Jeremy Steele on The Discovery Channel
(Season One, Episode One of "Blood Relatives")!
Last week I landed a 3 day gig as the lead deputy sheriff on Season 1, Episode 1 of
The Discovery Channel’s true crime series "Blood Relatives"!
This series really starts off with a bang. In fact, episode 1 is about a guy who shoots his whole family up, down in Georgia, killing everyone but the wife, who barely survives.
Joining me in this real life enactment was a real life CHP cop, portraying the fellow deputy who arrives at the scene of the crime. It was a good idea getting a veteran to assist me in reenacting the proper techniques of 911 murder calls so to better know what the fuck I was doing.
Additionally, Mother Nature lended her support, gifting us with some beautiful aescetics to the grim drama by providing a steady, medium level rain throughout the deputy squad’s arrival. The cold air provided natural fog, with a high placed light illuminating the steady rain, as the squad car rolled into the driveway, quietly with beaming eyes.
The neck of the woods we were representing was rural Georgia, which hosts rains with much more frequency than the area north of L.A. in which we were.
So, me and the real life cop are inside the Sheriff’s car. I’m driving. A walkie is inside relaying instructions for us to start driving and make our entrance.
While inside waiting we engage in some small talk; he about some of the arrests he’s made and me some of the arrests I’ve had. Just kidding, here, folks.
Following rehearsals and instructions, we get out, take a beat to ready ourselves; illuminated rain still steadily coming down as if by cosmic design; flashlights on and guns drawn.
We each walk somewhat sideways around either side of the front door. With a look of meeting eyes and a nod, I signal to him to open the door, which is unlocked. It is pitch black in there. With guns and light drawn, he crosses and enters first, covering the left side of the entrance way and adjacent hallway. Following him I enter to the right, walking
on my heels, sideways, knees slightly bent for swiftness and silence.
With my left wrist resting over my right wrist, flashlight parallel to my drawn gun, and pointing in the same direction, I quickly scope inside a glass walled room to the right, then across the living room, from center to right, intentially rolling the light through the camera lens and past it for effect. And then I see the body…
A lady (approximately 55) lies face down in a pool of blood surrounding her face.
Putting my gun back into my holster, I kneel besides her, touch her neck with two fingers, recognizing she’s still breathing… barely.
I relay to dispatch that we have one "elderly" lady down, possible gun shot to the face, still alive. Then, in accordance with the director’s instructions, I laid a reassuring hand on her upper back, rubbing it firmly, telling her to hang in there and that an ambulance is on the way.
I signal for my partner to check the area of the house to the right of me, while still looking around, and expressing various emotions which just came through the naked eyes and anchored facial expressions, as I just lived the moment instead of "acting" it.
After the living room scene was being shot, the director exclaimed "excellent!", and afterward he told me that my acting was real, natural, powerful, that the camera loves me and that I’m amazingly photogenic. He was very happy with it, and so was I. Those moments were better than a blowjob and provided an orgasm of spirit that is everlasting.
I double checked to see that my name would be in the credits, and he said, "Of course!" (under my real name: Jeremy Feit- pronounced "fight"); that I’m one of the principal actors in this. He also said he wanted to get my email to make sure I get a screening copy of the show, as well as having my contact information for possible future projects he may be involved in.
Other scenes I was involved in included standing outside afterwards talking with the Sheriff, the other deputy and foresics, as well as examining the window in the backyard which the killer broke to get into the house.
I am grateful for having this work and the opportunity to participate and give something to this project. And why wouldn’t I be?
Also, they say every set has a gopher, and there actually was one, so I got a photo of it as well, thinking of the Caddyshack opening song "I’m all right (Don’t nobody worry ’bout me)".
Additionally, during the same week, I played a Boston cop on another show, but due to signing a "nondisclosure" agreement I am not allowed to talk about any of it.
Good Times!
Good for you getting some work as an actor. Will have to watch for this series when it starts.
Think Jack Lawrence is seeing these pics and getting mad? Anyway, this is a long way from working for those cheap f*cks from your Chunky film days.
I see there is a book out that says OJs son was the real killer. Since Jeremy is a conspiracy theorist and now has the uniform to do so, he can investigate. He can work with Mr Whiteacre on a new movie after the Shelley Lubben epic. I will say Shelley does have nice fake tits.
Looking good there Jeremy. I know every time I have hired you for films you were prepared and shot your loads right on the actress’ skyward nose to splatter for an appropriate boxcover.
Jeremy, are familiar with sandy bunz?
Thanks Karmafan/Larry/Sandy. Yes, pornfan. I’ve worked for Sandy Bunz more times than I can remember. His amateur company was always good for a quick buck/fuck, however the vast majority of scenes/movies I’ve done are not anywhere that I can find on the net.
