NL- This guy is scary and dangerous, not just to those in the adult industry but to any who don’t want religion to run our government, and who don’t want women’s rights thrown back a century…
From HuffPo by Alana Horowitz
Rick Santorum on Sunday took on of separation of church and state.
"I don’t believe in an America where the separation of church and state are absolute," he told ‘This Week’ host George Stephanopoulos. "The idea that the church can have no influence or no involvement in the operation of the state is absolutely antithetical to the objectives and vision of our country…to say that people of faith have no role in the public square? You bet that makes me want to throw up."
The GOP candidate was responding to comments he made last October. He had said that he "almost threw up" after reading JFK’s 1960 speech in which he declared his commitment to the separation of church and state.
Santorum also on Sunday told Meet The Press host David Gregory that separation of church and state was "not the founders’ vision."
The GOP candidate has been doubling down on religious rhetoric in an effort to court evangelical voters ahead of Super Tuesday. Last week, he questioned Obama’s spiritual beliefs.
"[Obama believes in] some phony ideal, some phony theology … not a theology based on the Bible, a different theology," he said.
The church already influences the state. That’s why Presidents take oaths of office and witnesses swear to tell the whole truth, nothing but the truth on the Holy Bibles. That’s why it says “In God we trust” on the dollar bill. I’m just wondering when reason and humanity will influence government instead of money and the lies that money sells and buys. What about synagogue and state or temple and state?
The church and state are supposed to be separate. Santorum is a goofy guy that will lose to Obama anyway. The fact that three of the Republican candidates want to be bogged down in social issues leads me to believe that this next election will be rigged for Obama to win just like the last one.
Really would anyone vote for McCain (a rich blood thirsty neo-conservative) or Sarah Palin last time around. The warlords of both political parties should be sent to Afganistan on the next plane.
Give them a uniform, helmet and rifle and see how big of balls they really have for waging wars. The truth is they are pro war for the money. They and their neo-con buddies make a lot of blood money off of the stupid wars.
I think it was NY rep Charles Nagle that said basically the same thing. Our pols are too quick to send other people’s kids to war. The pol’s kids dont go to war, they go to the very best of colleges and never see any action unless its a fight in a bar or sex in some sorority girl’s bedroom.
Santorum wants us to go back to the 50s, the 1850s. Where kids worked on the farm and in factories. Women died in child birth at nearly 50% clip. These guys all hate Iran but almost want to put women in the same class. Rachel Maddow keeps pointing out that Republicans plead for less government, but pass laws that put government into women’s health right into their uterus. America needs jobs, not talk about abortion or limiting women’s rights.
burn the church
burn the state
burn the money that makes us hate
I’m guessing that Money Shot does NOT mean that the Church should get involved directly with the state in issues of actually protecting life after the child is born, or fighting for decent healthcare or proper workplace conditions, or for opposing the death penalty. Naaaaah…that would be Communism.
Only to regulate other people’s personal sex lives…and burn Muslims, gays, sluts, and other unGodly threats to his Middle Ages fantasy world.
No wonder this fool got his ass kicked out of the Senate. By 15 percentage points. Nice nominees you have, GOTP. President Barack Obama will thank you kindly next January 20th.
Off topic, but where does Weinstein and the AHF stand on Santorum? Also where does Weinstein stand on the sex slave trade? He’s so busy with condoms but we have young children around the world and here in the US being forced to have sex, without condoms and this guy is focused on porn valley.
That’s an excellent point, Larry (which I’ve made, as well). Prostitution, sex slavery, war, “health” aka sickness/death are huge rackets with too many of their friends buying into or reaping the rewards off it. Of course if he really cared about people’s health he’d address the points in the House of Numbers documentary which shows HIV testing is a farce, etc, etc. But then how could Weinstein be able to sell his million and 1/2 dollar home for an even bigger one?
@Larry — It’s even worse than that. AHF reportedly spent $600,000 collecting petition signatures for its LA countywide ballot measure (120K signatures @ $5 each). Wouldn’t that money have been better spent going to people in need?
Whinestein and Assholesheeits are the ones who “need” more money. The best way to make money is to pretend you’re serving some grand and nobel cause. After all porn stars have been dropping dead left and right like flies because of “STDs” and the “AIDS epidemic”, right?