Donny Long Answers My Questions…

Donny just contacted me and updated his answers, here are the new ones-

1. You say you are not involved with PWL, but are just a member.
Then how come your sites like xxxfilmjobs and the one you made with Derek Hay’s name,
and the one about Mark Speigler and PWL all have the same google analytics account number? account number is UA-21272264-1 which you can see by clicking view source
on the page of any website and that is not the account number for or so you are wrong but nice try. Did Spiegler feed you that lie also that you publicize?

2. What is the Gay Mafia? And how did you decide who were members? How did I get involved?
The gay mafia is anyone that is gay or supports the gays in straight porn which them spreading
HIV in straight porn like Cameron Reid did is what has ruined the porn industry and made condoms mandatory now by the government. I TOLD YOU SO I TOLD YOU SO I TOLD YOU SO!

3. I notice you now have a bunch of legal speak on the front of the PWL trying to turn it all around, it’s a parody, PWL didn’t post the families of porn stars information your members did and it’s been taking down, etc..  Sounds like damage control after the fact to me.
Not my site so ask them. I have not seen them take a single thing down though or say they were going to. They are like me and don’t back down.

4. I received an email today (its going around) with the names, ages, occupations, addresses etc of your parents, would you mind if people post it on their sites?
Again this is failure Mark Spiegler throwing more shit at me and only causing the industry more harm like he has always done.

5. I hear you are taking credit for my site being down. Explain to us all how you did it?
Not sure where you got that one but I bet it was Spiegler also. I have no interest in damaging
your site why would i? You have been posting my responses so why would i be mad at you?
Its not your fault your site is full of faggots from gay porn like Jeremy steele and loser
gay supporter nobodies in porn like Mike South and Mark spiegler that cant even see their cock fat there beer gut. Seriously look at a photo of them and you can figure out their whole life story.

6. Overall, what is the point of having a site that has the real names of porn stars and exposes their families, and uses a bunch of sexual & racial slurs on it? What positive outcome does it acheive?
Ask the owners because thats not me but I do see them exposing a lot of truth about the scum bags
that need to be exposed like Spiegler and South and other fags and criminals like Derek hay. they gave everyone a chance to be removed if they were not one of the people that needed to be exposed but Paul Armstrong’s gay ass ruined that one from what I read.

7. Since you are not the owner and do not run PWL as you stated, who does? A group of 100% STRAIGHT industry insiders and fans that are sick and tired of the gay mafia and getting bullied by them.

47 thoughts on “Donny Long Answers My Questions…

  1. Not very articulate is he? Then again I doubr a guy that can’t even wipe his ass properly for a scene could be eloquent.

  2. Mark Spiegler says:


    Ask Donny if he was ever:
    1) Convicted of “Inflicting Corporal Injury on a Spouse”
    2) Convicted of “Grand Theft” – a felony
    3) Convicted of “Burglaryng of a Unoccupied Dwellig” – a felony

    Then we’ll see if he answers truthfully – or at all.

  3. Donny,
    You said the owners are 100% straight. If you know this for a fact, do you know their names?

    Not asking you to name them, just asking if you know their names or not?

    If not, how do you know they are all 100% straight?

    It has been written on ohter sites that your sister works for Talent Testing Service in Florida. Is this true?

  4. pornshooter33 says:

    Donny I never had a beef with you but I have watched you on the boards for years. And its funny if PWL isnt you they are peddling the same beefs with the same exact words you used. Also if this was a fight with a “gay mafia” You would of took the time extract the people on the aim database that had nothing to do with that. When on PWL some fan of some girl who only did girl girl asked to be removed all you and your 15 fifteen fake nicks did was fuck with her.

  5. I really do hope this “gay mafia” thing exists. In my head it plays out like a Mr. Show skit with pink Tommy-Guns and pink Studabakers and the like.

  6. jeremysteele11 says:

    The Gay-Mafia is run by Elton John, who sits high upon a stairway lead velvet throne. Even if you want to make it in porn you must ascend the stairs and get through him first. The entrance way to the throne is long and dark like a poop chute, but smells like flowers. In order to meet the Don you must “answer” a question which is usually derogatory of straight people (such as “Women wear make-up because they need to. Ewwww!”), which aspirants usually fail because you actually just have to simply repeat the question instead of answer it. But that effectively keeps more people out!

