27 Dead in Conn Shooting

NL- All these arguments on "It’s the Guns"  are driving me crazy. In the majority if not all of these cases, where a person shoots multiple random people, the shooters are mentally ill. They have been diagnosed with problems. They have been or are in treatment. They have been or are on heavy medications. They have been known by neighbors and acquaintances to be odd, perhaps dangerous. AND they have access to guns. It’s NOT the GUNS that are the problem. It’s the crazy people WITH the guns.


NL-I figured u guys would want to talk about this. I have some ‘insider info" that is not confirmed.  The alleged shooter is 20 year old Adam Lanza who is rumored to be a mentally and emotionally disabled schizophrenic. I’ll update when I learn more.


From huffpo

Police reported a shooting Friday morning at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.
Authorities in Connecticut responded to a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Friday morning, the local NBC station reports.
Police reported 27 deaths, including 20 children, six adults and the shooter, according to the Associated Press.
Following hours of uncertainty during which many media outlets reported the shooter’s identity as Ryan Lanza, an official identified the suspected gunman as Adam Lanza, Ryan’s 20 year old brother, according to the Associated Press. Ryan Lanza, 24, is being questioned by police.

40 thoughts on “27 Dead in Conn Shooting

  1. jeremysteele11 says:

    there r reports of a second shooter, which therefore makes this a case of conspiracy… at the very least we have big pharm drugs with lethal homicidal

  2. There is an anime series currently airing called Psycho Pass. It takes place in the near future where scientists have developed a machine that gauges whether a person can function well in society or it can predict who is a psycho killer type and authorizes the police to use deadly force against those potential bad ass killers. Its main character is a female police officer just out of the academy and her learning the job.

    I’m guessing with all the nitwits doing such unspeakable evil we need scientists to invent that machine like right fucking now. My heart goes out to all the families that lost a love one today to that animal.

  3. jeremysteele11 says:

    this phone pisses me off, I never pressed send before finishing my post..

  4. jeremysteele11 says:

    …. lethal homicidal/suicidal effects… and then we have substantial evidence in many past cases of manchurian candidate “psych research” mind control. its like clockwork at this point, mass shooting followed by public calls for gun bans.. which serves the bipartisan nazi agenda to disempower the masses so they can round them up and eliminate them en mass at will… the bilderberg group has been talking about the problems of overpoulation…

  5. Lou Lange says:

    Having family in CT, Ifollowed this story closely all day.
    The “second shooter” angle at this time is unfounded but is still being looked into

    Two more children lost their lives bringing the death toll to 28.

    This is a huge blow for Newtown, CT which joins those towns touched by violence. This wound will not heal easily.

    I still have family and many friends in CT and I ask all of you to pray for them.

  6. artwilliams says:

    Yes, it’s about mental illness but it is also easy access to guns. Here in Canada, I wouldn’t know where to get a gun. I mean that literally. You can’t go to Walmart and there may be gun stores but I’ve never seen one here in Toronto. I’ve only known three people in my life who’ve had a hand gun.

    Here’s a thought. Wouldn’t it be nice if in America, it was as easy to get mental health care as it was to obtain a fire arm?

  7. Not that easy. Years ago most states closed all the state homes and put the folks into group homes or on their own in apts. In many cases it was the right thing to do but in many other cases people that had issues and violent tendancies were put out on the streets and they fell thru the cracks.

    Alot of that is why we are seeing these violent killers are schizophrenics and other mental disorders and NOT taking their meds. Some of these people were watched over when they got the meds in an institution and now there is no one to watch over them except their imaginary 6 foot tall bunny friend thats telling them to kill people.

  8. Sandy Bunz says:

    The billionaire crowd want gun control so they can heard the people like sheep. If the teachers had pistols the punk would have thought twice. As it is mainstream media glorifies action heros and video games glorify agressive killing games. Don’t be simple minded and blame the second amendment. It was put in place so tyrants would not outlaw smoking, soft-drink sipping, self protection, genocide and
    slavery. The problem we have in society is that the ultra rich know that average people with guns can not be slaughtered or enslaved easily. People with-out guns are slaughtered by those with the power. If the people rebeled against our government, the military would shoot down our people. The people need guns to avoid slavery.

