2012 FSC Board Nominations Now Open from http://fscblogger.wordpress.com/2011/11/18/2012-fsc-board-nominations-now-open/
Free Speech Coalition (FSC), the adult industry trade association, has opened nominations for its 2012 Board of Directors election. There are four board positions up for election, out of 13 board seats.
You must be an FSC member to make a nomination. Active FSC members should have received an email form that allows them to nominate candidates for election (sent through survey service Zoomerang). FSC will also post a link here, on its website and post on its Facebook page, if members would prefer to access the nomination form through those platforms (or did not receive the email form).
Any member making a nomination must supply contact information for each candidate.
Nominees must be active FSC members. The nomination form can be found by clicking here.
Nominations will be accepted through December 1st, and candidates will be announced December 2nd. The election will take place (by email ballot) throughout December.
“This is a great opportunity for members that would like to become more involved with the FSC to either be nominated, or vote in the upcoming election,” FSC Membership Director Joanne Cachapero said. “Especially now, we need the support of all our members to help choose board members that will offer their insight in some of the challenges the industry faces – including mandatory condoms, anti-piracy efforts, .performer health and safety and patent trolls.”
For more information about the election process or to join FSC, contact (818) 348-9373, or joanne@freespeechcoalition.com.
Lets see; Donkey, Fattarosi, the Earl, Fabian the Fuhrer, Shelley, Tara, Margold, Dr Mitch(where has she been?), Max…or how can forget the Pirate Hunter, Alison.
I nominate Mike South.
Michael Whiteacre is an obvious nom…
Monica, Steele, Sean the Sleuth as FSC is an oxymoron. Whitacre’s obvious intelligence disqualifies him, Steele’s should but it would be entertaining to see him at meetings.
Nice of you to say, origen, but I’d prefer to see more financial stakeholders on the board — performers, directors, shooters, etc…
Would be nice to see the board get folks that actually get things done and not just press releases and grandstanding.
If I elected my first move would be to disband it. shit can the name and start over with a goal and a fully accountable governing body
But since the prospective position is a single seat on a board of directors and not the position of High Chancellor, that could not happen.
At least AIM was getting shit done and doing something for the folks. These guys don’t seem to do much of anything except announcements and press releases. How are they helping the talent? Are they bettr off now or when AIM was running?
@Karmafan – AIM isn’t just no longer “running,” it was systematically destroyed by the cabal that is AHF and Cal-OSHA. If some other group stands ready to step up, hire the lawyers, and represent the adult industry’s interests in the OSHA process and in court, then fine. Everyone complains, but no one else has stepped up.
If you don’t think that a centralized database and HIV test verification program helps performers, then we’ll have to agree to disagree. I would’ve thought that the recent Patient Alpha case would have illustrated both the need for these elements and FSC’s resolve to get out in front of an issue which affected performers most. It wasn’t the producers or the agents or the independent labs that called a production moratorium to protect performers until the dust settled — it was FSC.
Speaking of protecting performers, I think we need do something about an epidemic few heed much attention to… yawning!
Yawning is contagious! Additionally, studies financed by special interest groups have shown that yawning causes Lock-Jaw Syndrome.
We must vaccinate everyone soon with drugs or LJS may hit us all.
Vaccination side-effects may include paralysis, death, impotence, nausea, ADHD, immune deficiency and lethargy, but that’s a small price to pay.
Ask your doctor if a piece of the action/cutback is right for him.