Faked Tests/ Penicillin Time!

OP/ED by XXXMed (an adult industry insider with medical knowledge who wishes to remain anon)

First of all, If you work in the industry get tested right now, and get a penicillin shot. Tell the doctor you suspect you have been exposed to syphilis and you want a penicillin shot IMMEDIATELY!!!!!

Faked tests in the adult industry are actually a very common occurrence. For Example- Performer X gets a clean test from AIM on the the first of the month.  On the tenth of the month he goes to another clinic because he is getting that little tingling feeling when he takes a leak. He tests positive and gets a prescription from that other facility, but in the meantime keeps right on working with his ‘clean’ AIM test. This is no secret among performers, agents and producers. Not to mention the Tijuanna pharmacy , getting hundreds of  doses of Zithromax at a time that performers would take a few days before their monthly tests.

What this current individual has done regarding the syphilis test is not only morally reprehensible, but a legal violation as well.  And it is certainly cause for civil litigation for any person they worked with.  I also wonder if any of these companies they worked with have notified OSHA of this. I certainly expect County Health to notify OSHA, and I also expect OSHA to seek employment records from the agents who have gone on record as representing not only the offending individual, but one of the exposed individuals as well.
There is a fine line between what this individual has done, and what is common practice regarding testing outside of AIM in the past. While the AIM tests were never altered, the performers who had positive tests from other clinics are certainly committing a fraud when they presented that AIM test as accurate to their employer, and to the other performers they have worked with.
The County Health Department has a legal duty to investigate. It will be interesting to see if possibly exposed individuals will be advised  not to cooperate with County investigators. Time will tell.
And what about exposed individuals who may be testing in other states? Their results will not be sent to LA County Health. Hmmm, wonder how many people this might include?
Lets see what the ‘self policing’ industry does regarding these illegal acts of this performer.   Its just too bad there is no way to blame Sharon Mitchell for this one. (lol)

18 thoughts on “Faked Tests/ Penicillin Time!

  1. PeterRomeroxxx says:

    That Mr. Mucus, needs to go to Jail along with eerybody else for covering this all up. Fsc, AVN, Manwin, everybody involved. And, so the piss out of them.

  2. This is the dumbest advice ever

    NEVER EVER EVER take antibiotics when nothing is wrong with you unless told to do so by a doctor prior to surgery because you are at risk

    premedicating on the idea that you MIGHT have syphilis is a dumbass idea and anyone that suggests you do so at this point (5 infections) should lose their license, assuming they even have one .

    hey peter does this make my tally 30,000 hoes saved now ROTFLMAO

  3. Michael Whiteacre says:

    Funny how the gum-flappers never have a solution; they only tell you how dumb everybody else is.

    First of all, no one will be forced to take anything. But if a producer or a performer doesn’t feel comfortable shooting with you unless you do, he/she will find someone they do feel comfortable with. It’s the right of those people to do business and/or performer sex with, or eschew doing business and performing sex with, anyone they choose.

    Second, performers are welcome to wait 90 days and test clean. If people want to work with them, they’re back in business. There is no RIGHT to be an adult performer, or to have people accept your test results.

    STIs will ALWAYS exist. Look at the STI rates in California (and elsewhere); they are alarmingly high. This represents a failure of our public health institutions to promote the general welfare. Porn did not create this situation, porn is a victim of this situation.

    If you want to solve the problem of STIs, it has to be done through public health institutions, by reaching out to, testing, and treating at-risk populations (with MSM & African Americans at the top of the list). MSM also have some of the the highest syphilis rates, by the way. 46.2% in San Francisco!

    Porn’s problem is not STIs. The problem in porn today is a lack of notification and work stoppage protocols THAT ARE UNIVERSALLY SUBSCRIBED TO which stop infected people from working. When you REMOVE infected people from the talent pool, you curb the risk of infection. That was the AIM model, and it worked.

    The TTS model means no notifications, no protocols for work stoppages, and no aftercare for performers who turn up sick. TTS does not reflect the level of citizenship that this industry requires to self-regulate. Which is exactly why AHF and the other porn haters love it.

