The Last Days of Michael "Aleister" Tierney… aka "Joe Blow". Part 1./Take 1.
OPINION/EDITORIAL by Jeremy "I’ll kick Satan’s Ass" Steele.
A personal message to Mr. Dip-shit Extraordinaire, himself!:
This world is evil enough as it is, Michael. We don’t need another revisitation from Aleister Crowley… But since you insist…
The subject of evil, no matter how you attempt to dress it up or embellish it, is NOT, in ANY way, a joke, although you apparently see and relish playing it as one.
Let me quote you, my "old friend", in regards to your "memories" of your "former" self (as found on your aleisterinwonderland site):
"I liked that Crowley was notorious and evil in a clever, humorous way."
I’m curious, Michael. Did you think to yourself, "What would Aleister do", in regards to Porn Wiki Leaks before you got involved?
Here’s another :
"I remember being the “Most Evil Man in the World” and I remember not too many people getting the joke. And I remember having some regrets about taking things perhaps a bit too far."
Please let us all in on the joke.
Alas, Aleister is still trying to learn (or as he’d believe, teach) certain lessons as they
are repeated to him. Meanwhile, the world must suffer in the process.
This missive could easily go in many directions, with long, seemingly endless and winding paths, and I believe such paths, although, worthy of the undertaking, must be put aside, because, after all, it’s always been about you, Michael/Aleister.
Let me again, quote from the Master of Disaster, him/yourself:
"Fait ce que vouldras" ("Do as thou wilt")… which means in modern-speak, "I’ll do whatever the fuck I want. Fuck You"!
And with that you added, in a lame attempt to adorn the declaration of Tierney-Tyranny with the fake-flower words: "Love is the law, love under will."
Yeah, that’s right. Love UNDER will, which says that Love bends to the will of Will itself… YOUR will of course. In modern-speak, this adds up to: "I’ll do whatever the fuck I
want and so will you. Fuck You."
No, Michael Aleister Tierney… FUCK YOU!
Hey, if I’m missing anything, please me and/or us know.
You’ve long been a specialist at doing whatever the fuck you want while seemingly believing that to be a noble quality in and of itself. But, after all, it’s what Satanism stands for.
I’m curious, what is you think you are offering? I kinder and gentler Satanism?
Crowley was a rebel against Christianity, but Jesus, so am I (not all aspects of, but akin to the idea of Jesus, himself, saying "I am not a Christian"), but I don’t resort to playing the Devil. I’m of the opinion that the Devil may have created religion, as it serves the ruling elitist scum, by encouraging us to be tempered sheep to their satanic status quo. And if that be the case, then the devil, himself, is the root of the problem, not the liberator from the problem. You, follow? If not, it’s unimportant.
My point is, Crowley’s a fraud. And so are you. Wow, the similarities ARE eerie.
I have no problem, thus, acknowledging and referring to you as Aleister. It will only help to prove (as I will) that both of you are scumbags, failures and full of shit, amongst other things.
Let’s examine more of the eerie AC/MT similarities:
First and foremost, by Crowley’s own admission, he was a "rather spoiled little boy".
In your case, you told me you haven’t had a 9-5 job in your life, are spoiled,and have it pretty easy, in lieu of receiving Larry’s residuals checks, mainly for his role in "Reservoir Dogs". And being spoiled makes one rotten. It’s no wonder your farts smelled so unholy. And why were always farting so freely, as if proud of them? I’ve told you to go to the bathroom and do that. It seemed like your asshole was an
extension of yourself, declaring "Hear me roar".
So your self-absorbed, self-indulgent theatrics are/were just an extension of having it too good to begin with.
On to more eerie similarities:
A witness to Crowley’s death along with a nurse, supposedly reported his last words as "Sometimes I hate myself." You’ve likewise have been questioning your self worth and the meaning of your life. I remember when you told me how you wanted to kill yourself. Apparently, you made the wrong decision because you are still here amongst us.
