Latata Party- Photos!

Tommy Gunn, Misty Stone, James Bartholet

Max Hardcore




Derek Hay, Mark Speigler (looking like he lost weight!), Shy Love, Chris Carter


Travis Varjak, Dan Leal, Ike Diezel

Derek Hay, Christie Stevens


7 thoughts on “Latata Party- Photos!

  1. Derek Hay got that “I’m not a pimp” look going for him.

  2. Larry Horse says:

    Whatever Spiegler lost it looks like the Earl gained. Tommy forgot to wear his lifts…Steele, you taller than Tommy? I think so. Bartholet is sporting an odd look, like some European art/fashion/architect kind of thing.

  3. jeremysteele11 says:

    It doesn’t matter how tall you are, Larry, as long as people look up to you 😐

  4. Larry Horse says:

    God does Dan Leal look bad in that Soccer jacket, what is with Americans now and European Soccer, Mexican soccer I get, and watch while I am at a local taco place, but to sit and watch a match live from Cumbria or some godforsaken place like it, what a waste.

  5. Larry Horse says:

    Misty Stone, best dressed, no contest.

  6. jeremysteele11 says:

    Tony Malice should wear a soccer jacket, because soccer is what they do in Donkey Punch.

  7. AIPChristina says:

    Little FYI, the girl in picture 3 (also in 6) is newcomer Raven Rockette

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