  7. Larry Horse says:

    The back and forth between Donny and some of these folks is an intellectual Super Bowl for retards. Of course where is Chrissy in all this? Usually he shows up with some comment, let me get it out of my system and just say Trannyfucker, cleansing!

  8. jeremysteele11 says:

    Just don’t forget, folks.


  9. jeremysteele11 says:

    Just don’t forget, folks.


    (is that better, cindi?)

  10. jeremysteele11 says:



    After all, what good are ass-wipes when your ass is that loose?

  11. freepornstarpix says:

    ChristianXXX will not be returning to this rodeo. Carry on.

  12. Hey Tara, what’s with you cutting and pasting “news” directly from PWL, then backpeddling and denouncing Donny Long once it all got out in the open?

    I remember you actually posted the “Cameron Reid: Proud To Be HIV Pos!!!!!!” thread info on you site as actual news when it was obvious to anyone with half a brain that said thread was a massive Donny troll piece. That was just one of many troll pieces from PWL that you posted as news. Are you a friend of the Donkey, or just another journalist with no integrity like our sweetheart, Darrah?

  13. Darrah Ford says:

    # Fartz Says:

    Hey Tara, what’s with you cutting and pasting “news” directly from PWL, then backpeddling and denouncing Donny Long once it all got out in the open?

    I remember you actually posted the “Cameron Reid: Proud To Be HIV Pos!!!!!!” thread info on you site as actual news when it was obvious to anyone with half a brain that said thread was a massive Donny troll piece. That was just one of many troll pieces from PWL that you posted as news. Are you a friend of the Donkey, or just another journalist with no integrity like our sweetheart, Darrah?
    Today at 6:59 p (5 hours ago)

    “Monica,” I am one of the very few people who didn’t attack Derrick Burts. So why is my name being dragged into this?

    How is that imaginary lawsuit coming along from your imaginary lawyer? You haven’t been able to sue PWL or take down your own PWL page, that you claim I wrote, but you’re going off on me threatening to sue me because I caught you in another of your lies crying rape. Why did you tell XPT two years ago that you’ve been raped by industry members but you told BlogTV that you were never raped? Let me get my real lawyer to stand next to your imaginary lawyer and see who will come out on top in the end. The same forum two years ago that said you do nothing but through around the race card & the rape card if things don’t go your way. Though your own XPT posts are very racist against white people.

  14. jeremysteele11 says:

    Tara and Donkey have a few things in common and a certain camaraderie.

  15. jeremysteele11 says:

    Thumbs up, Fartz. And enough of your stupid “Fartz is Monica” accusations, Darrah. What medications do you take? Seriously?

    (Oh darn, this comment went to moderation. Now what?)

  16. Mark Spiegler says:


    You should ask Donny about his pal JOE BRANDI.

  17. jeremysteele11 says:

    Who’s this Joe Brandi guy, Mark?- Someone just doing business (“Hey, nothing personal!”) with someone who’s got lots of personal issues?

  18. Honest Abe says:

    to Donny Long:

    You’ve presented lots of complaints, but no Real-World Solutions. The Porn Industry isn’t perfect, but what industry is?

    What do you want? If you had the chance to change whatever you wanted, what, exactly, would it be?

  19. Mark Spiegler says:


    We have a BINGO!

  20. Hey if people want to think that I’m “Fartz” great – makes me seem much more active than I am.

    Anyways I think many of you may also want to take note of the company 2257safe/2257snap (especially check out twitter dot com / 2257safe timeline ) .

    Now according to the last tweet from 2257safe (Michael Fattorosi): “Special offer for pornstars & solo girls -> for $9.99 a month -> Keep your address & name off the internet !!”

    That obviously was not a good business plan – or was it? Reportedly Fattorosi was able to get certain adult star’s names removed from PWL (Heidi Hanson, Kayden Kross, and probably a few others). I personally asked Fatti if he could get my FAMILY’S names off and I was told that my arguments were “too heated” for him to do anything.

