Jeremy Steele on Joe blow

The Last Days of Michael "Aleister" Tierney… aka "Joe Blow". Part 1./Take 1.
OPINION/EDITORIAL by Jeremy "I’ll kick Satan’s Ass" Steele.

A personal message to Mr. Dip-shit Extraordinaire, himself!:

This world is evil enough as it is, Michael. We don’t need another revisitation from Aleister Crowley… But since you insist…
The subject of evil, no matter how you attempt to dress it up or embellish it, is NOT, in ANY way, a joke, although you apparently see and relish playing it as one.
Let me quote you, my "old friend", in regards to your "memories" of your "former" self (as found on your aleisterinwonderland site):
"I liked that Crowley was notorious and evil in a clever, humorous way."
I’m curious, Michael. Did you think to yourself, "What would Aleister do", in regards to Porn Wiki Leaks before you got involved?

Here’s another :
"I remember being the “Most Evil Man in the World” and I remember not too many people getting the joke. And I remember having some regrets about taking things perhaps a bit too far."
Please let us all in on the joke.
Alas, Aleister is still trying to learn (or as he’d believe, teach) certain lessons as they
are repeated to him. Meanwhile, the world must suffer in the process.

This missive could easily go in many directions, with long, seemingly endless and winding paths, and I believe such paths, although, worthy of the undertaking, must be put aside, because, after all, it’s always been about you, Michael/Aleister.
Let me again, quote from the Master of Disaster, him/yourself:

"Fait ce que vouldras" ("Do as thou wilt")… which means in modern-speak, "I’ll do whatever the fuck I want. Fuck You"!
And with that you added, in a lame attempt to adorn the declaration of Tierney-Tyranny with the fake-flower words: "Love is the law, love under will."

Yeah, that’s right. Love UNDER will, which says that Love bends to the will of Will itself… YOUR will of course. In modern-speak, this adds up to: "I’ll do whatever the fuck I
want and so will you. Fuck You."
No, Michael Aleister Tierney… FUCK YOU!
Hey, if I’m missing anything, please me and/or us know.
You’ve long been a specialist at doing whatever the fuck you want while seemingly believing that to be a noble quality in and of itself. But, after all, it’s what Satanism stands for.
I’m curious, what is you think you are offering? I kinder and gentler Satanism?
Crowley was a rebel against Christianity, but Jesus, so am I (not all aspects of, but akin to the idea of Jesus, himself, saying "I am not a Christian"), but I don’t resort to playing the Devil. I’m of the opinion that the Devil may have created religion, as it serves the ruling elitist scum, by encouraging us to be tempered sheep to their satanic status quo. And if that be the case, then the devil, himself, is the root of the problem, not the liberator from the problem. You, follow? If not, it’s unimportant.
My point is, Crowley’s a fraud. And so are you. Wow, the similarities ARE eerie.
I have no problem, thus, acknowledging and referring to you as Aleister. It will only help to prove (as I will) that both of you are scumbags, failures and full of shit, amongst other things.
Let’s examine more of the eerie AC/MT similarities:

First and foremost, by Crowley’s own admission, he was a "rather spoiled little boy".
In your case, you told me you haven’t had a 9-5 job in your life, are spoiled,and have it pretty easy, in lieu of receiving Larry’s residuals checks, mainly for his role in "Reservoir Dogs". And being spoiled makes one rotten. It’s no wonder your farts smelled so unholy. And why were always farting so freely, as if proud of them? I’ve told you to go to the bathroom and do that. It seemed like your asshole was an
extension of yourself, declaring "Hear me roar".
So your self-absorbed, self-indulgent theatrics are/were just an extension of having it too good to begin with.
On to more eerie similarities:

A witness to Crowley’s death along with a nurse, supposedly reported his last words as "Sometimes I hate myself." You’ve likewise have been questioning your self worth and the meaning of your life. I remember when you told me how you wanted to kill yourself. Apparently, you made the wrong decision because you are still here amongst us.
People have told Aleister he was insane. And according to your own admission your site, the same has been happening of late to you. AN EERIE COINCIDENCE!

Crowley believed that he was literally the anti-messiah of the apocalypse.  And you are now would-be messiah of the porno apocalypse. ANOTHER EERIE COINCIDENCE!

