Porn, It’s HIgh School Drama All Over Again! Megan Foxx

OP/ED & photos by Jeremy Steele  (NL- Anyone mentioned in this feel free to comment back, Serena We’d like to hear your side.)

In order of appearance: Misti Dawn, Megan Foxx, Tessa Lane, Lucky Starr with Vicky Vixen & Nicki Hunter.

Now that I’m single again, I’m free to at my leisure interview porn starlets, and like the old days when I used to photo-journal for poontalk (now defunct, apparently) I used to just zip in out of there after a few minutes instead of spending hours there with my ex.  I noticed a couple of people I used to say hello to now pretend they don’t know me so I guess someone must have said something. I wonder what could’ve been said, but regardless, they are free to sit there like saps absorbing all the dirt and debris that flies in the wind. I’ll make sure to pretend I don’t see them anymore, as well. Either way, I’m not there to start trouble; just take photos and go.
Outside, Misti Dawn showed me the tats she got a few weeks ago and I spoke with Megan Foxx, originally from Pennsylvania and now living (and escorts, she added) in Las Vegas (although she usually spends a couple of weeks per month here, she added). Megan told me she just started doing gangbangs, has a war-on with Serena Marcus and will be talking more about her Wednesday night 7PM on Brickhouse Radio, along with her friend Casey Cumms. 
Said Megan of Serena, "I’m gonna choke her out!" Asking to clarify her beef, Megan said that Serena is telling industry directors and such not to hire her.
"Why?" I asked. "Because two home girls beat her up and her family in Pa. because she stole my stuff", she explained.
By ‘home girls’, Megan said she meant that they were friends of her, and that she tagged along and watched.
Then I asked why she would steal and Megan said because she wasn’t working enough or as much as her, and had to forge her test back in the day.
Wow. Don’t mess with Megan, folks!

50 thoughts on “Porn, It’s HIgh School Drama All Over Again! Megan Foxx

  1. Larry Horse says:

    Steele, these sure arent pics from the famed camera of death. Did you post the rest somewhere? Gee, you must have a car then too, so Roy how could such a mentally disabled person like Steele get to PSK wihtout driving or able to find the place with a cab or other transport. And I dont think special transportation is available at night to take him there.

  2. Steeles a lucky fucker, he got to hang out with Tessa Lane.

  3. Roy Garcia_01 says:

    What are you saying, Larry Whores? You say just because Germy Steele can take the bus to PSK and take cheap crappy photos, it means that he’s mentally healthy? What a fucking idiot you are, Whores, perhaps you’re a nut job, too.

    Hey Whores, do you hear voices in your head? Do you see ghosts flying by? Do you have illusions about your past lives? Perhaps you think you’re a reincarnated Nazi officer who must fight and defend the Aryan pride. Is that why you used to post that fucked up shit on PWL? Is this how you defend your Aryan pride, by trolling on porn message boards and posting crap? I’ll shit on your Aryan pride and I’ll shit on Germy Steele’s crappy phtos.

  4. jeremysteele11 says:

    Cindi, I’m really disappointed you didn’t post that other full-body photo of Misti making a funny cross-eyed face. It’s one of my all time favorites! Seriously! I sent you only 11 photos, as many as you posted of Rick’s.

  5. jeremysteele11 says:

    Also, I know I’ll be accused by someone of being some sleazy perv who asked her to do it (when I actually didn’t) but Megan also gave me a great ass shot. You should post that up too, Cindi. I’m sure the fans want to see!

  6. jeremysteele11 says:

    LittleDickDummy strikes again! Oh no, Roy please stop, you’re really hurting me! I can’t take it. I may, with the severe mental health issues you claim I have, just take it out on myself… Oh wait, No. Maybe I’ll make it a worthy achievement and go mental on you instead… Oh I’m so angry, he insulted my photography. Didn’t see it coming either. Oh dear Lord, what’s next? Won’t the Gods have mercy? That mean, mean Roy hurt my feelings. What will I do? Btw, Roy, I heard your friend Tina Lee was there at PSK last night.

    And I could ride the subway and/or bus or bike to PSK if I liked but I drove my car, thanks.

  7. Roy Garcia_01 says:

    Oh, so you have a car now, Germy Steele. Looks like ripping off porn chicks and turning gay tricks has finally paid for you. A 42 year old man has his own car, oh wait, he has a bike, too. What a fucking achievement. Have you reported your valuable properties to the social services that issues your welfare checks? And if Tina Lee was at the PSK, why didn’t you approach her and asked her about what happened at her shoot with me? What stopped you from interviewing her, loser? Let me tell you what stopped you, you know that’s a lie and you’re full of shit. That’s what stopped you. Smoke some more weed and watch a couple of more YouTube conspiracy clips, that’ll make you feel better.

  8. Larry Horse says:

    Roy, dont ever get into it with me about Aryans, Nazis, the Holocaust, Anti-Semitism. It was satire you cementhead, plain and simple.