    Now it’s been stated publicly by Fatti that it’s no secret that he and DL are “friends”, but wouldn’t you think that a person who’d educated enough to go into law would be intelligent enough to either advise his “friend” not to put innocent people (my family) in danger OR would simply sever ties to that obviously mentally deranged “friend” all together?

    I have to ask myself WHY that person would NOT. Maybe due to potential financial or status gain? Who knows.

    Now it has been alleged that Fatti has been able to help his clients, but I wonder if his “clients” in actuality only had to pay 2257safe a toll of 9.99 a month.

    My word for the day is:
    Extortion: The practice of obtaining something, esp. money, through force or threats.

  21. Michael Whiteacre says:

    2257Safe, in my view, constitutes a venture that either creates what is known as “perverse incentives” or would allow one to capitalize in a new way on previously created perverse incentives. Discuss.

  22. Larry Horse says:

    Porn lawyers, that’s a scab that if peeled is way beyond porn.

  23. Porn lawyers have to reach up to grab the bottom rung of the ladder.

  24. jeremysteele11 says:

    bada-boom, bada-bingo! what do i win? but beware of playing with people who’s decks are missing a few cards, right?

  25. jeremysteele11 says:

    Lots to read here, but as I scrolled I noticed this in regards to accusations that Joe and the Donkey were seen in Thailand:

    Joe insists:

    “I started getting divorced if you all remember. Trust me the last place I was was in Thailand with a guy !”

    Hmmm. I thought Thailand is the first place you go while going through a divorce!

  26. Mark Spiegler says:


    It’s worth the read – and Joe gets OWNED!

  27. jeremysteele11 says:

    Hmm… Donkey does a big shout out to Brandi who’s listed as a moderator… Joe Brandi’s ICQ is listed. To quote Mr. Spock: fascinating!

  28. jeremysteele11 says:

    From Spieglers above link:

    First, Joe Brandi said he’s out of the business, and then someone posted a couple of posts from Joe; “Im back…long story…” & “I need help creating tube sites…”. In response, Brandi says he may have adult sites but that doesn’t mean he’s “involved” with the adult industry!

    Interesting that Donkey’s fag-bashing crusade links up with someone who has gay and tranny tube links.

    Who ever secretly got involved with the Donkey is an idiot… perhaps the same kind of idiot who would have an “old school conservative” t-shirt with Reagan on it as a banner (sorry to disappoint Reagan fans, but first of all, he was too old to be running the country; his V.P. Bush had much more influence) … There’s no way someone as stupid, criminal and unstable as the Donkey is a good person to do business with.

    Brandi insists “Im telling you 100000% I never met this guy”. Uh, there’s no such thing as 100,000%. There’s only 100%. Even if someone says there’re working hard at 110%, they’re still lying.

  29. Mark Spiegler says:


    Another tidbit for you: Donny Long’s uncle is a Miami Homicide detective and he is featured on the TV show “First 48” – Things that make you go Hmmmm!

  30. jeremysteele11 says:

    Donkey better get his uncle’s help on how to be a successful fugitive of justice (fake moustache and spare cash like O.J.). Maybe he should hide down in Mexico and then, when someone catches up with him, there can be a new kind of donkey show.

  31. Mercedes Ashley had her twitter account suspended today due to Donny and friend’s tactics. Shitty.

    I’m STILL trying to figure out why Michael Fattorosi who in the past has been VERY verbal in regards to the FSC is not actively doing very much – especially considering that his girlfriend having a “wiki” of the like of Mercedes Ashley’s along with her twitter being suspended could be a harsh blow to her business dealings.

    Also STILL am trying to figure out what gives with that last tweet of his on December 29th on twitter dot com /2257safe

    9.99 and your safe with Pay no toll and you have to deal with cyberbullying? What gives?

    Also why is adultdvd dot com serving PWL ads so they can make money? Who runs adultdvd dot com – I reported it of course but why isn’t anyone else taking note of these minute things?

