PWL Update- Good Stuff!

Donny’s money maker has been down since yesterday, and he is not spending time spreading hate on twitter like he usually does. I’m guessing he is scrambling to get his site back up.

Gossip around is that pornstar loving hackers, who have been following the fight against PWL have taken up the side of the good guys.

I’ve heard Donny’s side it down to just 2 mods, Robocop & Tor, all the rest have either dissappeared or defected to the good guy side. In general he has no posters either, except himself & his hundred aliases.

He has traffic of around 200 visits a day. I would say 1/2 of that is him and the other 1/2 is people who hate him checking up on what he is doing.

Things aren’t looking so good for the Donkey…

Donny has PWL up for sale for $50,000 according to anyone buying that would be out of their minds. Id be like buying a nest of poisonous snakes.

The fight continues, thanks to all who stood up for the case!


31 thoughts on “PWL Update- Good Stuff!

  1. Larry Horse says:

    Donkey really made money off xxxfilmjobs? How could he really have any money except from him hustling some woman. He had that flotilla of white trash houseboats that could have brought him a whole $5K, $10K? Donkey is only fourth on my porn hate list behind Fabian the Fuhrer, the Earl and Roy.

  2. And Donald has a baby! Kind of an ugly baby, but I am sure the little Seoane rugrat will eventually grow out of it.

  3. Michael Whiteacre says:

    I can see the movie title: Genetics Takes a Holiday

  4. And just like that, Donald makes her delete her facebook page. Too bad we all have every picture downloaded and friends identified.

    I wonder if Charlotte knows he has a history of assaulting small asian women? What am I thinking. I am sure she already knows.

  5. Michael Whiteacre says:

    I think all her Facebook friends would be best served if they knew about Donny’s criminal record — they should receive that info for their own safety. I doubt Donny ever brought it up.

  6. Being that most of her friends are tiny asian women, Donny has probably already slapped, punched or kicked most of them. Maybe each should receive a copy of Codependency No More along with Donny’s info?

  7. Michael Whiteacre says:

    And PWL is down again.

  8. This whole thing would be funny if not for the fact so many folks in the business got hurt and had to deal with needless drama.

    Guess Donny is finding out that Karma does come back to bite ya in the arse when you do bad things.

  9. Poor Donny has been getting his stinky ass absolutely kicked today. First his filmjobs website was hacked to shreds (much info probably acquired), his ugly baby was shown to the world, Danza removed his ads, friendfinder is currently removing their ads, Michael Tierney was exposed as PWL’s financial supporter, and now PWL crashes hard.

    Charlotte’s friends seem very surprised to find out about Donald. They had no idea who he really is.

  10. Michael Whiteacre says:

    The person I feel most sorry for is Donny’s dog. He’s learned to use Twitter, so I encourage everyone to follow him: @DonnysPoodle

  11. Michael Whiteacre says:

    I only visit that page for the music. I’m gonna rock out to that song while I enjoy a Thai martini.

  12. jeremysteele11 says:

    Shit, Mike South. Regarding Mr. Tierney. This is very sad. It’s not a complete suprise to me though. I’ve always felt a bit backstabbed by that guy ever since he elbowed me in the back of the head many years ago for no reason at a party where everyone was doing dope. I did a lot for that guy over the years and I wish I could say he did the same for me. Without my help he likely would’ve not got into porn. He’s charismatic and popular but I always considered him extremely selfish.

    You know who Michael Tierney is, right? I knew him since 1993, we were friends for a long time, he was my roommate for 6 months. I got him into this business as a performer, introduced him to Brandon Iron and the industry, he took the stage name “Joe Blow” and did very well for himself. I got him laid many times (and I’m not talking professionally, which would count as many more). I figured he was living in Thailand where he often goes and buys a girlfriend and figured he might be in touch with the Donkey. The last time I saw both him and the Donkey they were both together at PSK. Michael loves to tell secrets and tell people “Don’t tell anyone I told you” and he probably told Donkey about my “glory hole” scene. Before Donkey officially became my enemy I noticed Donkey giving me an angry stare for some reason. Michael is the nephew of the late Lawrence Tierney, the old man in “Reservoir Dogs” and gets Larry’s residuals. I helped put together Larry’s funeral/birthday party (both were at about the same time) and Michael said he “loved me” for it and was eternally grateful, or so it seemed. Lawrence once went nuts and shot his gun at Michael but missed him when Michael was Larry’s manager. “Pincus Doberman” was a name Lawrence once used and Michael adopted it. Michael used to post as Pincus Doberman on my yahoo fan group years ago. Michael is an expert at astrology and didn’t get into the business until the planets told him to.

    The funniest moment in “Evicted”, where he adopts the dumb name of “Micro” was when he was doing this fantasy rap song which went “Two weeks ago I couldn’t pay my rent. Now I’m running for President!”

    He was an enthusiast of Aleister Crowley, the Satanist, so it’s no wonder he also had the name Michael Crowley.

    I once told him about an idea “99 cent whore” and he just stole it and registered it in his own name, although like all the many other projects we had worked on nothing came of it.

    What a pal!

  13. The old man was a pretty good actor. He usually played tough guys in movies with that look and voice of his.

    He is probably turning over in his grave knowing his money backed such a hate filled website.

  14. Michael Whiteacre says:

    So that there’s no doubt about Michael Tierney being Joe Blow

    The Last Days of Joe Blow (Trailer)

    Trailer for the documentary about LA actor, Mike Tierney and his transformation from independent film-maker to porn star JOE BLOW. From controversial Director Richard Wolstencroft. Producer- Mark Bakaitis. Associate Producer- Remo Camerota. Music- Whitt (Spiderbait).