Crowley worshipped the demon god Pan, god of sexuality and lust.  The “Hymn to Pan” was read at his funeral: “I rave and I rape and I rip and I rend/ Everlasting world without end!” Meanwhile, you are the financier of Porn Wiki Leaks. WHOA! THIS IS TOO MUCH!

You have a romantic view of Crowley, seeing him as generally popular. Well, that is true in it’s way. And you, too have been popular in the industry that I (ahem!) got you in. But does popularity mean that one is good, or that one is not evil? Oh, I forgot, Evil is a quality you admire. ANOTHER EERIE COINCIDENCE!
I’m not trying to mock the research you’ve done. Instead, I will allow it to mock itself. At the same time, I acknowledge, as you know, signs through numbers and such.  As I have relied upon your expert knowledge of astrology, you in turn have also consulted me and my knowledge of numerology.
I do believe in the power and meaning of symbols, so let’s look at one that you’ve missed.
But first, as a prelude, let’s revisit the comments made in your "Last Days of Joe Blow" masturbatory documentary, where your Crowley-like mind is sadly influenced by porno pseudo-sage Bill Margold as he declares with his usual, dramatic-for-effect quip, that "porn has lost it’s soul". Later on in the trailer clip, you sheepishly mimic the thought that "porn is soulless". Sounds like an amazing doc!
First of all, "soulless" is incorrect. Gurus have already told us that everything has a soul, even rocks and rock-heads like yourself. For some, however, the pain of their own souls or of souls around them causes them to declare that some are without souls. In actuality, oblivion is more a temptation than an after-life which might hold them accountable for their actions and non-actions, depending.
I understand the meaning of "soulless", and am willing to recognize and go with that. But what if it’s the one who are calling something "soulless" are the soulless ones, themselves?  Don’t you need a soul to know if another is embodied with one?
But, wait… there are symbols within you Mr. Tyranny (as you’ve called yourself on your sites), that tell us who and what you are: M.T… which sounds out the word "empty".
You, Mr Aleister Tierney ARE M.T./EMPTY!
That’s why the deep depression comes in. Because all you’ve ever really lived for is yourself. You’ve proven that. In fact, it is your motto: "Fait ce que vouldras": "I’ll do what I want. Fuck You". And then you wonder why there’s no sense of communion with other beings?
Is it others fault or the industry? Or does the seed of emptiness lie within Mr M.T., himself?
And speaking of more Aleister Tierney similarities, Aleister was bisexual. As you, as Michael have written in living memory of your former self:
"I remember struggling with my sexuality."
That’s funny. I also remember you struggling with your sexuality… when you lived off Sierra Bonita and Sunset (where Larry died and where I helped arrange his funeral/birthday party). where you told me you and your friend had visited a transsexual prostitute along with the command to not tell anyone you told me.
I also remember during the AVN convention in Vegas, when you were living in Vegas, when were in a restaurant parking lot asking me to suck your dick. It sure didn’t come off as a joke and I just pretended I didn’t hear it.
I wonder what Donkey might think of you now knowing along with all your references to Crowleys open bi and trisexuality, that you’re a "trannyfucker" and a "fag". Maybe now that you’re out of the closet, you can see whether or not Donkey might be a closet homo
like you, too. Maybe you two will discover yourselves and 69 each other.
And don’t be in denial, Michael… Aleister was a MAJOR HOMO!

Another eerie coincidence between MT & AC is that Aleister died broke in a flop house and it seems now, Michael that you are well on your way.

History repeats… and ALWAYS when dip-shits such as you never learn from it.
Drink this in, like Blood.
And prepare for more to come.

61 thoughts on “Jeremy Steele on Joe blow

  1. Michael Whiteacre says:

    Good job, Jeremy. So M.T. told you that he and his buddy tag-teamed a transexual hooker, and then he felt confused and ashamed enough to demand your silence? This is what we call and ADMISSION, made against his own interest (as evidenced by his command that you tell no one). But still he wanted you to know — perhaps he was feeling you out? According to your other anecdote, he was apparently sexually interested in you.

    You are also quite astute in pegging the Rabelais-inspired “Fait ce que tu vouldras” as a hollow battle cry adopted by small-minded narcissists.