  32. jeremysteele11 says:

    It’s time to call Larry H. Parker. He’ll fight for us!

  33. Larry Horse says:

    Gene Ross actually broke a story on PWL, wasnt that hard I guess, he looked and asked some questions about banners on PWL. Donny knows who runs PWL, its not him, Dirty D(Tampa Bukkake) knows, its not him. This starts over C3X and Derek Hay gets to Monica and then to names and such. Everyone has been looking at Florida, maybe they should be looking at California. If PWL stayed with the Trannyfucker and the Earl it wouldnt get any news, Monica and Lenny was pump number one, didnt work, the name spillage did. Problem is that Chrissy and Derek are still working and no one cares. Part of this is also Donny versus Trannyfucker too, Chrissy probably screwed him out of work and it finally got to a tipping point.

  34. pornshooter33 says:

    “Anyways I think many of you may also want to take note of the company 2257safe/2257snap (especially check out twitter dot com / 2257safe timeline ) .

    Now according to the last tweet from 2257safe (Michael Fattorosi): “Special offer for pornstars & solo girls -> for $9.99 a month -> Keep your address & name off the internet !!”
    Monica what they are talking about is 2257. IF a model has a site online by law on the site there has to be a 2257 button. That goes to a page where there has to be info on where the custodian of record is so the fbi can do record checks.
    Now lots of people werent complying. Girls just put an email addy on that page. That is not complying with the law.It has to be a real address and someone has to be there for surprise inspections I think its a min of 20 hrs a week.
    The government then stated its ok to have third party custodians of record. Which meant businesses like 2257snap came to be. So if you pay a monthly fee. You up load your records to their secured server and you put their address on your site. So the fbi shows up at their location to inspect records and more importantly you dont have to have your address out there on your site.

  35. 2257snap / safe in my view is a company that is completely unnecessary, overpriced and run by people who I think should be closely viewed prior to doing business with.

    I find it strange that one of the company’s founders are consistently recruiting clients (sologirls) on stripperweb dot com while misleading them as to how necessary their “service” is.

    Also again, I find it VERY strange that people linked to these companies founders seem to have NO ISSUES with being listed on the PWL website. WHY IS THAT?

    Crooked attorneys with madams who try to intimidate you into escorting for girlfriends – yep lets see how this flies.

  36. Darrah Ford says:

    MonicaFoster Says:

    2257snap / safe in my view is a company that is completely unnecessary, overpriced and run by people who I think should be closely viewed prior to doing business with.

    I find it strange that one of the company’s founders are consistently recruiting clients (sologirls) on stripperweb dot com while misleading them as to how necessary their “service” is.

    Also again, I find it VERY strange that people linked to these companies founders seem to have NO ISSUES with being listed on the PWL website. WHY IS THAT?

    Crooked attorneys with madams who try to intimidate you into escorting for girlfriends – yep lets see how this flies.

    You’re the one who should be closely viewed considering you’ve threatened to kill me and others on your Twitter in the past couple of days. You do know that’s a crime, right? I could have you arrested right now, thrown in prison, or sent to a mental hospital for your latest stunt this week. The only reason why you still have your Twitter page is because I told everyone not to report you so to keep an eye on your threats.

    Did you even read what pornshooter33 said? They are the custodian of records. That service is needed for this industry. I know reading up on an industry you were once a member of is hard for you to do. But that service is needed. I remember being the one who informed you about many things about this industry that you had no clue about. So not knowing what a custodian of records is for is understandable in your case.

    Overpriced? $9.95 a month is overpriced? You’re joking, right? You can’t afford $9.95 a month to keep your records there? Do you expect them to work for free also?

  37. Michael Whiteacre says:

    Wrong. That company is/was not simply a 2257 Custodian of Records entity — as that tweet makes clear.

    This is not about third party Custodians of Records, this is about who had the means, opportunity, motive and will to create, support and wield PWL. This 2257Safe/Snap company’s business model, and the timing of certain events detailed above, make it clear that the parties involved in 2257Safe/2257Snap are not above suspicion. Standing alone, it PROVES nothing. Taken in context, it is quite interesting.

