NL-Originally titled, Exxxit, Life After Porn, this documentary, now called After Porn Ends, was a couple years in the making. It has been available now for a while, but I finally got to watch it tonight on Netflix. It was wonderful seeing people that I really care about being interviewed, especially Mary Carey. Mary was her open and honest self as always, and her part to me, was the most interesting. The director and editor did a wonderful job balancing and cutting this to make it a fascinating watch. You know I love when all viewpoints are shown and this doc was very fair in it’s approach. Richard Pacheo, Randy West, Asia Carrera, Nina Hartley told of their mostly positive porn experience. While Shelley Lubbin and Chrissy Moran took the side of hating porn, others, like Amber Lynn & Raylene were down the middle with some good and some bad experiences.
Definitely worth the watch. My friend who watched with me (who is not that familiar with the industry) really liked that it showed a sort of behind the scenes in the life of a porn star. You got to see more of the real person and hear what was going on in their life outside of porn.
Peripheral people like Bill Margold and Luke Ford also appear with strong opinions.
Whether you are a fan, a foe or just like well-done documentaries, see this one- After Porn Ends, directed by Bryce Wagoner