  9. jeremysteele11 says:

    The reason I didn’t speak to Tina Lee, Roy, is because I didn’t see her, but I read elsewhere that she was there. Emy Reyes was there, too but I didn’t see her, either. I don’t rip off porn chicks, scumbag, nor have I ever turned gay tricks. Whutcha gonna make up next? I can’t wait. Who do you think you’re fooling?

  10. jeremysteele11 says:

    And idiot (Roy), what’s this stupid claim I know that Tina’s claim you raped her was a lie? She tweeted it, not me. How many women have said in porn articles on the web that you try to make them fuck you, that you’re an asshole and threaten and act on terrorists threats on girls’ families? Yes, I heard you, you say they’re all liars, but all the lies you make up about me without evidence whatsoever are all true, right TwigDickDummy? Your behavior has never changed. Look at you, now!

  11. Misti. I know you like games, but you’re taking it too far getting Xbox buttons tattooed on your arm. Seriously. You have Microsoft patents on your fucking arm. Your going to be eighty years old looking down at your body and trying to match which buttons belonged to which systems. Regardless, you look a LOT sexier than Joanna Angel who I always considered somewhat of a butt-nugget.

    Good to see Megan Foxx upholding the fine standards of the english language with all her ” homegirlz, doos dat’ does”. It’s dissapointing that her mental age hasn’t surpassed that of a thirteen year old. And people wonder why I frequently watch porn without sound.

  12. I don’t think Xbox tats are any different than the multitude of women who get a Playboy Bunny tattoo (Shauna Sands, Jesse Jane, Kayden Kross). I’ve seen quite a few women in and out of the adult biz with one of those – some of whom had no actual affiliation with Playboy even.

    I wonder when women (or men) will start getting a LIB tattoo 🙂

  13. jeremysteele11 says:

    Shut the fuck Monica with your stupid “insights” and “humor”, you piece of shit!

    I have photographed your most recent text sent to me at 1:34AM Fri, July 22, where you said “Hey I’m up again. Look if u want to get out of town you are welcome to visit me in Vegas whenever you’d like. Lots of cheap shuttles to and from there. Develop your power before you miss your window.”

    That’s amazing, if I whipped out a weird looking dick on you that I don’t have why would you text me at 1:30 in the fucking morning inviting to see you in Vegas (where you were already living at the time)? I know you’re mentally ill, Monica. You told me when we first met that lots of people think you’re crazy. That’s because you are. But at the same time, you also know you’re lying about never offering me the part of Lestat, to do a b/g scene with you in “Queen of the Damned XXX”. You started attacking me because I was responding to Mercedes attacks and when I attempted to defend myself against your unjustified attacks you attacked me more! Yet another example of when someone proves you are wrong you just can’t admit it. Your mind constantly jumps and runs away from ALL things you don’t want to face up to. Why don’t you stop posting on LIB like you’re some insightful intellectual and turn yourself into a mental asylum?

    I asked you to address my specific points, instead you resort to insults and lies which contradict all your prior sentiments. Maybe I should show up to that courthouse to testify against you, Mercedes as well as Tara. I’ll make sure to put in a good word about Michael, though.


  14. LOL, I don’t deny sending you that text. I thought you were an adult at that stage and initially I dismissed you pulling out your dick in front of me when I first met you, as you being social inept and immature and unable to decipher a “mainstream world” platonic friend from what you imagine as a “friend” who’s worked in the porn industry as being – which in your view is essentially a “fuck buddy” you may desire to have (but never can or will have).

    Since you need help remembering what you did, and since you like to broadcast everything I’ll help.

    We met at Solar De Cahuenga (a cafe up the street from where I used to live) and I had wine. We went back to my apartment and hung out. You slept over on my orange sofa (I slept on the chase lounge part of it fully clothed). We woke up that morning and for some reason you had your dick out and you were saying that you were horny while you were stroking it. I told you to put it away and you did. The fact that you had it out in front of me when I woke up is what is disturbing.

    We went back to Solar De Cahuenga that morning for beverages. I loaned you a pair of my sunglasses to wear home which you never returned (they were cheap so you can keep them). That was it.

    Considering that I overlooked your inappropriate behavior and still communicated with you and was both forgiving and I think is pretty cool on my part. I figured that you assumed I was more promiscuous than I am and gave you a chance. Now I regret doing that.

    Your real issue at this stage is that I’m not willing to work with you professionally, because you probably felt you stood to make some money by working with me. I can’t count how many times you asked to do webcam shows with me, of which I didn’t have the heart to tell you a flat out “hell no” because I felt sorry for you. I even gave you MULTIPLE suggestions as to how you and Lucky could build a site and webcam from either of your residences but you bitched about her lack of a fan base which isn’t true considering she has over 1K twitter followers. You consistently wanted to build a website with me and though I didn’t tell you a flat out “no”, I continued to give you professional advice to attempt to help you. I think you just lack drive and frankly I refuse to work with anyone who doesn’t bring an equal amount of know how to the table of any project I embark on.

    I’m sorry, but I’m not interested in developing any projects with you Jeremy and I will not be casting you in any productions I create.