    As the lyric goes, “Sometimes people are just what they appear to be / With no redemption at all.” The associates of PWL are astonishingly easy to deconstruct. These small, tortured people need a soapbox to stand on to avoid drowning a sea of self-doubt and shame about themselves and their own lives.

    Earlier I wrote of redemption; forgiving oneself is a necessary precursor to redemption. But to forgive oneself, one must admit to a measure of culpability. It’s far easier to keep running from one’s own judgment by flinging it outward at other people than it is to take a long, honest, and loving look inward. I don’t think ANY of the people involved with PWL are capable of doing that.

    All this hate — just because they hate themselves. PWL may be yet another tragic example of the devastating power and effect of repression.

  2. People should not claim to be someone else. They should just be themselves and live their own life the best way they can.

  3. “Michael looks like an effeminate butt cowboy” is the first thing I said to myself when someone posted the pic with him and Donkey.

  4. Well, this piece was really interesting Jeremy and it actually confirmed many things I’ve encountered. I’m really not surprised at this guy’s mindset considering the mentality I’ve witnessed of quite a few men who work within or on the fringes of the porn industry.

    Some of these men I’ve met, I’ve found to heavily study and practice rituals regularly related to this Aleister Crowley guy and the O.T.O. – I did an entire video piece on this topic here:

    Guess the cat’s out the bag.

  5. Mark Spiegler says:

    Hey, Donny,

    How does it feel to know your pal Joe Blow is (allegedly) a “Trannyfucker?”

  6. Roy Garcia_01 says:

    What a pile of shit, written by a piece of shit. Ladies and gentlemen, your tax dollars at work, your government pays welfare to the likes of Germy “Homosexual Midget” Steele and provides housing assistance for him just so he can stay home all day long and write crap like this. Fuck you Germy Steele.

    Message to Lucky “Cross-eyed” Starr: I heard you pay Germy Steele to go out with you. What a pathetic, fucking moron you are. You better change your name from “Lucky” to “Miserable” which suits you better. Fuck you too, Un-Lucky Starr.

  7. jeremysteele11 says:

    I thought you don’t read LIB, Roy. Oh yeah, but then you came on claiming to correct me in regards to all the things BDD said over the years.

    I’m confident most readers will disagree with your assertions. The problem is this missive hits home for you, because you’re stupid and evil, as is the subject of the write-up. You’re way too stupid and immersed in evil to see how powerful and true it is. And stop repeating, repeating your JRodisms, moron.

    The offer still stands: If you can provide any proof I’m on housing assistance or have sucked or fucked cock on camera RoyBoy, I will do anything you want, scumbag.

    Where, four-eyes, is Lucky, in any photos, cross-eyed? Oh please stop, you’re killing us, we’re dying (of laughter).

  8. jeremysteele11 says:

    Thanks Michael, well said, and everyone…

  9. Lucky Starr says:

    (Rolls eyes) You are such a fucking loser, Roy. Seriously, get a life, then lose 100 pounds before you try to talk to me again.

  10. Jeremy, GREAT t-shirt. you obviously have good taste in bands! AC/DC, greatest ass-kick’in metal band ever!

  11. Roy Garcia_01 says:

    Un-Lucky Starr,

    I’m the fucking loser? No, you’re the fucking loser, you cheap whore. You’re the desperate haggard who pays a middle-aged washed up man-whore to go out with her. I don’t need to talk to you, I don’t even need to wipe my ass with you, go suck Germy Steele’s cock, moron. Piss off.

  12. Wow Roy, looks like someone never got a hug when they were a kid? I bet you got a kick in the ass isntead.

  13. Lucky Starr says:

    Then why do you keep writing, dumbass Roy? And I will suck Jeremy’s cock, WITH PLEASURE!! I heard you and your wife, and family are a bunch of fat pigs. Jeremy’s still working in the business? What’s your excuse? Fatso!

  14. Roy Garcia_01 says:

    Fuck you Karmafang, mind your own business, asshole.

