Planned Parenthood loses all Federal Funding

From Planned Parenthood-

Minutes ago, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to bar Planned Parenthood  from all federal funding for any purpose whatsoever. That means no funding to  Planned Parenthood health centers for birth control, lifesaving cancer  screenings, HIV testing, and other essential care.

By far, this is the most dangerous legislative assault on women’s health in our  history, and it cannot go unanswered. We need you to stand united with us now.  We need you to stand with Planned Parenthood and with the three million women,  men, and teens we serve, who are now at risk of losing access to basic care.

We’ve drafted an open letter to every single representative in the House who  voted for this cruel, unconscionable, unthinkable bill, and to every senator who  still has a chance to stop it.

More info or to "do something" cilck here

39 thoughts on “Planned Parenthood loses all Federal Funding

  1. Its getting more and more scary every day to be an american (and a human being in general) in this country.

  2. So much for Obama, maybe he’ll veto. I hope he does, teen pregnancy will go thru the roof, and so will crime in about 18 to 20 years.

  3. This bill isn’t going anywhere. Like Ruby said, Obama would veto and conservatives don’t have enough votes in the Senate to overturn it.

  4. I have a problem with abortion as birth control and tax money paying for it . That being said, i dont believe it should be illegal either.

  5. jeremysteele11 says:

    Just replace “Planned Parenthood” with “Accidental Offspring”. Just what we need. Let’s just sink this ship called America with surplus looney tunes wandering in search of love and/or a crack hit.

  6. The only people that can afford to use abortion as birth control are the repubs that are dead set on banning it.

  7. Larry Horse says:

    The Republicans are offending everyone: Unions, Women, Blacks, GLBTs, Seniors, children…who the f**k voted for these neanderthals. Planned Parenthood does a lot more than birth control. Along with the teen pregnancy rate going up, there could be a rise in the rates of cervical cancer, ovarian cancer and so on.

  8. jeremysteele11 says:

    Its the Repulicon, sponsored by the conservative media which pretends its too liberal.

    Neo (Nazi)-cons, Republicons… I think they’re mostly conning themselves.

  9. ah, how many abortions has kacey jordan had ? sounds like birth control to me.

  10. liamcearmada says:

    Fuck Planned Parenthood…..they don’t give a shit about who gets pregnant or not… is just another free ride for people who want to act like they give a shit about others but collect a check for hanging around all day drinking coffee and shooting the shit!

  11. chitownie says:

    I love the way these conservative faggot child molesters think:

    They blame government intrusion for everything, but they’re the cock sucking scumbags that want to peek through every one’s shades and control what consenting adults do behind closed doors.

  12. do what the fuck you want as long as my tax money isn’t used to “take care of it ”
    conservatives don’t wanna control your life
    only libtards know whats best for you

  13. @blasasianByatch
    Your comment above is perhaps one of the most ridiculous comments off all time on LIB, and there have been a few. Ignorance is like a communical disease that youre attempting tospread here.

    Yes, all these women having abortions are rich republicans. Do you REALLY believe what you wrote?

  14. jeremysteele11 says:

    Donald Rumsfeld announced on 9/10/01 (“coincidentally” for coincidence theorists, one day before you know what) that the Pentagon doesn’t know what happened to 2.3 Trillion dollars.. not million, not billion… Trillion. That was your tax money, Travis. Why haven’t they been held accountable? Ask the “liberal” media. They weren’t held accountable but we are for their “fuck up”. Then one day after that annoucement an event took place, which the people were not to blame for, but the people were held accountable for. The agencies that “fucked-up” were rewarded by being given much larger sums of money and power. That’s quite an incentive not to “fuck up” again, isn’t it? If you have a “failure of imagination” you’ll get lots more money and power and get to steal peoples’ money, rights and future away. But let’s just keep focusing on this liberal vs. conservative red-herring, Travis because that is EXACTLY what they want us to do, since both parties are owned anyway.