  9. jeremysteele11 says:

    There is a clear connection between the proliferation of psychotropic drugs and direct, not side, effects, such as homicides and suicides. But ask your doctor if he no longer wants the big finacial kickbacks the Big Pharm tosses him.

    But this to me seems more than just drugs. Sure we Americans hypocritically get off on violence as entertainment, but who the fuck kills children in mass except someone being manipulated by something satanic?

    Jim Morrison said something once that applies to those who push and rely upon depression meds and this societal/medical theory that we have to suppress our feelings instead of live through them.

    “People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that’s bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they’re afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they’re wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It’s all in how you carry it. That’s what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you’re letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain.”

    What word put this comment on moderation, Cindi?

  10. jeremysteele11 says:

    While we wait for Cindi to approve my last message from December 15th, 2012 at 2:31 p for God knows what reason (maybe God doesn’t know, either), stretch your minds like a pliable cunt to receive the big picture… Bildergberg Group member Ted Turner advocates reducing the population by 95%. And also lovable Bilderberger Bill Gates has expressed similar sentiments. They need this constant beat of terror to rob us of our power to defend ourselves from the big agenda/”conspiracy”. The ghost of Hitler is drooling right now in antici…. pation. The WWII Jews were just a dress rehearsal…

  11. RobfromMarketing says:

    Steele, you’re out of your shit man, cocaine is a helluva drug.

  12. jeremysteele11 says:

    Oh noooo. You hurt my feelings, Rob. I never saw it comin’, either.

    Anyways… until you go down the rabbit hole and research MKUltra, Skull n Bones, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Group and the Freemasonic symbols, not only all over D.C. and this nation, but the world, and their founder Albert Pike, who literally believes that Satan is God… until you research all this and other shit, like Bohemian Grove’s satanic human sacrifice rituals while wearing KKK -looking gear… until you investigate all this shit, keep your silly comments to yourself. Fiction ain’t got nuthin’ on what’s actually goin on. Project for a New American Century said we need war in Iraq and Afghanistan but there’s no good excuse to mobilize the people unless we have a “new pearl harbor”. I wish this was all just a bad cocaine trip, I could get off that.

    And what’s really a helluva drug is that t.v. that dulls your brain with American I-Dull and Controlled News Network.

  13. jeremysteele11 says:

    Fuck You Obama interrupting the 49ers/Patriots game with your lame cue card reading bullshit in lieu of the planned gun ban. They could’ve put the puppet up in a mini-screen instead of missing the game of the week.

    Anyways, the suppressed evidence is out. There was a guy chased into the woods at Sandy Hook, filmed by a helicopter. This news story is being buried.

    I’ve heard the t.v. clip mention two shooters.
    This information is being buried.

    A 20 year old is dead on the ground, another is chased through the woods and another is prone on the ground at the southeast corner of the school.

    Homeland Security just “coincidentally” had a terror drill (“Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program” or HSEEP) planned at the same time and place of the Sandy Hook attack (at the Sandy Hook Fire Dep’t at 18 Riverside Rd.), just like FEMA was at ground zero before the attacks in NY on 9/11 and terror exercises being done at the precise locations of the London 7/7 bombings.

    Ryan Lanza’s facebook (from Hoboken, NJ) showed him saying “I’m on the bus home now it wasn’t me” and then saying “Everyone shut the fuck up it wasn’t me”.. then it was found out the brother Adam, who was shot and killed had access to Ryan’s facebook page.

    It was said that “The gunman was wearing dark clothing and wearing a mask. a bulletproof vest and four guns”. The Colorado shooter was also geared up and wore a mask and somehow had easy access through a side door and was “identified”.

    The alleged shooter’s dad, Adam Lanza, is scheduled to testify in the LIBOR scandal. James Holmes (the alleged Colorado shooter)’ dad Robert was also scheduled to tesify in the LIBOR scandal!

    As reported on ABC news, two shooters, one dead, it wasn’t sure when it was reported whether he killed himself or was shot. There’s a total of three shooters reported. But now media is sticking with one shooter… of course they are, they’re the servants of the illuminazis pulling this shit as the excuse to get rid of guns, murdering children right before Christmas, knowing they’ll more easily pull heart strings to push a fast anti-gun legislation. Obama’s speech acknowledged this being the 4th mass shooting in his tenor and that “we” haven’t done enough.