    Un-Lucky Starr,

    Germy is still working in the business, alright, he gets pissed at reverse bukkake scenes and does gay scenes for obscure internet companies. That is some impressive fucking work, I’ll bet he makes a lot of money, too. Then what’s your excuse for paying him to go out with you, you desperate washed-up haggard? Explain to everybody why do you pay to go out with a guy, you fuck? Also, I came across some piece of shit of an article you wrote on your excuse for a blog some time ago, you were complaining that you and Germy were booked for a scene and he appeared to be bored while he was fucking you in that scene, that he was checking out the TV instead of paying attention to you, and yet you don’t give up, you still sniff this guy’s ass and pay him to go out with you. That speaks in volumes about you, loser, fuck you and fuck off.

  15. jeremysteele11 says:

    At least “BDD” is finally out of the closet.

    Btw, I still believe in 2012 folks, at least what it could be. There have been a lot of revelations, of late. The light is shining brighter and showing us all the dirt(bags).

  16. jeremysteele11 says:

    Btw, I’ve noticed the “common knowledge” claim about something which does not exist (and therefore can’t be found) has now evolved into the “obscure internet companies” catagory. I’m curious, Roy. Where do you think you’re going when you die, considering all you’ve done? Just curious. No lies are necssary. Just ask yourself. You’re not only too fat in body, you obviously have lard in the brain…. and are “soulless”.

  17. Lucky Starr says:

    My imitation of Roy Garcia,
    “Piss, shit cock, asshole motherfucker, whore scumbag, desparate loser, bitch cunt,assfuck!!!!”
    I’m done with this. I’m convinced you’re some crazy man who couldn’t make it in this business, with tourette’s syndrome, who has to rip innocent people apart for no reason. I have better things to do with my life.

  18. Roy Garcia_01 says:

    Un-Lucky Starr,

    I’m sure you have better things to do with your life, things like paying middle-aged washed-up man-whores to go out with you. What a life. En-joy.

  19. jeremysteele11 says:

    Yeah she pays me to go out with her, I’m on welfare, I do tons and tons of gay scenes but I’m broke so Lucky’s my sugar-momma. Stupid Garcia with mental diarrhea. Try to pick a fucking lie that’s not contradicted by another lie, STUPID!

    Are you not aware that you’re older than me, fat, with a deformed, mushroom headed prick who attempts to rape women in the name of “auditioning” them? What exactly is your version of what happend with Tina Lee, anyway? You and Casey Anthony should start a talk show about what’s wrong with the world.

  20. jeremysteele11 says:

    Stay tuned for more on Joe Blow, including highlights of our 18 years as friends. To quote a comical quip from Michael Tierney that also applies to him, “With friends like you who needs friends?”.

  21. Roy Garcia_01 says:

    Stay tuned? Nobody gives a shit about your long, absurd rants. Fuck off and die, Germy Steele.

  22. jeremysteele11 says:

    Roy. Look how incredibly dumb you are. Several people here on LIB recently said they were looking forward to this write-up. And several have spoken well of it (see above) and/or responded with interest since Cindi put it up.

    You’re extremely transparent, fatso. It may not be too easy to see around you but everyone can see through you. You’re too stupid to see how bad you make yourself look and how clearly you show everyone the piece of shit you really are.

  23. Kalamazoo says:

    Everybody loves a train wreck Roy, are you WINNING?

  24. Wow. Let the good times roll!

    Jeremy, I am not Roy, BDD, etc… This is not a conspiracy against you or your girlfriend. You keep having fits from simple questions.

    I simply asked how you make your money. For instance, how many movies have you worked in this year? Is that an insult? You say you work in the porn industry, so how can you possibly be insulted if someone asks you what movies you have been in.

    Since it seems as though you’ve only performed an estimate of 20 movies in the past three years, how do you support yourself? Let’s say you were overpaid, and made $500/scene – that would be $10,000 in 3 years or roughly 3,500/year. No one can support themselves or live without assistance on this kind of money. You claim to be at the top of the game in the telemarketing field. [still gives me a laugh]. You can’t actually believe that telemarketers make less than 3,500/year.

    That works out to less than 10 dollars a day. The average hobo probably makes more than you by pan handling. How can you even afford to use the internet?

    What is your obsession with Roy Garcia? Every other post [and with you that is 100’s] mention him in some form or another. It’s absolute insanity the amount you mention him.

  25. Larry Horse says:

    Roy, you shave your head and grow a foot recently?