    I suggest you mature and act like a 42 year old. You’re an actor so it shouldn’t be that difficult. Now go ahead post any and every text I’ve ever sent you. In the meantime I’ll try my best not to mention certain things you’ve said to me about a multitude of people you’ve currently worked for and with.

  15. Oh, and one more thing Jeremy, I just photographed the texts you sent me asking me to delete the post here on LukeIsBack to Lucky in regards to the date/time we met up for the video piece I created on you. You specifically say “Otherwise I’m a liar”.

    I’m glad I did not do as you asked because Lucky deserves the truth, and you deserve to learn a little lesson here.

    It’s time to stop Jeremy and move on. I’m very glad I learned your true nature before I invited you out to visit here as a friend. I thought you might need a break from LA back when I thought you were sane, but please remain exactly where you are – stuck in LA and stuck in your own personal hell.

  16. jeremysteele11 says:

    You’re delusional, Monica. I never had my dick out in front of you… EVER! …and this is in spite of the fact that you brought up the idea of us doing webcam (which is your main source of income, you say). You also lied about saying you didn’t pick me to play Lestat and do a b/g with you in your movie. You’re the same person who claimed someone raped you 3 years ago but you were frantically asking me if I knew his last name when Will Ryder or someone else could’ve easily told you that. If some guy raped you, why did you not press charges or not even find out his last name when you could’ve easily by now? You’re also the same person Will Ryder said you made death threats to him… on the internet, and then you deleted it. Why did you make death threats against Jeff for? Does Brady Bunch really piss you off that much?

    I’ve made this point again and again and again and again and again and again and you REFUSE to respond to it. YOU ATTACKED ME for responding to Mercedes attacks while she was literally talking ghetto, saying she didn’t like “fucking my ass” and calling herself “ghetto” in her bulk emails to everyone on her list.

    And then you go (to paraphrase) “HMMMM.. Let me analyze why Jeremy used the word ‘ghetto’. It must be because he has some inferiority complex. Maybe his mother didn’t love him”. No Moronica Fosturd, you should’ve analyzed why you were attacking me.

    And I did ask you to not mention the date and time you and I did the interview because Lucky and I were in the midst of many break-ups and reconciliations, and it would’ve been best if she did not know the time period which we did this interview, as we were back again, but she gave me this ridiculous insistence that I never talk to you again… because you’re a female. I was hoping you not mention WHEN the interview happened so Lucky wouldn’t go as crazy. I never asked you to LIE! I told you I might have told her that we shot at an earlier date than what you posted was our interview, and because Lucky is always so jealous and suspicious, I didn’t want her accusing me of being a liar. I DID NOT ASK YOU TO LIE! You are convoluting shit, after you have made up lie after lie and insult after insult which contradicts your original expressed opinions about me privately and on the internet.

    I asked you to not make certain things public like when Lucky went apeshit and called you an epithet to me for talking to you while you were frantically telling me your rape story which I didn’t know at the time you were telling me, was allegedly 3 years earlier. She never directed that language to you personally, but I stupidly told you. Soon you forgave her and you were happy when we got back together but then you go shizo (as you often do) and into a mad rage about, bitching about it on LIB, twitter and elsewhere while Lucky was attempting to apologize and asking you to not make that shit public. I also emailed you and told you your behavior was hurting her and me and your response was “I’m going to pretend I didn’t read this”. So how the FUCK do you in your brain-damaged mind feel justified in attacking me for answering Mercedes attacks after you fucking did that? And you also had the audacity of saying I should’ve checked with you first… when I was responding to her attacking me… HER attacking ME!… I could repeat this point 1000x and it still won’t get through that damaged head of yours will it? Because, when you are confronted in any way, shape or form with something you don’t like your response, just like you said in your email to me, is to pretend it is not real, to run away, to pretend you didn’t read this, or do this, or say this (such as when you threatened to kill Will).

    Why don’t you make your next movie “Kill Will”? Oh yeah, you’re calling Jeff a liar, too!

  17. jeremysteele11 says:

    Stay tuned. I just responded at 7:19PM Saturday but the comment went to “moderator approval needed” status.

  18. jeremysteele11 says:

    And while we wait for God knows what reason for Cindi to approve my response to Moronica let me make the crux of this blow up between myself and Fosturd crystal clear:

    a. Mercedes comes on and says she never liked fucking my ass, talking in a threatening manner to me, in ghetto style (“ghetto” is a word Mercedes used to describe herself in her bulk news email in regards to how she was dealing with Donkey).

    b. I respond to Mercedes lie that she didn’t like working with me, as there were never any problems between us, and she represented me for many years on her site.

    c. Moronica comes on attacking me, accusing me of asking her to “LIE” because I was responding to Mercedes’ attacks. I never asked her to lie. I asked her to not make certain things public. There’s a HUGE difference there.

    d. In defense of myself to Moronica’s attacks, I bring up the fact that she herself said she strongly disagreed with Mercedes’ approach (doctoring a false HIV+ test on Donkey and harrassing and threatening Donkey’s relatives who are innocent in all of this).

    e. Moronica goes NUTS. She declares how dare I reveal that she agrees with me about Mercedes behavior! Well, Moronica, how else was I supposed to defend myself against YOUR attacks at that point? HOW?

