember Isadore Hall III, (Democrat, 64th District–Compton) and co-authored by Assemblymember Richard Bloom, (Democrat, 50th District–Santa Monica).
People should not have to go to work and get sick. Workers in the adult film industry are too easily exploited. AB 332 provides Cal-OSHA more tools to protect workers from exposure to disease, including the required use of condoms in adult films.
Most Californians take comfort in knowing that when they go to work, the state is looking out for their health and safety on the job. Tragically, this is not the case for workers in California’s adult film industry. Adult film workers currently are being excluded from the basic workplace health and safety protections we all take for granted. Rather than leaving it to adult film producers to self-regulate, AB 332 will implement effective best practices in an industry that places unrestricted profit above the welfare of workers.
Every major medical and public health association supports the use of condoms in the making of adult films, including the California Medical Association, the National Coalition of STD Directors and Worksafe. Numerous medical studies have consistently shown that these workers are at an exponentially higher risk for serious infections than the general public. Often, in women these infections show no symptoms until late stages and, as a result, their long-term health is significantly endangered.
Going to work should not result in bodily harm or lifelong disability. Since the adult film industry fails to provide even a minimum standard of protection, local communities end up shouldering the burden of cost as the health care providers of last resort.
The adult film industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. This industry has thus far operated unrestricted and pays little attention to the welfare of the people it employs. It is time for taxpayers to stop subsidizing this reckless industry. AB 332 is simply common sense.
AB 332 provides the statewide uniformity needed to ensure that the thousands of actors employed in this multi-billion dollar industry are given reasonable workplace safety protections. I urge you to fully support AB 332. Thank you.
cindi loftus
I hope someone points out AHFs overbilling. Odd thing is that he makes money if people get sick, what a jerk. Whiteacre, please make a film about him and his scam.
1. Earth to assholes. People do go to work and get sick. Big deal. What epidemic? Mass casualties?
2. No criminal organization should be preaching and giving advice. AHF stole/”overbilled” 2 million. They are dishonest scum, just like Bob Gallo and all those who profit off of lies, fear, terror and murder.
First of all, as I’ve documented several times, this is not a “condom bill”; it’s a HAZMAT SUIT bill because the section of the California Health Code that both Measure B and AB 332 reference — Title 8, Section 5193 — very clearly states that there is to be NO “skin” contact with “blood or OPIM,” which is “other potentially infectious material,” better known in the adult industry as semen, saliva, vaginal secretions and pee. The ONLY way to avoid such skin contact with these fluids is if the actors all wear hazmat suits, and nothing in AHF’s letter either makes that clear — in fact, they go out of their way to obscure that fact — or explains why that’s not the case.
You do a grave disservice to your readers by encouraging them to sign this bullshit.
NL-OMG I certainly am not encouraging anyone to sign this. Only showing what propaganda AHF sends out.
Police officers and firemen have potentialy dangerous jobs, should they not go to work either?
People should not have to eat Monsanto foods, but Obama appointed Monsanto Man to head the FDA. Bees dropping dead en mass and ants that won’t eat aspartame products. Slow murder causes AIDS. It’s caused by sex in the way that sex is the cause of life and thus death. But where’s the AHF on this? Please send me money so I can publically expound more on my theories. I promise not to overbill anything near as much as AHF has.
Um… Sweetie? Your name’s at the bottom of the letter. It certainly LOOKS as if YOU signed it, and that in itself I took as an encouragement for others to sign as well. Perhaps you’d want to remove your name from the bottom of the letter?
Speaking of slow death, you look absolutely horrible in your latest pictures. Serious health issue? Or is meth taking its toll?
Who have you seen latest pictures of where daddysdicdontgotoofarinsidefattysbucketcuntpusini ?
I presume you’re attacking me, as I’m always in your thoughts, here. You can’t possibly be referring to me… oh yeah you could. You and your meal ticket Mr 3 inch himself said I have a small dick. Your jokes are bad, not funny and retarded, just like you. To come close as I will to answering that other asswipe’s question (Freddie), it’s too bad your parents weren’t sterilized since they’re trying to seriously cut down on the dumbed down population.
Dumbed down then fazed out… and in the midst, locked in/locked down. You better stop your messing around, because they’re not.
Your pics. The overly thinning, non-washed unkempt hair. The eyes that have not slept in days. The non-shaved face. You look like you are dying, or on the bad side of yet another meth binge. Take a look at yourself — you posted the sickening pics. I feel sorry for you now.
I have no idea what you’re talking about. I haven’t touched meth since 2003 when coochie coupon roommate Frankie La Rue was sharing that shit with me. If I’m dying you wouldn’t feel sorry for me. You and your husband would be very, very, very, very, very happy!