    I do not agree with everything written above, nor do I claim that there is ANY definitive connection, but suspicions must be raised when all the facts are taken into account — the timeline of events, the statements of the parties involved (or suspected), and the history of the businesses and associations of the parties involved, suspected and implicated.

    Who benefitted and/or stands to benefit from PWL? This is the fundamental question. The answer yields a distinct group of individuals, some known and some unknown.

    Then we ask: who had the means, opportunity, motive and will to support and use PWL? Again, a distinct group of individuals, some known and some unknown.

    The overlap will lead to ALL the guilty parties, one way or another.

    The feds are already on this. Do you think they can’t do the forensic work to get all the emails, tweets, phone records, bank records, GPS/cell phone location data, and IP info needed to work this out? For better or worse, there’s no hiding in the internet age, and very little chance of effectively covering one’s tracks. Then there’s the people who will roll over when pressure is applied…

  38. jeremysteele11 says:

    LOL, Spiegler. Someone posted this comment off that link-

    “My suggestion to him is to team up with Lawrence Albert Connor ( the one who got butt fucked by Lanni Barbi by a strapon) they would make a good team.”

    Lawrence Conner is a crazy fan of mine who I nicknamed “The entranced parrot” because he’d always repeat himself. He also showed me that Lanni Barbie footage. If I was still friends with the Porn Star For Rent non-producer I’d tell him that footage should be in the doc; He’s a guy, who’s perhaps bisexual, who was unable to get it up and fuck Lanni Barbie on camera, so instead she fucks him with a strap-on. It’s a classic moment in porn history from what I saw!

  39. very interesting in that since I broke the story on Joe Brandi, the tweets I was sure were from him STOPPED DEAD

    and donny has gotten awful quiet too


  40. That would be hard to do completely anonymously Darrah but go ahead, have me “arrested right now, thrown in prison, or sent to a mental hospital” – I’m waiting.

    @Michael Whiteacre thanx for clarifying my point.

  41. Darrah Ford says:

    The police were called to Kacey Jordan’s hotel room after her Twitter followers called the police after she threatened to kill herself. She also had her account banned, at the time, for making the suicide threats.

    A few years ago a man was arrested for making death threats on IMDB on the Jesse McCartney forum. He was later sent to prison.

    It’s very easy to pick up a phone and point to your Twitter telling them that you’re threatening to kill people and wanting to go on a killing spree. Your words, not mine. Oh, your deleted tweets are never truly deleted. Ask Congress about that.

  42. Like I said “Darrah Ford” aka Pornwikileaks wiki author… do it. Just think…it will be your claim to fame! Why just talk about what you wanna do when you could actually do it – follow through!

    Amazing how guilt makes a people hide behind aliases, forces people to be anonymous and worry so much. Write a million blogs the falsify that facts about me “Darrah Ford” – they hold no weight because I let the world see and know exactly who I am…faults and all. You and your friends can’t ever do that (and you hate it – because you hate yourself).

    Anyways I’ll be at the FSC meeting tomorrow for performers – too bad the fictitious “Darrah” can’t go. I used to actually think “Darrah” was a real person rather than a group of losers – now I know better.

    Adult talents (and anyone for that matter) – unless you want a wiki written about you by “Darrah Ford” steer clear of “bloggers” who love to gossip but never show that they’re a real person (“Darrah Ford” is the best example of that out there).

    I’m still waiting “Darrah” for you to call whatever authorities you want to on me – OH make sure you report me to twitter too…only one problem “Darrah” – law enforcement tends to not like criminals who attempt intimidation tactics, psychological warfare and who are fictitious characters rather than real individuals.

    It’s been fun “Darrah Ford” but you get no more acknowledgement or attention from me ever again. Goodluck – you will need it after all the chips have fallen.

    If anyone out there DOES know the real person behind this “Darrah Ford” please let me know so I can file a restraining order if worse comes to worse. Thanx.


  43. Michael Whiteacre says:

    @Monica – My guess is the FBI has already looked into Darrah Ford, seeing as she is apparently up to her muff cabbage in the PWL affair. Clumsy, clumsy, clumsy.

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