    I’ll provide links on the next comment which will eventually get approved, I assume.

  14. jeremysteele11 says:

    In case you don’t know by now the Connecticut kid killing is a HOAX… provably so, as the above site, with many links, shows. : The victims are still alive! The mourning parents are actors, probably paid very well, working for Uncle Scam to disarm Americans! Stupid Obama is in photos posing with one of the alleged victims Emelie Parker. Her Daddy was caught laughing and joking around before the main cameras start rolling and he suddenly went into sobbing mode like an Oscar nominee. Nick Phelps and his wife, parents of two allegedly killed children, have been discovered to actually be Richard and Jennifer Sexton of Florida. The medical examiner was on camera, going “Uhhhh” a lot and laughing during the Q&A! There a lot of photos of people laughing right behind people who are crying. This is a nazi scam!

  15. Seriously Jeremy? Its a hoax? You seriously need to put your tin foil hat back on and calm down.

  16. I own 9 guns. I have 3 within reach of my bed, 2 hand guns and 1 12 gauge mossberg shotgun.

    I don’t see a need for assault rifles. However, since there will NEVER be a way to take guns from bad guys, the good guys should have every right to have them.

    Gun laws will NOT affect bad guys having guns at all, as it has proven in Washington DC where there has been a gun ban for years, yet has one of the highest murder by firearm rates in the US. The laws will only keep non-criminals from being able to buy them legally.

    I live in Florida where we have concealed weapons permits and stand your ground laws where protecting your family and defending yourself is lawful. We have 10% of the home invasions and residential burgaries that California and Washington State has, where there are no such available laws for cititzens. If you break into a home here chances are you’re going to be shot.

    So please, tell me this. If someone forces themselves into your home with guns, are you going to be confident defending yourself and your wife or kids with that baseball bat or kitchen knife? Fuck no you aren’t! I’ll take my Mossberg 12 gauge anyday and my H&K 38 and my S&W 45.

    When you figure out a way to take guns from gang members and murderers then I will gladly hand over mine.

  17. Today the NRA is calling for an armed officer in each and every school in the country. Haven’t decided yet if thats a good or bad thing. Lots of pros and cons about that. They are blaming the violence on video games, movies and TV shows that are violent.

    I’m sure it plays a factor in it but there are 2 bigger factors not being adressed. The first is the erosion of the family unit. Too many bad parents or overworked parents not able to raise their kids with a proper value system to respect and chrish human life. People aren’t able to spend much time with their kids because they working their asses off trying to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.

    Secondly there are too many dangerous folks with mental health problems roaming the streets and either not being monitored, diagnosed, not taking their medicine, and many other issues that go with that.

    There are no funds to deal with these issues but there is billions of dollars to run for president and trillions of dollars to fight wars one after another around the globe.

  18. Michael Whiteacre says:

    I too am dubious about the violent video game theory, but I think the idea to have armed protectors at all schools — the way rich people do at exclusive private schools — is a great one. It’s also how they do it in Israel, and one doesn’t see school ahootings there.

    The indisputable fact is that “gun free zones” are nothing more than helpless victim zones. Did you know that the Aurora, CO shooter had a choice of over a dozen nearby cinemas to attack? He did not choose the cinema closest to his house. Lots of people carry guns legally in Colorado, and the cinema he selected was the only one had signs posted indicating that even legally owned/carried guns were not permitted inside. He chose a venue full of helpless victims — a gun free zone.

    Ft. Hood was also a gun free zone, by the way — servicemen had to throw chairs at the armed killer.

  19. Michael Whiteacre says:

    With just one single exception, the attack on congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson in 2011, every public shooting since at least 1950 in the U.S. in which more than three people have been killed has taken place where citizens are not allowed to carry guns.

  20. jeremysteele11 says:

    “Seriously Jeremy? Its a hoax? You seriously need to put your tin foil hat back on and calm down.”

    Karmafan, you suffer from the all too familiar instantaneous reaction without any investigation syndrome… yes I’m aware with how crazy it sounds but you gotta investigate BEFORE drawing conclusions.. if not, you’re the one who’s crazy, in other words brainwashed and manipulated by your t.v.