  4. So when are we going to find out who the jack ass is that faked his test in the first place?

  5. Larry Horse says:

    By the standard that the patient zero of this syph outbreak should be indicted? Where was this standard when Marc Wallice did what he did, penicillin can stop syphilis, in the late 90s, with HIV, the future was unclear. Wallice should have been in the joint anyway.

  6. Kelli read the 1st post in this thread.

  7. I think Wallice should have been publicly hanged at the very next AVN Expo. With so many conventions these days one does not have to wait until January….

  8. Anthony Kennerson says:

    Ummm..I had to take vaccines every 10 years for the past 40 years of my life…and I’ve never had tetanus in my life. I’ve also had to take a vaccine for Hepatitis B once because I inadvertantly used a toothbrush of a family friend whom had a past medical history…and yet I managed to stay clean.

    I’m sure that taking penicillin or any other antibiotic is probably not going to affect your system that badly, unless you happen to be allergic to it. If you are not for that, simply wait until everything cools down, then get both the RCR and the backup tests to make sure you are clean, then just wait 10 or 30 days until everything runs its course.

    And once again, if FSC needs to be jailed, then ATM and TTS need to be executed. They’re the ones who really did the coverup.

    And..until Mr. Marcus reveals himself to be the actual “Patient Zero”, I will assume innocence until proven guilt. If he Is in fact the fiend, then he deserves all the contempt he’s getting. And more.

  9. “If you want to solve the problem of STIs, it has to be done through public health institutions, by reaching out to, testing, and treating at-risk populations (with MSM & African Americans at the top of the list). MSM also have some of the the highest syphilis rates, by the way. 46.2% in San Francisco!”

    Michael, I think 46.2% of syphilis cases in San Francisco came from MSM.

  10. christianx says:

    haters gonna hate – this has absolutely nothing to do with me, but still some douche wants to try to be a comedian. lol

  11. RobfromMarketing says:

    I just got off the mobile with Clint Dempsey, he said he doesn’t want you wearing his kit ever again.

  12. Larry Horse says:

    C3X, you really asked for good places to find trannies in Oz? With all that Aussie pussy? Why? Or is it a work thing? Heard some shit from Diane Duke trying to defend the performer with the Siff-folis. Why do certain people defend assholes who put other people at risk? Like Whinestein when he used Derick Burts as a victim, when he was just some dumbass rentboy.

  13. Third Axis says:

    Duke and the FSC needs to very, very careful about how they handle this. To show even the slightest degree of sympathy or protection for “patient zero,” if he in fact used a falsified test result, completely undermines their entire agenda, IMO. Their only legitimate reaction should be to strongly and unequivocally denounce this individual, and make an immediate statement to that effect. The mainstream media is already all over this story, and I can only guess what shitstorm the AHF has loaded and ready to unleash.

    This is critical damage at the worst possible time.

  14. Duke has already been in damage control mode trying to blow this off as some sort of a mistake or accident on Mr. M’s part and it was not purposely falsified.

  15. I can’t believe I’m going to defend Mike South but LOL

    He isn’t wrong when he warns against taking antibiotics needlessly.

    Taking antibiotics isn’t the same as taking a vaccine. Antibiotics if taken to often or improperly can lose their effectiveness and eventually those will stop working for you, then what are you going to do?

    So before you jump down Mike’s throat about what he said, keep that in mind.

  16. jeremysteele11 says:

    Taking any poison repeatedly will destroy you. Repeatedly taking antibiotics destroys the guts ability to fight infection. That was just part of the problem that the original AIDS risk group- the fast track living gays doing club drugs every night buttfucking each other, etc.,were also popping antibiotics every night and destroying their immune system in what was stupidly called GRID (gay related immune deficiency) before it took on the iniversal trm AIDS. Telling people to get on antobiotics and drop bombs in your body on a regular basis is asking to die and a really bad idea, butthis is modern western medicine’s protocol-

  17. PeterRomeroxxx says:

    Don’t take them if you don’t have too. Let your Doctor decide that for you. And we should give Mr. “syphillus” Mucus the antibotics over and over, again and see how he does with them.

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