NL- Pink Cross is asking for donations. They say they were hacked and can barely afford to send out their porn star gift boxes. What do I think about the whole thing? Personally, when it was Shelley trying to help porn stars who wanted to leave porn get out and get jobs I was okay with it. Then the Pink Cross got more militant ( because of their backing by AHF?), and we began hearing from Shelley that all porn people were abuse victims and drug addicts and mentally ill. Pink Cross went from acting as friends to the porn community who wanted to help them to an org said that adult movies should be outlawed. When this began I changed my slight support of Pink Cross to putting them in the same bag as other anti-porn zealots that do no good for anyone.
From Shelley Lubben-Greetings!
The Pink Cross web site has been hacked into by those who hate what we stand for. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. We are currently rebuilding Pink Cross while ALSO trying to help women recover from porn at the hardest time of the year:
the holidays!
We just finished packing over 100 Christmas boxes with Pink Bibles, CDs, Beauty Supplies, goodies and more that we need to send out to over 100 women. We we barely have enough money to ship the boxes. We definitely don’t have enough money to rebuild Pink Cross. We are in URGENT need right now!
PLEASE will you be the most generous you can be and help us get through this difficult time? Never have we needed your help more than we do right now. It’s very hard for us to even ask for donations. We would rather be utilizing our time doing outreach and helping people!
What does getting hacked have to do with being able to barely afford to send out gifts this year for Christmas?
Why don’t they just restore the site from a backup?
Sounds like just a scam to get more money.
Ya this smacks of desperation from Shelley. Prolly wants to take her family to Hawaii for the holidays and she is short on cash.
lol kelli and the big boy blogs are all over this one huh…
Shelley first began publicly complaining of problems with her anti-sex worker site in early July, and solicited donations to have it professionally repaired by an “expert” programmer. The site only got worse — it began redirecting to Google, and developed some other quirks that indicated a serious problem. Shelley solicited more money, the site was still not repaired. Instead, she spent donor money on a trip to San Francisco for “outreach,” which is just another word for promotion. Pink Cross Foundation is a cult of personality which exists only to glorify and promote Shelley Lubben. If she can’t even manage a simple website, why would anyone trust her with money sent for the pupose of helping people reinvent themselves or re-organize their lives?
A word on those gift boxes: they are filled with DONATED items. The bibles, beauty supplies, etc, are gifted to Pink Cross directly or through its Amazon wishlist. The handmade scarves are knitted by Heather Janornik out of materials she herself provides. The religious CDs are donated, and Lubben’s awful rap CD (like her self-published book) is donated by Shelley Lubben Communications, a separate for profit entity. Pink Cross’ only real expense is shipping these donated items — and never before in the group’s history has Lubben been able to show more than 30 – 40 Christmas boxes.
yes Whiteacre that is correct..most of this was covered on my little blog months and weeks ago..But y’all keep up the good work..Ive got to go bury a body..TTYL