Romney, Santorum, Gingrich- STRICT Enforcement of Obscenity/Porn Laws!

thanks Holly


Three Top GOP 2012 Candidates Commit to Enforce Nation’s Pornography Laws
Current Administration Continues Allowing Pornographers to Break Laws
Morality in Media
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ — Three of the leading GOP 2012 Presidential candidates have made statements committing to enforce existing federal obscenity laws if they are elected, while the current administration still refuses to enforce federal obscenity laws prohibiting distribution of hardcore pornography, according to Morality in Media.
Morality In Media launched efforts in October 2011 to contact the 2012 presidential candidates, including President Obama, to obtain their respective views on the enforcement of obscenity laws. Thousands of individuals sent emails, made calls and even spoke to the candidates in person urging them to respond to the survey. As a result of these efforts, the following candidates responded:
Former Senator Rick Santorum in a written statement:
"Federal obscenity laws should be vigorously enforced. If elected President, I will appoint an Attorney General who will do so."
Former Governor Mitt Romney in a written statement:
"(I)t is imperative that we cultivate the promotion of fundamental family values. This can be accomplished with increased parental involvement and enhanced supervision of our children. It includes strict enforcement of our nation’s obscenity laws, as well as the promotion of parental software controls that guard our children from Internet pornography."
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich in a face-to-face meeting:
When MIM’s Executive Director Dawn Hawkins asked former Speaker Gingrich if he will enforce existing laws that make distribution of hard-core adult pornography illegal, he responded: "Yes, I will appoint an Attorney General who will enforce these laws."
"Vigorous prosecution of those who violate our nation’s obscenity laws is critical now. Our nation is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography that is readily available – even to children on the Internet and in other venues," said Patrick Trueman, Morality in Media President and former chief of the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section at the U.S. Department of Justice during the Reagan and Bush I Administrations.
"Addiction among adults and even children is now widespread. Pornography is a common cause of the destruction of marriage. It leads to misogyny and violence against women and is a contributing factor in sexual trafficking," Trueman added.
MIM is asking the public to continue to contact all candidates, even those who have responded, as a means of keeping up pressure for this critical issue. The public may contact all candidates with one click of the mouse at or call them toll-free at 1-877-354-2951.
About Morality in Media
Founded in 1962, Morality in Media, Inc. is the leading organization focused on opposing pornography and indecency through public education and the application of the law. MIM is leading The War on Illegal Pornography, a coalition of more than 120 national and state groups whose goal is to stop the distribution of illegal pornography. For more information visit,, and  

10 thoughts on “Romney, Santorum, Gingrich- STRICT Enforcement of Obscenity/Porn Laws!

  1. I’m glad the republicans have a bunch of losers running for the job. None of them jump out at you as amazing the way Obama did for the dems in the 2008 election. These guys will say yes to anything if they think it will get them votes.

    Obama hasn’t focused on porno because he knows the country has much bigger problems then porno.

  2. One more thing… the vast majority of the problems in Obama’s run have been leftovers from when Bush was president. He made this mess and stuck Obama with the job of fixing it.

  3. I said this months ago. I know people in porn valley are greedy about taxes but at least Obama doesn’t want to put all of us in JAIL. You can’t be porn and vote Republican on the national level these days (Ron Paul doesn’t count).

  4. Yeah. No.

    I remember when Bush was elected in 2000. Damn near every friend I had who worked in adult entertainment was incessantly sobbing and hand-wringing about how them evil Republicans were going to “shut down all the strip clubs and make porn illegal.” It was like a giant bomb of anxiety-fueled dumb had been dropped.

    And yet, here you all are, twelve years later, still working in porn, and still thinking that the (D) or (R) behind the president’s name really makes any difference.

    So relax. Realize that there are just as many people on both sides of the political isle that would love to see the porn industry crash and burn.

  5. The only reason why that didn’t happen Guinness was 9/11. Bush was very much in the fundamentalist christian pocket and if it was not for what happened with 9/11 he would have turned his focus on adult entertainment sooner or later.

    As far as (R) or (D) you are correct. No matter who gets elected its bad for the common middle class and poor people. It takes vast amounts of money to get elected to high public offices in this country and the middle class and poor don’t have the money to support the politicians. Only the rich and corporations do. So who you think the politician is going to work for (make rules and laws)? The folks who got them elected or the ones that didn’t?

  6. Well there ya’ have it. Pornographers drove those damn planes. Take that, Steele.

  7. jeremysteele11 says:

    That’s as believable as the official story, Fartz. I know this is not an important or subject of interest to many here but those planes were windowless military planes with missles under the belly fired at milliseconds before impact, commandeered by remote control (a capability the military has had since at least the JFK administration, when top brass tried to attack and kill americans through proposed “Operation Paperclip” in order to justify a war with Cuba). WTC7, particularly the multi-million dollar 2o-somethingth level floor was the emergency command/center it was done from. A site called Pilots for 9/11 Truth will give you expert testimony of how the official story is bogus. It’s a fascinating scam. War is big business and population control. All hail the Rockefellers!

    “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” – David Rockefeller

  8. Seriously Jeremy, you seem almost as unhinged as that wonderful group of people seeking the republican nomination. You need to get off the pot now! 😉

  9. jeremysteele11 says:

    “No man is fit for our Order who is not a Brutus or a Catiline, and is not ready to go to every length. – Tell me how you like this?” – Adam Weishaupt

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