  26. Roy Garcia_01 says:

    Larry Whores,

    I’ve got awesome hair, why would I want to shave my awesome hair? Have you got laid recently, Whores? Considering your busy online schedule, I don’t think you have. Hundreds of posts on PWL under more than 20 different user names, what is wrong with you, ese? Perhaps Germy Steele should hook you up with his girlfriend/sugar mommy Un-Lucky Starr and lets you fuck her just so you have something to do. In return, you can take out Germy and buy him dinner.

  27. Cody Lane's Dad says:

    Fuck you Roy Garcia, you dickless bitchboy. You were never able to direct a scene, perform a scene, or rep a girl without sticking your diseased dick in her at all times. Go suck a fart.

  28. jeremysteele11 says:

    JRodman says “I am not Roy or BDD” but you repeat the same LDD questions and attacks over and over. Your stupidity level is amazing. I have no obsession, Roy. You do. You’re the one who keeps repeating yourself. What’s your obsession with me, stupid?

    Looks like you got a lot of fans and supporters, Roy. Your popularity is growing by the minute.

  29. Roy Garcia_01 says:

    Cody Lane’s Dad,

    Fuck you and fuck your mother, you parasite keyboard warrior. You’re an anonymous bitch, you’re a coward, you’re a piece of shit. Come on over to my office and face me or give me your address so I come over to see you, human toilet. I’ll shove my foot in your ass and will fuck you up for the rest of your miserable life. I’ll teach you a lesson that you never forget, you bottom feeder, you motherfucking fuck.

    Germy Steele,

    Get a hold of this Cody Cunt and come see me, I’d love to touch basis with you, midget.

  30. Cody Lane's Dad says:

    Big threats from a wannabe pimp has-been. Oh Romero, where for art thou?

  31. Cody Lane's Dad says:

    Funny you should mention anonymous posts, Bid Trick Daddy. You make Regan Senter look respectable, you puta gorda.

  32. jeremysteele11 says:

    Go Cody, go Cody, Go- Go- Go!

  33. jeremysteele11 says:

    And I don’t appreciate you using the term that I came up with, “keyboard warrior”, especially since it applies to you. Whatcha gonna do bitch, put on a “Fatman” superzero costume? “Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-FATMAN!”

  34. Roy Garcia_01 says:

    Germy Steele,

    You wanna know what I’m gonna do, bitch whore? Why don’t you come visit me so I show you what I’m gonna do, you little keyboard warrior, cross-over homosexual, welfare recipient piece of fucking shit. Explain to everybody on this board why you refuse to come visit me. Come on bitch whore, put up or shut up, that includes you too, Cody Cunt.

    Come the fuck on, bitch whores, grow a pair of balls and come out of your shit holes and see what I’m gonna do to you. I will fuck you up for life, that’s what I’m gonna do. Bet on it. Fuck all of you, motherfucking pussies.

  35. jeremysteele11 says:

    You poor, lost, soulless, soul. I think your egg is cracking. I’m certainly a better keyboard warrior than you are. Plus, you use 2 fingers instead of 10. No wonder you’re so angry at the world. You also use a similar 5:1 proportion of your disturbed brain compared to others. You’ve got your hate messages on auto-play but the sad little novelty is wearing out.

    Is “a pair of balls” what you had all those years posting as “bigdickdaddy”? Haw! I don’t see any big dick anywhere. You’re probably too fat now to see your own dick. I’ve seen those gruesome p.o.v. shots of yours, jelly belly, Godfather of Godfather’s Pizza delivery!

  36. Jeremy, I am not attacking you. I asked how come you don’t work? That’s all. What makes you unable to work at Walmart? You have never answered the question. You write conspiracy posts and attempt to act intelligent, yet you are unable to work or support yourself?

    You think you “came up with” the term “keyboard warrior”? Are you delusional? Sort of like Al Gore inventing the internet.

    I just think that most of you conspiracy nuts are too lazy to leave the house and use the “they’re conspiring against me” as an excuse for never working or doing anything productive. You can hate on Roy all you want, but at least the guy supports himself.

  37. Kalamazoo says:

    Giving props because he supports himself… as if it’s an achievement lol

  38. Larry Horse says:

    Steele, I still think we are being conned, at least 50%.

