This is part of an interview Marcus did with the Daily Beast where he says he has stage 2 syph, perhaps thats why the shot didn’t work?
Read the whole thing here DailyBeast by Richard Abowitz
Q: What were the symptoms that sent you to the doctor in the first place?
A: What I noticed is that I was getting a rash, which turned out to be stage two. So, stage one came and went, and I was only recognizing stage two.
Q: So, you didn’t notice anything was wrong until you were already in stage two?
A: Right.
Q: Do you have any idea how many people you had been with while you were contagious?
A: Before I got the shot, I don’t know. I don’t know. I wasn’t working as frequently as some new guy or something. But I had some scenes. I could say a handful a scenes, a handful of girls. I don’t know the number specifically. We are trying to find out. It could be 10 or less.
Q: Then you also did three scenes, according to reports, when your test was still positive where you altered the test. Do you know how many of these people have tested positive for syphilis?
A: No one has come up positive for syphilis. There is no one I’ve been with who had it.
Q: So, as far as you know, even today, you don’t know of a single person you exposed who got the disease?
A: Right.
Q: How hard was it to fake a test?
A: Honestly, it wasn’t that hard at all. I sat in my office. I had a copy of the test. I literally folded it once. It made me pause. And, I decided to make a copy of the test, and that made it look like a regular test. That was stupid. It wasn’t necessary. All I had to do was explain that I had taken the shot and I had been treated. I could have explained it. But I thought it would be a lot harder to explain it. It was very bad judgment.