  21. jeremysteele11 says:

    Look at this jackass, phony “Medical Examiner”, Karmafan. Are you really falling for this shit? The CIA is laughing their asses off at you fools!

  22. jeremysteele11 says:

    This guy likely has no knowledge as Medical Examiner. He certainly displays none. And even if he’s looked at 1000s of dead bodies do you think his buffonery would be so insensitive to what he witnessed?…. Supposedly each dead child was shot multiple times… Even if his heart was so heavy from experience that it wouldn’t break, there’s no way he’d act this way. And this is only the tip of the iceberg as far as the “witnesses”, professional and otherwise are concerned.

    The gov’t knows the people bought other mass shooting bullshit official stories, including the Bin Laden hoax, knowing few demanded to see proof of some kind, or why an unarmed suspect who never had been tried and interrogated for 9/11 was shot dead. They know it’s X-mass time, where people’s hearts will be even more affected and pliable to accept Hitlerian gun bans, which IS the agenda!

  23. jeremysteele11 says:

    Anyways, I shouldn’t have said victims are alive, I should’ve said what I’ve seen suggests that they may be, or some at least. Did you know alleged killer has been MIA 3 years? Alot of strange shit in this case.

  24. Sandy Bunz says:

    Mr Steele is alert the tyranny of our worlds bankers and skull and bones institutions. I actually think the CIA should be prohibited from clandestine operations and drones inside the borders of the USA.
    The NRA speech Friday morning was pure truth spoken like Ron Paul does. The pathetic leaders in our government were upstaged by truth. Video games are vile. The government owned media ignores good ideas and instead lies with propagada
    endlessly. Piers Morgan is an example of a tool of such media. His wiretap activity , when he worked for Murdoch caused the death of a little girl in England. If it were up to me both Murdoch and Morgan would be on death row.

  25. RobfromMarketing says:

    For a Republican party who’s so concerned about budget cuts, putting an armed guard in schools is a terrible idea. Who’s to say a potential gunman won’t go after the guard first and surprise him? Why wouldn’t the guard flee for his life if he saw multiple gunmen approaching? School shootings are horrible, unfortunately they will most likely continue – that’s the world we live in.

  26. Michael Whiteacre says:

    President Bill Clinton was the first to suggest, then implement, armed guards in schools. Funny that the Democrats didn’t balk and complain then. It’s called Selective Outrage Syndrome.

  27. jeremysteele11 says:

    If you want to read something fascinating, just out, do a google search on the article titled “MK-ULTRA. Links To The Sandy Hook Assault” By Yoichi Shimatsu
    12-20-12 It says MKUltra mind control is connected to paedophile rings and is behind the shootings.

    I apologize, I shouldn’t have said no one was killed, due to photos I saw which seemed to show Emelie Parker still alive with Obama, but it might’ve been the surviving sister wearing the same dress as another photo which shows Emelie wearing it.

    On the other hand, we have multiple family witnessed who have not seen their family members, one member looked in a casket that was empty which was supposed to have their child.

    Still, parents are supposedly not allowed to see their kids allegedly dead bodies. What gives authorities the fucking right?

  28. jeremysteele11 says:

    Something else interesting, more DARPA/Batman/Sandy Hook connections…

    Friday, December 21, 2012
    Nancy Lanza, CIA Analyst, targeted in Sandy Hook Massacre Retribution

    The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

    Nancy Lanza, CIA Analyst, targeted in Sandy Hook Massacre Retribution
    Posted By: Infoeditor [Send E-Mail]
    Date: Friday, 21-Dec-2012 16:41:28
    In Response To: Did CIA Drone Strikes Cause Sandy Hook School Massacre? (Infoeditor)

