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Alexis Ford Accuses Teagan Presley of Not Paying Her Bar Tab…

NL- Did I really just write that headline? I feel like I am on People’s court, lol.  Story on Mike South about Alexis Ford saying Teagan & Josh didn’t pay a bar tab at BLUSH. Slow news day I guess. But since Tea & J are friends of mine I checked into it. Josh says they haven’t been to that club since October, when they went to see Alexis TEXAS & Blush says it never happened. So the story is TOTALLY WRONG! Alexis Ford recently split with Adam & Eve. Teagan is a long time contract star with Adam & Eve, think that has anything to do with it? just saying…

Teagan Presley Skips on a 700 Dollar Tab at Blush?
By MikeSouth of
May 28th, 2012
According to Alexis Ford, Teagan Presley and her "douchebag boyfriend Josh" skip on a 700 dollar tab at a club where she recently featured at Blush in Pittsburgh, PA.  They didn’t even tip the waitresses.
Here’s her tweet about it
"24 May 2012 @AlexisFord: Once again thank u to the broke ass pornstar who came to blush and ran up a huge tab and aint pay shit fuckeditup for the rest of us"

She later did an interview with a local radio station and calls out Teagan. 
Good for Alexis for calling these two asshats out.

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