I voted for Obama. And if I lived in LA, I would have voted NO on measure B. After all the data spinning, and word twisting from both sides, the bottom line is Measure B is BAD for the porn industry and a waste of money for taxpayers.
Whether you agree with my vote or not, please just go VOTE!
I voted for Obama as well. Neither guy is a great choice but Obama is the lesser of two evils. If I lived in CA I would have also voted NO on B.
The system we have now is not working. Each party does whatever they can to cock block the other party’s bills because their party did not put up that bill. So nothing gets done that’s best for the average citizen.
The president, Senate, and Congress pretty much ignore what the voters want until its election time and then they suck your ass for your vote. Its all about money and keeping those in power happy, rich and keep or increase their power base.
This election its been estimated that $2,000,000,000 was spent for the presidency. That’s an obscene amount of money that could have been spent on many worthy causes.
They have to spend a lot of money coz neither can let the truth speak itself. If Romney wasn’t such a Mormon n a flip-flopper his election would b a shoe in n his son Tagg wouldnt as Forbes revealed buy electronic voting machines in Ohio, Colorado, etc.
I’m surprised u didn’t have an erection poll, cindi.
Sadly it looks like Romney is gonna win this and the republicans will control the House (baring some kind of a miracle). Four years ago republican policies and the republican president ran this country right into the ground, went to war in other countries on false pretenses and Obama has struggled to turn things around while being blocked at every turn by the republican party. Now we are gonna be back in the shit again with them.
The stupidity and gulibility of the American people knows no bounds.
Obama didn’t struggle to turn things around. He thanked Bush for his “great service” upon inauguration, continued and accelerated Bush’s policies, and fucked America even worse. He’s a disciple puppet of Zbiginiew and had more war lust than Bush in certain ways, including a call for bombing Pakistan, accelerating the Afghan conflict and his refusal to vote for Kerry’s immediate departure of forces from Iraq. He oppossed winter assistance money for poor families (LIHEAP) and rejected Senator Clinton’s call for a freeze on home foreclosures. Obama talked aboit bringing the country together but used the race card to identify and
mobilize groups while ousting elders from his “Obamacare”.
Karmafan is right about the Repukes controlling the House, but Obama wins the Presidency. Karmafans description of the Repuke party is quite correct.
Jeremysteel is totally wrong about everything he said.
You are right Abe, when I posted my message a few hours ago the news had Romney in the lead with electoral votes. Romney still has 1,000,000 more votes then Obama. Obama won Ohio and the election. First time since FDR an incumbent president loses the popular vote and wins the electoral college,
Well, Obuma’s back.. more hope n change. I was wrong about Romney rigging the election, that’s all.
Did u hear about Colorado being the first state to legalize pot for recreational use? Now, that’s change I can believe in! No need for stupid doctor visits n claims of anxiety n glaucoma to a guy who looks like Fonzerelli wearing a white coat.