    Fosturd accuses me of asking her to “LIE” because I didn’t want certain things public. But Moronica wanted me to not make certain things public, as well, such as her disagreeing with Mercedes’ behavior. Therefore based on Moronica’s askewed logic she was asking me to “LIE” too!

    f. I ask Moronica on LIB why she didn’t call or contact me privately if she had issues with something I’ve said and she said “Why didn’t you contact me first”? That makes no sense. All I was doing was responding to Mercedes’ attacks. This had NOTHING to do with Moronica. Secondly, when I’ve told Moronica about the things I’ve had a problem with that she does, her response was “I’m going to pretend I didn’t read this”.


  19. jeremysteele11 says:

    I forgot to mention in my last post that Lucky also asked Moronica to not make certain things public. Neither of us asked her to “LIE”. But then Moronica attacks me, without ever talking to me first, for defending myself against her friend Mercedes’ attacks. And after Moronica attacks me, in defense, I bring up the fact that Moronica said she actually agreed with me about having issues with her friend’s behavior. Moronica wanted me to not make certain things public. Based on her own fucked-up logic, Moronica wanted me to “LIE”.

    You’re incredibly stupid, Fosturd. That’s why you analyzed why I used the a word to describe someone who already used that word to describe herself and was communicating in the very same way she says she is!

    HOLY SHIT, YOU ARE DUMB (and insane and a liar)!

  20. for those who care (and I doubt anyone does) I posted the emails from Jeremy and the phone text message here:

    Please note that Lucky states in the tweets that Jeremy has used the N word many times.

    Also note in the phone text, that Jeremy requests I alter the time and date of when I shot his video piece, because I can only assume he lied to Lucky about his whereabouts at that time (which I still don’t understand why he would).

    He states “Plz delete date we met up” – then he says “There’s an edit (button)” – then he says “Plz 4 me there’s the edit button” – and he concludes with “otherwise I’m a liar”.

    So in Jeremy’s world, I guess it’s OK if Jeremy lies and doesn’t get caught, but if he gets caught it’s someone else’s fault who doesn’t help him cover his tracks. LOL.

    In this situation I have assessed that Jeremy attempted to utilize his drama with Lucky to draw my sympathy considering that he went on and on frequently about how psychologically abused he was by Lucky and how badly she treated him etc (much like he’s done in the comments on this blog. It’s also possible that he thought that he could get Lucky and I to fight over him (maybe it was a fantasy of his – but unfortunately for him I wasn’t attracted to him romantically or sexually).

    I am not a liar nor am I crazy. I’m just kicking the remaining crap off my shoe as I move forward in life.

    Jeremy – leave me alone. I want nothing to do with you.

  21. jeremysteele11 says:

    Don’t give me that “leave me alone” crap, Monica. You started this and are not going to dictate when this is finished. The crux of the issue is you attacking me for answering Mercedes attacks. You keep ignoring this point, over and over and over. This shows you are mentally defective. You analyzed “ghetto” instead of realizing she was atacking me, stupid. You ignore this issue and the point which shows your idiotic hypocrisy (read my last two comments and the one before it when Cindi eventually approves it).

    And as you say in your last comment, you still “don’t understand” something I’ve explained to you repeatedly now. I didn’t ask you to LIE, I asked you to not mention certain things. I already explained why, above. Re-read. This is more proof of your severe comprehension problems. I already explained it to you and you don’t get it. Apparently it goes into your “I’m going to pretend I didn’t read this” file you have for yourself.

    And since my earlier comment is still on moderation I never whipped my (“werid looking” as you “remember” it) cock out on you, nor did I ever had a “crush” on you, I wasn’t trying to make Lucky jealous. You sought me out because someone put a good word in about me and you asked to contact me through Cindi. I told you I’m a mental magnet when we first met and you’re the latest proof. If I was a racist I would’ve never befriended and confided in you. Lucky was only talking defensively because you needlessly attacked her and put her in a horrifying position, after forgiving her (another point you ignore).

    You’re a total fucking stupid idiot, Moronica, and a drama queen. That’s why you acted like ____ just raped you when you called me asking if I knew his last name.

    You say I “went on and on frequently about how psychologically abused” I “was by Lucky and how badly she treated” me? Bullshit! I said Lucky has double-standards. My public complaint was how she flies off the handle when she gets mad and refuses to hear me. She says she gives %100 yet refuses to listen to me and respect me in certain ways that I absolutely require. I NEVER SAID I WAS PSYCHOLOGICALLY ABUSED BY HER, STUPID!