I’m sick of this O.J. opportunism, Larry. If it wasn’t for O.J., no one would know or care what a Kardashian is. The witnesses who were offered money by tabloids were dismissed in court, such as the person who saw O.J. almost running into her, speeding away from the crime scene. Yet when the defense pays much more enormous sums for forensic witnesses, they are admitted in court, and now this jackass’s book? Why the fuck would O.J.’s son kill his momma? Nicole already was beat by O.J. in the past and is on the record on a 9/11 call that he’s threatened to kill her. How did O.J.s blood end up at the crime scene, his house, the victim’s blood in his car, etc? Why did O.J. write a suicide note, asking the public to remember the O.J. they all knew and loved? How come O.J. first said he didn’t remember how his finger got deeply gashed? (“I bleed all the time”). Someone should pull on O.J. on this author. What nonsense! All those witnesses who implicated O.J. were lying, regardless if they had any money offered for their testimony, but every hired witness and book seller with alternative “theories” must be true? And why did O.J. say he never wore those “ugly ass” Bruno Magli shoes, and then a photo pops up at a golf course wearing them? I’m sure O.J.’s son has temper issues, too, but this is riduculous.
Btw, another note of interest- the caterer/craft service for the shoot was from a guy who called himself “Tony Montana” and personality-wise he was a lot like the same guy who is known by that name in the porn world.
I’m also sick of all these other Jeremy Steeles. This is like some kind of running joke. I counted at least 4 or 5 other dudes going by my name!
Let us know when they will be on Jeremy.
@Jeremy – Congrats on the gig!
@Larry – Funny line re: Jack Lawrence, but as to the Tits of G-d, I’m horrified. LOL
Only one piece of evidence was needed to convict O.J.(out of the mountain of evidence) and that is the “i bleed all the time” nonsense. Sure O.J. the same evening at approxamately the same time your ex-wife and Goldman were being slaughtered by knife you say you are cutting yourself up on stuff “rushing around” and leaving blood all over your house and then to top that off you claim you cut yourself again in a Chicago hotel room, how unlucky for you O.J. I mean what are the odds of this happening? Stupid jury…
Steele, when is you’re appearance on Storage Wars gonna air? Maybe you could get Roy a job on the show as an out of shape cop who collapses chasing after a perp. I guess Nick and Monica could get work as “stiffs”. Why dont you suggest a show about Steve Driver and other porn star killings? You could host, maybe Michael could produce and direct. Of course this would be with legit victims and perps, not Shelley’s definition.
Will do Satyric, as soon as I know. I have no idea, Larry, nor do I care. Just keep watching and let me know when you see me. My tweeter fan also suggested a show about Steve Driver. Meanwhile, that Nick East sure is stoopid. He says he’s gonna sue Cindi for posting his real name while he promotes his book under his real name. Now on he posts his real name and telephone number. Thanks, pal! Expect some constant calls from blocked numbers at all hours of the morning, uber-stupid douchebag!
Larry made a good point. I can see Jeremy hosting a documentery on the porn industry. from the tragic deaths of former porn stars(Dorothy Stratten, Shauna Grant, Savannah,,except Dorothy was a model instead. From the”Boogie Nights” era, where the industry looked out for each other. To the backstabbing that there is now.
Please elaborate pornfan, on your last statement, regarding how the industry looked out for each other vs current backstabbing. Just curious what you are referring to.
jeremy, i have no connection to the industry at all, i understood that back in 70’s and early 80’s the industry waqs pretty close knit. compared to what i read from yourself and others that the industry now is all about me, and how the male and female talent constantly fuck each other over. thats it.
“Backstaping” as Sophia would put it. I’ve nothing to say on the subject because complaining only attracts more negative experiences and I’m over it. However, I’m interested to hear what some others think about your statement.
Story going around that Sophia and Seth DICKens are back together, of course that is from Sammi Ross. What a disgrace Seth is to the Corps.
Did you know Larry that Corpse, Corps, and Corporation all come from the same root? They’re all dead things without souls.
Hey Right on!! Jeremy; Stay at this with real movie productions and such. I’m traveling to other Countries now and shooting harcore BOY GIRL shoots and getting paid $ 100,000 , Yeah 100,000 for harcore work and they’re paying me for 3 more. See what happens , when you don’t do gay work and your reputation stays good with the girls and the pay is GREAT!. I think that will make me the highest male talent(STRAIGHT) for 2012. See ya all at the AVNS and others.
Gene Ross just ran a story about an over four year old Stern show appearance by Valentina Vaughn like it was a new story. Imagine it will be down soon…maybe. Guess the Tarot cards were wrong this time. Hardest working writer in porn.
Too bad 100,000 rubles is the equivelent of $500 US dollars (I’m joking).
Rick. Congrats on your $100,000 boy/girl shoots. We all believe you, of course. I’m so glad you’ve said no to drugs.
Rick Madrid just tought me a valuable lesson. If you constantly brag and lie about your achievements (in spite of the lack of any evidence) because you need to be loved and worshipped by the entire world, but no one seems to be impressed, then just keep creating bigger lies until someone finally does believe you.
Btw, I just got booked by Dr. Evil Productions for… One Million Dollars!
The scene starts off where I blow my own little pinky.