Good Thing Lindsay Lohan Likes Girls…

NL- ok, obviously this is a parody of Lindsey boxcover, but the news is real…


from  Lindsay Lohan taken to jail after being sentenced to 120 days for violating probation with arrest in necklace theft case.

7 thoughts on “Good Thing Lindsay Lohan Likes Girls…

  1. You can tell thats the parody, in the picture the Linsey lookalike is wearing panties.

  2. Alex Zander says:

    LL had much better boobs. Way better. How an I get a conjugal visit?

  3. In a perfect world, the judge would give her a choice between a year in jail and a year in porn. I guarantee you she’s depraved.

  4. jeremysteele11 says:

    Lindsay Lohan, Lizzy Grubman and the Long Island Lolita; the 3 embarrASSmEntS of Long Island.

    The “Fully Loaded” Lindsay was born the year I graduated High School, and grew up in Cold Spring Harbor, close to where I used to live.

  5. She was amazingly hot when she was doing the Disney movies with the big natty tits and all. It’s sad to see such beauty and talent go to complete waste.

  6. jeremysteele11 says:

    Success rhymes with excess which often turns it into failure.

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