    Nancy Lanza, CIA Analyst, targeted in Sandy Hook Massacre Retribution
    “UNITED States of America – It can now be reported that Nancy Champion Lanza, the mother of the alleged Connecticut shooter, Adam Lanza, was a CIA P2 analyist working for the Defense Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and also for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
    DARPA specializes in the use of simulated video internet games for the purpose of mind control and staging psyops.”
    Tom Heneghan’s post at;
    You will note that the “simulated video internet games” relates to the training of operators of PREDATOR DRONES AND DRONE ATTACKS which have been used against foreign children as in Pakistan.
    It could actually be as ‘Harleyhooch’ mentioned, that Adam Lanza’s body may have been dumped at the scene of the Sandy Hook shooting massacre after someone assassinated him and his mother.
    Also see
    “MKUltra was allocated 6 percent of total CIA funds.” In the article,
    ‘MKUltra, the CIA, video games and the lanzas’ at:
    At any rate, whether some US intel ops killed Nancy Lanza and did the massacre, or whether foreign commandos did it, it still resembles a hit on a C.I.A. department or ops, a retribution, if you will.
    Posted in addition to below article and video
    : Did CIA Drone Strikes Cause Sandy Hook School Massacre?
    : In the event a commando team was hired to begin murdering U.S.
    : school children in retribution for the C.I.A. drone attacks
    : which kill foreign children, it is not comfortable to
    : accept the fact that it is all funded by U.S. taxpayer
    : dollars. We reap what we sew and we have perpetrators in
    : C.I.A. and other secret departments which are sewing us a
    : whirlwind of destruction, literally. Stop funding the
    : bastards right now!
    : I left posts asking these questions: IF FOREIGN COMMANDOS
    : http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=263992
    : What Language Do The Sandy Hook 2nd Shooters Speak?!!
    : Retribution Against US?
    : http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=263991
    : This narrator seems to hold a generic position that Lanza
    : committed the Sandy Hook shooting, which I don’t agree that
    : Lanza did it, but at least the theme mentions the killing
    : of Pakastani children.
    : We Should Show Images of Dead Pakistani Kids
    : http://youtu.be/mVSATFRQAI0

  29. jeremysteele11 says:

    Funny how our nazi nation targets foreign countries that have or allegedly have weapons (as if they don’t have the right to defend themselves), while simultaneously targeting American citizens, as if they don’t have the right to defend themselves.

    Sandy Hook is being used/staged to erase both our 1st and 2nd Amendments. Facebook, which is serving the CIA, is currently deleting accounts of people who question or challenge the official version of events that the media is putting forth about Sandy Hook and other massacres.

    And Obama wipes away a fake tear, talking about the preciousness of children while drone bombing and killing many scores more of children in Pakistan. N—-, please! Don’t you realize, Barack, you’re bombing brown people!!!

    And where was the outcry when the FBI killed more people in Waco then were killed in Sandy Hook, and burned alive?

  30. Waco and Ruby Ridge were spinned to be crazy cultists or extreme anarchists, much different then 7 teachers and 20 preteen school children.

  31. jeremysteele11 says:

    It’s been proven Ruby Ridge and Waco were massacres carried out by those supposedly on “our” side… just like Kent State was… yet we’re supposed to give up our 2nd amendment and trust these thugs and scumbag killers. Yeah, gun control works, just ask Stalin, Hitler and others.

    Just think about it… this one, two punch they’re in the process of trying to carry out… removing our right of free speech and of protecting ourselves… Jesus!

  32. jeremysteele11 says:

    And btw, any acts to remove or suspend our constitutional rights is a willful act of Treason!

  33. jeremysteele11 says:

    So, possible second gunmen have been observed in: Sandy Hook (man in camo in woods, plus possibly a third shooter), Fort Hood, Norway, the Underwear Bomber, and Aurora (not to mention anomalies of him getting in as he was dressed, gas cannisters thrown from both sides of theatre and rigged apt that he could not have gotten out of himself without triggering it)…and note how major media scrubs these stories clean and don’t follow up or comment on them more than once at best as if they never happened!

  34. jeremysteele11 says:

    And the “medical examiner” (that guy laughing a lot, making jokes, talking about himself a lot and going “uhhh” a lot) said that an assault rifle was used to kill everyone. The assault rifle was found in Adam Lanza’s alleged car (which radio dispatch identified belonging to one Christo­pher A. Rodia, born in 1969) and four hand guns were found inside the school!

    This is a scam!

  35. jeremysteele11 says:

    I have a youtube video up now titled, “Sandy Hook Hoax! ‘Victims’ Emilie Parker & Jesse Lewis still alive, posing w Pres. Obomber!” It gets right to the point and will only take up 2 1/2 mins of your life!

  36. RobfromMarketing says:

    Can you just please make it 39 already?

  37. jeremysteele11 says:

    sorry u beat me to it

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