People have told Aleister he was insane. And according to your own admission your site, the same has been happening of late to you. AN EERIE COINCIDENCE!
Crowley believed that he was literally the anti-messiah of the apocalypse. And you are now would-be messiah of the porno apocalypse. ANOTHER EERIE COINCIDENCE!
Crowley worshipped the demon god Pan, god of sexuality and lust. The “Hymn to Pan” was read at his funeral: “I rave and I rape and I rip and I rend/ Everlasting world without end!” Meanwhile, you are the financier of Porn Wiki Leaks. WHOA! THIS IS TOO MUCH!
You have a romantic view of Crowley, seeing him as generally popular. Well, that is true in it’s way. And you, too have been popular in the industry that I (ahem!) got you in. But does popularity mean that one is good, or that one is not evil? Oh, I forgot, Evil is a quality you admire. ANOTHER EERIE COINCIDENCE!
I’m not trying to mock the research you’ve done. Instead, I will allow it to mock itself. At the same time, I acknowledge, as you know, signs through numbers and such. As I have relied upon your expert knowledge of astrology, you in turn have also consulted me and my knowledge of numerology.
I do believe in the power and meaning of symbols, so let’s look at one that you’ve missed.
But first, as a prelude, let’s revisit the comments made in your "Last Days of Joe Blow" masturbatory documentary, where your Crowley-like mind is sadly influenced by porno pseudo-sage Bill Margold as he declares with his usual, dramatic-for-effect quip, that "porn has lost it’s soul". Later on in the trailer clip, you sheepishly mimic the thought that "porn is soulless". Sounds like an amazing doc!
First of all, "soulless" is incorrect. Gurus have already told us that everything has a soul, even rocks and rock-heads like yourself. For some, however, the pain of their own souls or of souls around them causes them to declare that some are without souls. In actuality, oblivion is more a temptation than an after-life which might hold them accountable for their actions and non-actions, depending.
I understand the meaning of "soulless", and am willing to recognize and go with that. But what if it’s the one who are calling something "soulless" are the soulless ones, themselves? Don’t you need a soul to know if another is embodied with one?
But, wait… there are symbols within you Mr. Tyranny (as you’ve called yourself on your sites), that tell us who and what you are: M.T… which sounds out the word "empty".
You, Mr Aleister Tierney ARE M.T./EMPTY!
That’s why the deep depression comes in. Because all you’ve ever really lived for is yourself. You’ve proven that. In fact, it is your motto: "Fait ce que vouldras": "I’ll do what I want. Fuck You". And then you wonder why there’s no sense of communion with other beings?
Is it others fault or the industry? Or does the seed of emptiness lie within Mr M.T., himself?
And speaking of more Aleister Tierney similarities, Aleister was bisexual. As you, as Michael have written in living memory of your former self:
"I remember struggling with my sexuality."
That’s funny. I also remember you struggling with your sexuality… when you lived off Sierra Bonita and Sunset (where Larry died and where I helped arrange his funeral/birthday party). where you told me you and your friend had visited a transsexual prostitute along with the command to not tell anyone you told me.
I also remember during the AVN convention in Vegas, when you were living in Vegas, when were in a restaurant parking lot asking me to suck your dick. It sure didn’t come off as a joke and I just pretended I didn’t hear it.
I wonder what Donkey might think of you now knowing along with all your references to Crowleys open bi and trisexuality, that you’re a "trannyfucker" and a "fag". Maybe now that you’re out of the closet, you can see whether or not Donkey might be a closet homo
like you, too. Maybe you two will discover yourselves and 69 each other.
And don’t be in denial, Michael… Aleister was a MAJOR HOMO!
Another eerie coincidence between MT & AC is that Aleister died broke in a flop house and it seems now, Michael that you are well on your way.
History repeats… and ALWAYS when dip-shits such as you never learn from it.
Drink this in, like Blood.
And prepare for more to come.