  22. jeremysteele11 says:

    Ok, here’s a repeat of the as yet to be seen portion still on moderation:

    And I did ask you to not mention the date and time you and I did the interview because Lucky and I were in the midst of many break-ups and reconciliations, and it would’ve been best if she did not know the time period which we did this interview, as we were back again, but she gave me this ridiculous insistence that I never talk to you again… because you’re a female. I was hoping you not mention WHEN the interview happened so Lucky wouldn’t go as crazy. I never asked you to LIE! I told you I might have told her that we shot at an earlier date than what you posted was our interview, and because Lucky is always so jealous and suspicious, I didn’t want her accusing me of being a liar. I DID NOT ASK YOU TO LIE! You are convoluting shit, after you have made up lie after lie and insult after insult which contradicts your original expressed opinions about me privately and on the internet.

  23. jeremysteele11 says:

    Gee whiz, I tried cutting a pasting just a portion of my comment still unposted and on moderation and it went on moderation too! I have no fucking idea why!

    Well, let me try pasting a smaller portion:

    I told you I might have told her that we shot at an earlier date than what you posted was our interview, and because Lucky is always so jealous and suspicious, I didn’t want her accusing me of being a liar. I DID NOT ASK YOU TO LIE!

  24. jeremysteele11 says:

    Wow, that went on moderation, too, WTF!

    Let me try again… from a portion still on moderation: I did not ask you to lie. I simply told you I might have told Lucky (who badgered me about when the interview occured)a different time that you mentioned and thus didn’t want to be accused by her of lying, since she’s so j e a l o u s and s u s p i c i o u s. It shouldn’t matter when we did the interview but I’m dealing with two nutty women here (or was dealing, collectively)!

    This is much a-do-doo about nothing as an attempt to avoid something on your part, Fosterd (that which I’ve repeatedly said is the crux of the issue)!

  25. jeremysteele11 says:

    Monica wrote to Lucky: “This is the only interaction I’m allowing you 2 have with me. Keep your negativity and dramatics in your own”

    Why don’t you fucking practice what you preach? I asked you out of respect for me to keep this matter between us. Lucky never said that shit to you. She said it to me. And while pissed off as fuck while you were telling me the r a p e story as if it just happened, I told you what she said (I big mistake of mine). Then you forgave her and then go schizo about it and then you said what she said to the fucking world. Nice friend you are or were. I told you to keep it on the downlow and you come up with this “Don’t ask me to LIE” idiotic bullshit. And THEN you attack me for answering Mercedes’ attacks.

    To quote your advice to Lucky…. GET IT TOGETHER, WOMAN!

  26. jeremysteele11 says:

    Cindi is obviously not coming in tonight so let me see if this portion still on moderation will go up:

    You’re delusional, Monica. I never had my dick out in front of you… EVER! …and this is in spite of the fact that you brought up the idea of us doing webcam (which is your main source of income, you say). You also lied about saying you didn’t pick me to play Lestat and do a b/g with you in your movie. You’re the same person who claimed someone raped you 3 years ago but you were frantically asking me if I knew his last name when Will Ryder or someone else could’ve easily told you that. If some guy raped you, why did you not press charges or not even find out his last name when you could’ve easily by now? You’re also the same person Will Ryder said you made death threats to him… on the internet, and then you deleted it. Why did you make death threats against Jeff for? Does Brady Bunch really piss you off that much?

  27. jeremysteele11 says:

    We could’ve remained friends, Monica, in spite of your self-proclaimed “social anxiety” and mental illness, but you:

    1. Refused to respect my wishes to not make the Lucky matter public. That does not mean I asked you to “lie”, stupid.

    2. Attacked me for responding to Mercedes attacks, and then attacked me more for pointing out that you agreed with my issues with her.

    It’s never too late… to medicate! Seek professional help.

    I’m serious… You’re delirious.

  28. jeremysteele11 says:

    And that’s yet another reason I hate texting: Shortened sentences and words to try to get across an essential something can in cases such as this (provided by mental case M.F.) be easily taken out of context and misinterpreted, especially when the person has it out for you (anything to do- in desperation- to avoid the crux of the issue- attacking you for responding to a friends’ attacks) and is contradicting all previous favorable opinions of you and negative opinions, even of your ex, for maximum effect.

    I told you Monica, that making that shit public would hurt her and me, and you said “fuck you” to both of us, back when I was your friend, back when I got upset with her for using a word while you were telling me you got raped.

    But wait a fucking minute, Monica. This alleged event happened 3 years ago! Why did you act like it JUST happened? Perhaps Lucky did know more about you then both I and even she realized, because all you are is sabotage. In fact that should be your stage name: SABOTAGE!

    You try to say some shit that I’m lazy. I gave EVERYTHING I HAD to a project that now floats somewhere in someone’s little puddle. Don’t give me your fucking ignorant bullshit! I also gave you A LOT of great ideas when we were talking and you (should) know it! You don’t know me and you don’t know yourself! Your bad news, Monica. Bad news!

  29. jeremysteele11 says:

    Sorry if this shit goes on and on but that’s how it’s going; a whirlwind of mentalism:

    Moronica Fosturd claims:

    “he thought that he could get Lucky and I to fight over him”.