  39. jeremysteele11 says:

    I still don’t know what you’re talking about, Larry.

    Well said, Kalamazoo!

    You’re STILL not fooling anyone JRoy, stupid. And I’m glad your/Roy’s antics have never mattered to you. That speaks countless volumes. Roy’s obviously a piece of shit but you’ll never agree. You both always come on around the same time repeating yourselves about the same thing. Everyone here knows how stupid you are at this point, except you. And I did coin the term “keyboard warrior”. Since I’ve expressed it on LIB it’s been repeated with regularity. Now come and repeat yourself, repeat yourself. Whoever supports me, whether it be myself, r my parents, my job, my girlfriend, a sugarmomma, a friend, my government or my God is not important. Only to Roy is it important who feels so small about himself in so many ways that he only gains pleasure by trying to cause as many people pain and paint them as insignificant or loser as much as possible. “Hey Larry, got laid lately?”, “You’re on welfare”, “You’re a cross-eyed, ugly whore”. Roy Garcia lite/JRod is still Roy Garcia. The only person you’ve come on here to attack again and again as JRod is me Roy and Roy is of course off limits. What do you think of Roy, JRod? Answer that question and maybe I’ll tell you my means of subsistence since that is the all important question to you.

  40. jeremysteele11 says:

    Akin to Kalamazoo’s point, Roy comes on here proving he’s one of the worst forms of scum in the history of porn and all “JRod” cares about is saying “At least Roy has a job. How come you don’t have a job? Do you have a job? How do you pay your bills? You’re on gov’t assistance! Aren’t you on gov’t assistance?”

    Is is obvious.. so very, very fucking obvious who’s typing with two fingers, STUPID!

  41. jeremysteele11 says:

    I think the 50% of “us” that have been conned is you, Larry.

  42. Larry Horse says:

    I think we will find out differently.

  43. jeremysteele11 says:

    What do you think I might possibly be wrong about?

  44. One thing I gotta say about this roy guy. I admire his steadfastness, if nothing else.


    I will go out with you at no cost to your wallet. All you really have to put up with is off-brand barbeque potato chips, man-boobs, and my wife.

  45. jeremysteele11 says:

    “Steadfastness”? Yeah, stalkers also have that quality as well as rapists (Remember Tina Lee and Roy’s “I make girls audition” claim to Wankus). In what way do you admire his “steadfastness”?

    And unlike as Roy so steadfastly repeats, Lucky does not pay me to be her date. We’ve been breaking up and getting back together a lot of late but I may have reached the final straw with her. She goes apeshit without ever listening to me and takes extreme measures when she doesn’t have what she wants. She’ll tell everyone what she wants them to hear while repressing other things she would never want them to know. But, unlike her, I’m not into making my personal issues public unless I am forced to. That’s the respect I have attempted to give which I have not received.

    It reminds me of the fucked-up problem with America… this need for attention over ALL else. That’s why you see couples and family members humiliating themselves on national t.v. It’s as if attention means more than EVERYTHING, including the most sacred of relationships with friends, relatives and significant… extremely bizarre, surreal and fucked-up!

    You stink, Fartz.

  46. Lucky Starr says:

    Sure, Fartz. I’ll go out with you, but if your boobs are bigger than mine, it’s a deal breaker.

  47. jeremysteele11 says:

    Another dealbreaker is if you prefer Stanley Kubrick to romantic comedies. You’d best practice the statement “Stanley Kubrick is stupid, boring and makes no sense, especially Clockwork Orange… He probably smoked too much pot while he was making it!”. Sentiments like these will get you far… you could even go all… the… way!

  48. RickMadrid says:

    Cody Lane?? is she still around these days? she told me 4 years ago when we did a shoot together that she was from Kentucky!. Hey Lucky! I have small man boobs and a 13 size foot?? how about me?LOL….

  49. Cody Lane's Dad says:

    No, she’s not still around. I just chose a name that would get Roy BigDickDaddy’s attention. He’s so easy to goad into his lame ass macho man threats. What a has been/never was douchebag! Yeah, we’re going to come to the valley to see you in person. Right. I never knew they had ghetto sections of the valley before, but if that fat piece of shit BDD is in the valley, it must be a WIC neighborhood. I’ll come see you, Roy. What exit are you selling oranges on this week?