  15. Larry Horse says:

    There should be hearings about the facts spreading like wildfire that they all knew there were no WMDs in Iraq. Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Armitage, Rove, Cheney et al should be indicted and at the very least disgraced for what they did, costing trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives. Of course we’re too busy talking about abortion right removal and Planned Parenthood funding, great if all the other moral ills of society are fixed and everyone has jobs. That Congresswoman from California should be revered for finally put a face on why abortion is a medical necessity, the baby was one she wanted but it moved out of the WOMB and into her cervical area, it had no chance to be a live birth and could have killed the woman. Tell that to her family that she could have been saved but we couldnt do the procedure and then have her come to term with a dead fetus. F**k the pro-life people and the horse they rode in on.

  16. I’m sorry joe, but you’re the ignorant one. That article was one of the most ridiculous ones posted in relation to what’s being discussed on this blog (and there have been quite a few). NYC has “72 abortions for every 100 births” but that does not correspond to a 72% abortion rate. The rate is higher than other parts of the country but it accounts for 41% of pregnancies. And what the fuck does Planned Parenthood have to do with NYC’s higher abortion rate?

    We largely do not know why a woman/girl chooses an abortion. I see what you are trying to argue: “its mostly those black, lower-income, ignorant freeloaders who get abortions.” Yes, black women constitute the majority of abortion seekers. Have you also seen the sexual abuse rates for black women and girls? Have you ever seen “Precious”? Of course you haven’t because you live in a hillbilly bubble out in SoCal somewhere…

    I do not support abortion but I believe in the woman’s right to choose. It is her body–not mine–and fetuses cannot support themselves on their own. I believe conception is a blessing in all cases and that ALL women should carry their babies to term. However, childbirth is not a man’s responsibility–it is a woman’s. God gave her that perrogative and, ultimately, He would judge her accordingly for her actions.

    The government should not force a woman to go through pregnancy if she is extremely against it. Likewise, the government should not be on a witch-hunt to make abortions financially unattainable–as that is tantamount to the same result. Federal funds currently do not go towards supporting abortions. The status quo is fair.

  17. chitownie says:

    “There should be hearings about the facts spreading like wildfire that they all knew there were no WMDs in Iraq. Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Armitage, Rove, Cheney et al should be indicted and at the very least disgraced for what they did, costing trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives.”

    History will NOT be kind to these scumbags and their supporters.

  18. jeremysteele11 says:

    But history is written by the winners, Chitownie, and this rehashing of the old abortion issue is just another red-herring to keep us focused away from the mega-crimes against humanity/”great service” that Obama has thanked the Bush Cabal for.

  19. Origen,
    I dont know if youre old enought to remember the Roe v. Wade debate back when it actually happened. At that time thelikes of jesse Jackson and others were against it, calling it a plan for black genocide. The Roe supporters were calling their detractors fear mongers when they had the audacity to predict that there would be up to 100,000 abortions performered every year. There was a now infamous LA Times editorial that spoke of the unrealistic, fear mongering of the Roe detractors, and that the possiblility of 100,000 abortions a year was just not even possible.
    As they say, only time will tell. Here we are decades later, most of the old Roe detractors have flip flopped 100% on the isue, and their are millions of abortions a year,,,millions.

    In the original case “Roe” claimed to have been raped, and accusation she now says was false.

    I fully support a womans right to choose, but I aslo believe this is a States Rights issue, not a federal one. Just like I believe the FEDERAL Education department should be abolished, and returned to the states. There is no constitutinal reason for Federal money to be spent on this issue.

    Now here comes the shocker, I totally agree with Jeremiahs above post, the winners write history, but I will go one step further and I think Jeremiah will agree with me, the winners ‘rewrite’ history, as has been done with the Roe v. Wade decision.

    If you all truely believe that you want government to STAY OUT OF THE BEDROOM, then paying for the consequences of what happens in your bedroom should also not be an option of the government.

    If you want the governement to pay for the consequences of what happens in your bedroom, arent you opening the door to your bedroom for the government to come in?

    And origen, you seem to indicate that a significalnt percentage of abortions are sought by those who are sexually abuse victims, which I respectfully disagree with. Yes there are some, and of course they should have access to medical treatment, but it is a small percentage. Today abortion is being used as birth control, for those who have no control. Everybody loves to argue about personal choice, consequences be dammed. My choice to get pregnant, your responsibility to pay for my abortion.