    Actually, I realize, now that I’ve experienced how insane and ethically deficient she truly is, with her having multiple times talked to me about how she doesn’t know when she’s gonna get laid again, and her calls to me frantically asking me if I know a certain dude’s last name because he raped her… and then, a bit later… oh, by the way, this happened three years ago!

    It seems to me that someone who should change their stage name to Sabotage, might have been, in addition to wanting to bring attention to herself, wanting to cause a fight between my then girlfriend and I!

  30. If you were truly sorry, you would learn how to control yourself rather than spew out reply after reply that nobody but you will likely ever read.

  31. Larry Horse says:

    Someone call Jim Powers, lets get Monica, Lucky, Mercedes and Sophia and have The Violation of Jeremy Steele. We could also have Jerry’s Kids XXX, where Steele plays Jerry Lewis and Monica is his co-host and they bang after the board shows $1Billion. Folks, this is classic Steele here.

  32. jeremysteele11 says:

    Who you talking to Jet? Who’s sorry for what?

    Moronica thinks she’s smart but she’s a crazy idiot (thus the more apt name, Moronica). She can’t and never will answer some basic points.

    1. Why did Moronica contradict herself by forgiving Lucky in private (in lieu of the fact that it was never intended for her to hear it) and then go apeshit about it publically later?

    2. Why did Moronica attack me for responding to Mercedes’ attacks?

    3. Why did Moronica say I needed to check with her first before responding to Mercedes’ attacks?

    4. Why does she confuse requests to keep certain things private with asking her to lie? And why did she say she couldn’t fix a comment when she had several minutes left to do it? That’s called “lying”.

    5. Why did she act frantic about a rape that allegedly happened 3 years ago and asking if I knew the guy’s last name as if it had just happened? Why didn’t she press charges or find out his name by now when she could have easily done that?

    6. Why would Will Ryder say she made death threats against him if she didn’t? Or better yet, why did she make death threats against Will Ryder?

    I could go on and on and on…

    If you think you can keep coming on LIB, making your stupid comments and acting like you’re welcome here, Moronica, I will keep badgering you until you answer these and other questions. You can call that “stalking” in your hollow “social-anxiety” ridden mind, but you started this. You attacked me for no good fucking reason. I was your friend. You made yourself my enemy because you’re a crazy and stupid saboteur.

    (great, that first comment I made yesterday is still on moderation!)

  33. Last time I checked, Cindi runs/owns Lukeisback – not Jeremy.

    I think I’ll ask Cindi directly about whether or not I’m “welcome” to continue posting here, and I’ll include a screenshot of the above comment.

    (and again – for more insight in regards to Jeremy visit: )

  34. jeremysteele11 says:

    U know Moronica is crazy, Larry! You said that yourself.

  35. jeremysteele11 says:

    You have no insights, Monica, just mentally defective hallucinations. You started this. You won’t answer my points. You attacked me for no intelligent reason and then attacked me more when I attempted to defend myself. You threatened to Kill Will. U R looney tooney and seriously stupid!

    I didn’t say I owned LIB. I said as long as you come on without answering my questions or points expect me to not leave you alone until you do!

    You started this. You attacked me unjustifiably and will not dictate when this is finished.

    Being the retard you are, whenever I make a point you don’t want to ansewr you go into this “You know Jeremy is this kind of person…” B.S. evasive tactics.

  36. jeremysteele11 says:

    And what’s with this insults about my alleged looks? I have yet to sink to your level on that one. I could easily say that your ___ looks like a ____ or that you resemble a _____ with _____ ______ but I won’t sink to your level. You have to resort to childish insults because you can’t answer why you attack me for defending myself, and other questions mentioned. You’re never going to win this battle because you’re avoiding all the questions which prove you’re nuts and stupid. You compared me to M.J. Fox when you liked me and cast me to work with you. And now I’ve suddenly greatly depreciated in looks and gotten shorter, etc. I knew you were mentally defective but I never imagined it was this bad. It’s amazing because knowing you’re mentally defective, and having had too much experience with nutjobs, I went WAY OUT OF MY WAY to be nothing but nice to you, and this is what happened.

    You will be alone for the rest of your life, Monica. Mark my words. You are a mental case. You called me frantically about some bisexual guy you had a crush on dumping you and going “Why! Why! Why!”.

  37. Jeremy Steele – 42, balding, mean to his girlfriend, is ungrateful to and speaks poorly of his most recent employer James Bartholet and is approximately 5’4″

  38. jeremysteele11 says:

    Fuck you, liar! I’ve not spoken poorly of James, who I’ve not most recently worked for, but have worked for him months ago after he asked me for his assistance. Stop avoiding the important questions and making shit up. Why did you threaten to kill Jeff Mullen? Why did you forgive and then attack Lucky? Why did you attack me when I was only responding to Mercedes’ attacks? Why won’t you answer these questions but only resort to evasive tactics, lies and stupid insults?

    I was never mean to Lucky. But look what you did, you piece of schizophrenic shit! Forgiveness lead to attacks, you stupid nutjob!