  50. Lucky Starr says:

    Sure, Rick. Just send me a message on fb and we’ll talk.

  51. Roy Garcia_01 says:

    Cody Cunt,

    You can find me on the exit near your mom’s ghetto, I visit your mom every weekend, pay her 20 bucks, take her under the bridge and fuck her brains out like the cheap crack whore that she is. We both know that you’re a coward, a piece of shit and an internet troll who still wets his bed, so don’t brag about coming to visit me, you scum, you don’t have the balls. In case you ever grow a pair of balls and decide to do that, I’ll be happy to see you and fuck you up. Don’t forget to bring Germy Steele with you.

  52. jeremysteele11 says:

    “Roy Garcia is a pig; he’s a fucking pig,” says Swan, who was represented by Garcia for four months. “He’s a dirtball. If you don’t fuck him, he won’t get you work, and if you’re a girl/girl kind of chick like I am, he will try to force you into doing boys. He’s a control freak. We stopped working together because he was acting like my psychotic boyfriend. He was trying to tell me what I could or could not do. For example, no one could drive me to my shoots except for him or me. He took 10% of whatever I got but, if he drove me around, he charged me 20%.”

    “He called me on the phone, called me everything under the sun: bitch, ho, cunt, slut, whore, and then he told me that he better get his fucking money or he was going to send pictures to my mom and go to my old high school with my pictures and put them up on the bulletin board. I called him up and said I was going to chop him up into little fucking pieces and send them back to his mom.”

    Sharon Wild also left Garcia’s management with a bad taste in her mouth. “Roy is a scumbag,” says the blond porn actress. “He was threatening me with immigration, just because I left him after three weeks,” says Wild, who is from the Czech Republic. “He was showing up on sets where I was working, threatening the producers that he would call the IRS if they don’t pay him his fee, even though I was not with him anymore.”

    Wow. Yet another one talks about your threats to send their work to their parents. You better start believing in conspiracy theories, Roy to explain all these accusations from all these different people and times.

  53. Roy Garcia_01 says:

    Classic Germy Steele, quoting lies told about me by some has-been hookers. They didn’t leave my agency, I kicked them out, just like I kicked you out, because I don’t need to put up with ignorant, lazy whores who can’t even fuck on film for a living.

    By the way, the link that you provided as your “evidence” is a dead link. Hilarious, fucking hilarious. It’s even better than your links to YouTube videos as your “evidence” to support your looney conspiracy theories. Thank you for the laughs and good times, Germy Steele, and fuck you in your ass.

  54. jeremysteele11 says:

    All different people from all different times are telling the same old alleged “lies”. What a coincidence! Why do they all say you make or try to make them fuck you? And then you deny having bragged about it, too! Why do they all say you’ve have or have threatened to terrorize performer’s mothers and families? How could all these people from different times have the same story? You were PWL, Roy, before there ever was PWL, scumbagfatfucklittledickdummy!

    It’s not a dead link, you’re brain-dead. And there’s more links out there, too, stupid.

    And what’s this new lie? Kicked me out of what? R U pretending I ever lived with you, too, now? Can’t fuck for a living? Huh, whut?

  55. Cody Lane's Dad says:

    @Roy: That’s right, puta. Jump through the hoop. You’re too dumb to even enjoy picking on, BDDRoy. Later, Gay-turd.

  56. C’mon Jeremy, quit takin’ the internetz so seriously and lighten up. I was making a joke on Roy’s obvious die-hard spirit. It wasn’t a compliment. I was saying that basically, if I was as dedicated to losing weight and quitting smoking as Roy was to talking shit on you, then I’d be a happier man. And my fartz do not stink.

    They’re wayyyy bigger, but there’s more to me than over-sized titties. Imagine cruisin’ the mean streets in a 2001 Hyundai eager to cash in our Olive Garden coupons. Romance I tells ya’.

  57. jeremysteele11 says:

    It fell a bit outside the lines of a joke to me, Fartz. In Roy’s mind, I’m sure he took “steadfast” as a compliment. That’s a really nice way of describing his repetitious sociopathic behavior .

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