NL-Guess who hosts PWL? Ecatel of course.
Ecatel is leading the charts in ‘bad’ hosts
Last week I read a blog post on the Dutch site
It has been quite some time since the topic has come up, however when it comes to naming and shaming, added with some good looking charts and background facts … It is good to see which of the service providers are best to be left alone until they clear up their act.
ISPam brought our attention to a publication of HostExploit, the Top 50 Bad Internet Hosts & Networks CyberCrime Report Q1 2010 (PDF).
And the winner is : Ecatel – AS29073 – NL with a whooping scoring on the HE Index of 337.3 (!!).
The number 2 (DemandMedia in the US) ’only’ managed to get a HE Index score of 244.1
That means that Ecatel took a lead of 93.2 HE Index points … And if you consider that the number 50 on the list ‘only’ had a score of 111.1. That means that the score of Ecatel is quite impressive for a small Dutch hoster.
In a reply on the report by Ecatel, they stated that this was quite disturbing and that they already did a lot to keep CyberCrime out of their network … And last but not least that they thought that it was due to their resellers, as they could provide near to instant server delivery (between 30 to 60 minutes).
Keeping that specific reply in mind and if we check how other parties like 1 & 1 or Intergenia / Server4You or Hertzner are doing on their score on the HE Index, as they are offering similar (cheap dedicated server) services to a much larger audience … We see that they are not even in the Top 50 list …
I think that the reply of Ecatel has little to no value and that the ‘issue’ isn’t to be moved to their resellers, but their internal Abusedesk policy (or the lack of it) or the intention to actually do something about it.
Also keeping in mind that Ecatel has been linked with other spam hosts/networks like: The King Host, Iquarus, Atrivo and last but not least … ESTDomains received a de-accreditation by ICANN end 2008, after a conviction on Credit Card fraud. Discussions about the Ecatel ties to those parties and if other ISPs should de-peer them are regular topics …
My question is currently will they finally change their behavior now or are they going to join McColo and Troyak soon without any network connectivity?
THere policy-Abuse Notifications
Ecatel has a very strong Anti-spam Policy.
In our network we do not tolerate any form of spam, malware, phising, child porno or any other sort of fraud.
All abuse related to the aforementioned will be dealt with by our abuse team almost immediately.
Websites used to monitor our network
We also monitor our customers content with the help of the following websites.
Malc0de |
Shadowserver |
Clean-MX |
Zeustracker |
Spamcop |
Spamhaus |
UCE Protect |
Report Abuse
If you are aware of any spam, fraud, malware, phising or CP hosted in our network please contact and action will be taken by our abuse department within 24 hours.
Suggestions to Ecatel abusedesk
If you have any solutions and/or good ideas how we can improve our abusedesk please contact and your suggestions will be taken very seriously and appreciated indeed.
CONTACT THEM- there site
E-mail address When present Description 24/7 Support and Sales 05:00 – 17:00 Financial Administration 24/7 Network Operations 24/7 Abuse Notifications
Post address
P.O. Box 19533
2500 CM The Hague
Visiting address
Binckhorstlaan 120
2516 BE The Hague
actually he changed hosting companies after he got hacked he is now with a different dutch hosting company
The fucking Dutch.
i htink he had to go back to ecotel..servous cut him loose
Ecatel hosts shitloads of piracy & copyright infringement sites as well. These guys aren’t just pieces of shit, but they are actually the fragments of shit left by your shit when you flush your shit.