    And me and Ron J. are the same height (not width, though). I don’t think he’s 5’4″.

  39. Yea, you didn’t speak poorly of James just like how you told Lucky you didn’t meet with me to shoot your video piece on the actual time and date that you did.

    I have evidence of your lies and pattern Jeremy, and now so does anyone else who might need that proof.

    What kind of guy dates and claims to love a girl (cute Lucky Starr who’s too good for Jeremy), gets work through her and actually hopes her STD test doesn’t come back in time so that he can REPLACE her in a scene that he wouldn’t be in if it weren’t for her?

    Read about it in the emails here:

  40. jeremysteele11 says:

    A sane mind can easily see through your attempts to avoid the basic questions I’ve asked you again and again.

    I was more upset at her use of the “n” word than you, I think, at the time, because you told me you were raped and you acted like it just happened and that was the worst time for her to say something like that… and then I find out this alleged rape happened 3 years ago!

    We were broken up at the time I said I didn’t want to work with her.

    You keep changing the subject avoiding my points and questions. THIS ONLY PROVES I AM RIGHT, STUPID! Otherwise you would’ve addressed them by now but can’t because you can’t admit to yourself your actions make no sense and you’re mentally defective.

  41. Larry Horse says:

    She is crazy, hot buy crazy, if that makes any sense, whereas Sophia was just plain crazy and not hot, except for that last pic of her with Seth DICKens.

  42. Half a “thanks” to you LH – but still, I’m not crazy even though it probably makes certain idiots feel better to rationalize and state that I am, being that I stand up for myself and have a great concept of self worth despite all the BS I’ve dealt with from people who’ve never become true adults. <—-proof Jeremy attempts to get others to cover up his along with evidence of his girlfriend stating the fact that he enjoys using the "N" word as much as she does 🙂

  43. jeremysteele11 says:

    Monica, you’re level of scum and idiocy is hard to fathom. You’re way too stupid to realize how stupid you are.

    First of all, MLKJr said to judge not by the color of the skin but by the content of the character. In similar vein, your attacks upon me for my alleged looks are no less low then those who attack and judge people for their skin color…. especially in lieu of the fact that I made specific substantive points and all you’ve been able to do is lower yourself to personally insulting me!

    You desperately are trying to avoid the crux of this issue. You started attacking me because I was responding to Mercedes’ attacks. You started this, not me. You were wrong! Do you contest you were wrong to attack me for defending myself against Mercedes?

    Instead of getting to the substance of the issue you sought escapist tactics and attacking me for how I allegedly look, while contradicting yourself. When you first attacked me like the psycho you are you ended your missive with “I still respect you as a performer”. But now I’m a “D list performer” you say.

    You have severe mental problems and a complete unwillingness to face this fact, or simply when someone points out when there’s something wrong with your behavior. I told you how fucked up it was for you to make the thing with Lucky public, how that would inevitably hurt her and me and your response was “I’m going to pretend I didn’t read this”. You have major mental problems to have said that. And then hypocritically you go off on me for defending myself against Mercedes? It’s obvious you’re wrong and can’t admit it, that’s why you repeatedly ignore my points. I will gladly answer your stupid racism accusations as soon as you answer why did you forgive Lucky, say you were happy we were together and then publically go apeshit about it, even after she attempted to apologize to you! This proves you are not mentally sound. You can’t even answer the fucking question, instead lower yourself to insult me for my alleged appearance? No we’re talking substantive issues. You attacking someone for their looks is just as bad as racism, stupid. And you were there on the phone when I was shocked by what my ex said. I was infuriated. I dumped her because of it at the time and you fucking dare call me racist? All of a sudden Lucky who you insanely attacked you now act like is a victim, better than me, after you went off on her. Contradictions, contradictions, contradictions. You say I’m a racist and you also say I had a crush on you.. Contradictions, contradictions, contradictions, STUPID. Larry and everyone else who has said you’re crazy are right. You keep proving it. You prove I’m right in this arguement because you repeatedly refuse to answer my points and questions and instead resort to trying to insult me and bring up other bullshit. Who do you think you’re fooling, scumbag?

    As soon as you answer the questions I’ve repeatedly asked you, which you avoid (because you know you’re wrong) I’ll gladly answer all of yours. What’s it gonna be, Moronica. Gonna continue to play games because you know you have no logical excuse for your behavior?

  44. LOL – Jeremy is still upset that the truth came out about his lies – which of course he’ll never admit to though the proof is here via his text message and emails on:

    I don’t think someone who likes to use the N word Jeremy and who’s girlfriend does as well should utter any reference to MLK…

    I’ve addressed all your little points long ago throughout my own blogs and sites. I have no need to clutter up the comments here on Cindi’s blog with info that truthfully is none of your business.

    Be careful Jeremy, guys at your age who get too upset and worked are prone to strokes and heart attacks. You’ll be 43 in a few weeks – only 7 years till you’re 50, still doing the same thing and failing even at that (with nothing to show for it).