    Lawrence Tierney was a character. A real cop hater who, in his day, was known to walk up to cops and punch them. I saw him pocket some food at a cafeteria-style restaurant. He said, “My middle name’s crime and crime doesn’t pay!” and then he laughed. He also had a bunch of melons around his apartment. Larry explained that he would cut a hole in them, put them in the microwave for a bit, and then fuck them.

  15. Mark Spiegler says:


    “The gay mafia has been pushing limits and breaking several laws including making death threats to me and anyone they thought was involved with

    I got a tip from a friend that someone was offered 5000 dollars to have the police plant drugs on me which anyone that knows me, knows I dont do drugs. Another guy offered him money to have me killed. My family had also been harassed as well. All these things being done to me and others before PWL even started was what lead to PWL being put up in the first place.

    Many people have had a lot of negative lies posted about them all over the net just like I have. I left porn and retired for a reason and dont like to be bothered. I have been harassed and threatened by many since the whole thing has started and have had enough.

    I ask that all my personal info and negative lies on the net be removed including all the fake twitter accounts, Mark Spieglers hate site about me, TRPWL, Mike Souths site, LIB and where ever else. You all know what it feels like now to be exposed and harassed online and if you dont want it done to you then dont do it to me or others. I think most will understand this and if not it just shows what a scumbags you are for doing what you hated PWL doing.

    The difference between PWL and the people that fought it was PWL never broke any laws, allowing people to threatened to harm others or anything like that. The people that fought it on the other hand broke laws and made death threat after death threat, hacking, DDOSing, and many more crimes.

    Here is one of the many threats I got in my inbox from the gay mafia a while back:

    “hey donny, so how did it feel to get your email hacked bro? you mad? you >> might not be in the US, but your dad is. So, I am going to pretend that he >> is you and give him whats coming to you. hows that sound brah? Trust me. I >> got your daddys home address, I know where he works, I know what car he >> drives, etc… too bad you are too much of pussy to take it like a man and >> you gotta put your daddy in the line of fire. but oh wells bro, make your >> peace with daddy cause its almost time >> >> and just FYI – this isn’t mark or mike you fag.”

    If you want to all live in peace and see PWL stay down then I ask you to leave me alone. I have been forced to skip countries and watch my back everywhere because of the gay mob that started all of this and dont want the hassle anymore.

    Julian Assange and the real wikileaks have a lot of truth on there site and the public hates the truth a lot of the time. Julian has been hacked, threatened and even has a case brought against him people say was a setup by the government. PWL has a lot of truths on it and people sometimes just dont like the truth.

    A big difference between and PWL was that the public made PWL. I can tell you that most of the posters, wiki editors and people that made the content of the site were the porn industry insiders doing it to people that worked along side the people they were bashing. I would like to sell and get completely out of the business and off the net if someone is interested in buying it.

    What PWL did and the changes it has made for the business has been good. I look it as a mission accomplished if all that came out of it is people got to see what a site like that is capable of.

    Dont twist my words because I am not saying I am the owner of PWL but I am saying that the site was there for a purpose and the purpose has been met for now unless the attacks continue. If you would like to contact me and talk about things feel free to shoot me a email to xxxfilmjobs AT hotmail DOT com

    I will update you guys later with more but for now I have to run so be back later. Keeping Checking here for updates.

    PS. If the site reapears you can blame whoever didnt remove all the bullshit, libel and or personal info about me or others.”

  16. jeremysteele11 says:

    I’ve got too much to say and won’t say most of it… for now, at least.

    From Spiegler’s link, it looks like Donkey’s in a panic.

    Hey Donkey, don’t ask for peace, bitch, scumbag, woman-beating, DUIing, home-invading, piece of shit!

    You’ll wish there was a gay mafia running things now, before all this shit is through, bitch! When the shit from the fan hits you in your horse face it’s not gonna be like a pillow fight.

    You’re the Casey Anthony of porn, Donkey… and a lot of people don’t like you (and who’s fault is that, dummy?). Beware, bitcharoo!

    As for my old friend Mike, I am still very saddened.. and I will write more on the moron, later.

  17. Anthony Kennerson says:

    Oh, no. HELL TO THE NO.

    Please tell me that the “Joe Know” who was all over this blog and everywhere else bashing anyone not affiliated with him and Ministress Lubben and Darrah and all the others in the peanut gallery was in fact this Michael Tierney guy. Or, do I have my “Joe Know”s and “Joe Blow”s confused??

    If this is true, then that explains a plenty.



  18. Michael Whiteacre says:

    @Anthony – Joe Know is not Joe Blow. But Joe the former knows one thing: I know his identity.

  19. jeremysteele11 says:

    Anthony Kennerson,

    “Joe Know” is not “Joe Blow”. These are two completely different people.

  20. So, who was robocop?

  21. Michael Whiteacre says:

    Officer Alex J. Murphy, wounded in action and made a cyborg.

  22. Whiteacre-

    I know you’re too civilized to blow the doors open on Joeknow’s ID, but c’mon, throw us a bone or something.

  23. Michael Whiteacre says:

    As long as Joe Know slinks back to his buddies at AHF, and limits his meddling in the industry’s affairs to turning up at Cal-OSHA meetings, I would see no reason to cause him any public mischief.

  24. Hmmmmmmmm. Interesting……

    That being said, I kinda’ miss Joeknow. This PWL shit is getting stressful and I miss the innocent shit slinging between Whiteacre/Joeknow/Jeremy/Origen/Voltaire/myself.

  25. Michael Whiteacre says:

    There’s nothing innocent about that weasel and his associations.

  26. Anthony Kennerson says:

    @Michael…..I stand corrected, then.


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