see the clip here
Do Porn & Mothering Mix? Alana Evans on Dr Drew Show
OP/Ed by Cindi
Alana Evans appeared on Dr Drew yesterday on a show about doing porn and being a good mother. I saw a ten minute clip from the show and Alana did an amazing job of answering hard questions. She came across as intelligent, well-spoken and honest.
Alana said it is a juggling act, but her family always comes first and that she spends everyday with her son, except for the four or five days a month she works.
Dr Drew definitely was opposed to Alana’s view, but he treated her fairly. Callers to the show were split but polite.
Until… Dr Drew brought Shelley Lubben on via webcam.
I’m paraphrasing here, Shelley says that "children of porn stars are damaged. That her own daughter who is now twenty-two is still in recovery. That there were times her daughter would watch Shelly’s videos (WHAT???), that her daughter was masturbating since age four. I did really good, Shelley says, I tried to hide her from all of it. But you can’t hide it from them. Alana, you and your husband are having unprotected sex with multiple partners and not worried about what your kids will think of this in ten years.? Recovery was eight long years of learning how to heal emotionally, mentally, physically. I caught two sexually transmitted diseases. That led to me having cervical cancer where I had half of my cervix removed. I’m probably going to have to have a hysterectomy because I had unprotected sex in porn. I paid some serious consequences, not just physically, but emotionally and psychologically."
In my opinion, you can be a good parent no matter what job you have. It depends on the parent, not the job. And it is pretty obvious just from the clip, that Alana is a good mother and Shelley was/is a bad mother. I don’t think those truths would change, whether they worked in porn or In and Out Burgers. Alana takes responsibility for her family, and takes care of them. Shelley blames porn for everything SHE did wrong and takes none of the responsibility for the fact that she was a drug addicted hooker. The fact that Shelley would go on TV and talk about how her four year old daughter masturbated and saw her porn videos is absolutely disgusting. The fact that her child was exposed to sex, drugs & abuse at four years old is absolutely tragic…
And one more thing, I have to wonder if part of Shelley’s daughter’s ongoing "recovery" problems aren’t due to the fact that daughter is flaunted as a poster child of abuse everyday, on TV, radio, conventions etc… by Shelley. That in my opinion is just more abuse..