  45. jeremysteele11 says:

    No Moronica, you’re lying and you haven’t answered anything. I’m not allowing you to escape and derail the issue by getting into that subject while you’ve repeatedly ingored my points and questions. Neither Lucky or I are racist and I’ll explain why as soon as you explain:

    1. Why you attacked Lucky after forgiving her (for something she never said to you).

    2. Why you attacked me for responding to Mercedes’ attacks.

    3. Why I’m not supposed to respond to Mercedes attacks but you can publically attack Lucky after forgiving her.

    4. Why you behaved like you just got raped when the alleged event happened 3 years earlier. Also, why you were asking me if I knew the alleged perp’s last name and didn’t already have such information which you could’ve easily obtained. Also, why you didn’t press charges.

    You are a saboteur! You say I tried to drag you into your needless drama. No, it’s quite the opposite. You’re crazy and miserable and insanity and misery loves company. You’ll always be alone because no one will ever put up with your insanity.

    I did nothing to you, Moronica when you suddenly went nuts and started attacking me for responding to Mercedes attacks. And then stupified that you claim I asked you to “LIE” (actually, I asked you to not making certain issues public), I responded that you told me you agree that you disagreed with Mercedes behavior. After that you were completely off the deep end with me and you’ve never come back… never come back… Yes, there’s a reason why Larry and others say you’re crazy. There’s a reason Will Ryder said you threatened to kill him. Now all you can do is continue to prove your wrong, crazy and full of shit by continuing to ignore my points.

    You caused Lucky and I’s breakup that night when you called acting like you just got raped. I couldn’t believe what she said, I was infuriated, I told you what she said which was my big mistake and now you parade that we’re both racists. Answer my questions or point out where you supposedly answered them and I’ll answer all of yours!

    And I deserve to quote MLK much more than you. Your behavior of knocking someone for their physicality is just as low and pathetic as any racist’s. You’re too stupid to understand that. I’m asking you to respond to my points and all you can do is toss insults and red herrings.

  46. Nope I’m not lying about a thing, but you definitely are. Here’s the proof:

    Jeremy blames others for being caught in lies and now the failure of his relationships as well. What’s next? I thought he could read but I guess not because if he could he’d find the answers to his points he so desperately needs a response from me on, directly in my official blog via a simple search.

    Again, I find it interesting that your comments as of late reflect similar language and pattern to those of the PWL attacks I dealt with for months.

    Furthermore you continue to mention Will Ryder needlessly, who publicly stood up for Fattorosi after his proven linkage to PWL.

    Could it be your public distance from Tierney is simply an act? Myself and Mercedes had the top wiki’s on PWL and we both seem to be your primary targets.

    Something is very wrong here Jeremy…

    The FBI is involved at this stage, so the truth will come out about you even more I’m sure in time.

  47. jeremysteele11 says:

    Yeah Moronica. You are to blame. If you didn’t call me frantically telling me you were raped like it just happened there would’ve never been any drama between me and Lucky that night. That doesn’t mean that Lucky and I wouldn’t have broken up for other reasons, but you caused that whole problem that night. You acted like you just got raped! WHY????? You keep ignoring my question of why did you act like you just got raped, etc.

    Now you claim you answered my questions? If you’ve answered my questions, why can’t you do it here? How about you cut and paste it if you claim you’ve already stated and I supposedly missed it.

    Ok, you stupid retard. Now you’re accusing me of being involved with PWL. Holy Shit, you’re stupid! Please find out the truth, dummy and get back to me. Your stupidity never ceases to amaze me.

    Will Ryder already tried to get it through your incredibly thick head that the jury is not out yet on Fattorosi. You attacked him when others have also said the same, including Mike South.

    What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would my issues with Tierney be an act? This re-affirms what it seemed Sean was suggesting that I’ve had some involvement with PWL. This accusation would only prove how utterly clueless the accusers are.

    Yeah, something is very wrong here… and it’s your brain.

    The FBI? Bitch, please. I’ll sooner contact someone I’ve spoken to with the BATF and have them look up your case history.

    Keep it coming, stupid moron. Keep showing us how stupid and crazy you are.

    You’re obviously not going to answer any of my questions, and it’s too bad because I’d love to enlighten you about your stupid accusations. And if you claim you have addressed my points, please cut and paste. I’ve already visited the blog you repeatedly link and didn’t see anything.

    You’re the same idiot who accused Will Ryder of being racist because a party promo flyer didn’t have any blacks in it. Go suck Al Sharpton’s dick!

  48. Larry Horse says:

    How many different threads is this feud on? Has to be some kind of record. Cant wait for Roy to chime in again, hey Roy, what did you pay the girls for your POV scenes, did you pay them per pop or did you get yourself two pop shots for one low price, something tells me the latter.

  49. jeremysteele11 says:

    He busts two nuts for one price Larry, but don’t forget the nuts he busts during his “auditions”… and speaking of nuts, when is Monica finally gonna answer my questions instead of resorting to insults, accusations and anecdotes as evasive tactics?

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