NL-Spent some time today on Its a website that shows financial & personnel info on Non-profits. Guidestar posts information that is available to the general public and promotes Non-profits transparency. I will be posting more in the near future, but here is an interesting little tidbit I found.
Protecting Adult Welfare (PAW) is an org that has been run for years by Bill Margold. If you have a comment or explanation on this Bill, I’d be happy to post it.
This organization is not registered with the IRS
This organization is required to file an iRS form 990
This organization’s exempt status was automatically revoked by the IRS for failure to file a Form 990, 990-EZ, 990-N, or 990-PF (NL- those are financial forms) for 3 consecutive years. Further investigation and due diligence are warranted.
Has Margold been collecting money for his bullshit charity of late? Another off topic thing here, Gene Ross has been taking aim at Mike South lately. Makes me wonder if there was a Ross-Donny Long connection when Long got in South/Sean’s crosshairs. Its dead news I know but Ross was taking South to task for some old info South posted as new…this from Ross who posted an item from an old Howard Stern rerun not too long ago as a new show.