  20. jeremysteele11 says:

    As our ex-jackass-in-chief Dubya once said, “We got an issue in America… too many good doctors are going out of business…”

  21. @ joe know , that was excellently written and i could not agree more.

  22. jeremysteele11 says:

    4th abortion? Anti-abortionists must be seething! Why does she, as she admits, get pregnant so easily?

    Get spayed!

  23. I might also add to my above comment, my choice to do with my body what I want, your resonsiblibly to pay for my abortion or the 18 years of welfare to pay for my kid. Cut off the access to the free ride, and see how many are now willing to take that ride. Providing free remedies for the most irresponsible behavior is NOT going to change that behavior, it is going to encourage it.
    These same people receiving free aborions at our expense could instead by recieving free contraception, which would be the lesser of the two bad solutions for the bad problem of irresponstiblity.

    Jeremy, it is not just ‘anti-abortionists’ who are disgusted with the behavior of people of the ilk of Kacey Jordan. Very normal everday people are disgusted with people like her, you dont have to be a right wing zealot to know irresponsilbe, disgusting behavior when you see it, and that is EXACTLY what kacey Jordan is, irresponsible and disgusting. I dont know of many people who are going to stick up for her pattern of behavior, but the porn industry is waiting with open arms for her, and so is the rest of the ‘tabloid’ entertainment industry, not just porn.

    To answer your question above,,,Because she is an idiot.

  24. jeremysteele11 says:

    And how did she ascertain to tell Charlie that she thinks it isn’t his? Ouija board? Who’s is it probably? What does her cooch tell her?

  25. Joe, I must reiterate that we largely DO NOT KNOW why individual women choose to have abortions. This is a very personal decision with significant social stigmas in play. We largely cannot rely on abortion-seeker surveys for an accurate explanation. Women might choose to say that they simply can’t afford a baby while omitting several other key factors in their decision-making. The woman might have become pregnant as a result of rape, incest, or coerced sexual conduct (“Bitch, make me wear a rubber and I’ll leave you”).

    As much as I abhor Kacey Jordan’s reckless behavior, we do not REALLY know the circumstances of her pregnancy–despite her blabbering mouth.

    Again, I must emphasize, that under the Hyde Amendment, FEDERAL FUNDS DO NOT GO TOWARDS ANY ACTIVITY THAT FACILITATES ABORTIONS! Therefore, let us be thoughtful and prudent when we discuss eliminating federal funding for Planned Parenthood. There is a Chinese wall within the organization that separates financing for their abortion activities and financing for services such as parental classes, STD prevention, and reproductive health screenings. Federal funding only supports the latter.

    Planned Parenthood is the largest single provider of reproductive health screenings in the nation. Imagine the policy impact if federal funds are taken away. Omitting their involvement in abortions, PP is also well-respected and socially efficient American non-profit. Why should the government refuse them grant funding (absent a pyrrhic crusade to make abortions unavailable) when grants are given to hundreds of thousands of organizations for all sorts of purposes?

    And no, I DEFINITELY wasn’t alive when Roe v Wade was decided. However, I do lament the increases in abortion since then. I’m radically pro-life and I believe even women who are raped should decide to give birth. But I am a not a woman deciding whether or not to get an abortion–and neither is the Jesse Jackson, political commentators, or the government.

  26. Origen,
    I completely agree that people should have access to medical treatment and such. But it should not be coming from the FEDERAL level. If there was ever anything that was a State and local issue it is the healthcare of the individual citizen.

    And I would also beg the question, why are all these tax dollars going to Washington just to be doled back out to the states. Keep the money in the States to begin with, and cut out the waste of putting through the federal system.

    By accepting federal funding you open the door for federal regulation. Same wit the Federal Dept. of Education. Can someone tell me why our california tax dollars have to go to Washington before they are given back to the state for education. These are States rights issues.

    Origen, I think you and I agree on alot more than we disagree. I also think that sometimes you agree with me, you just dont like the way I say it, and I understand that.

    I am not anti governmet, I am not a libertarian, but I think this nation has to get back to its roots as the United STATES of America. Each state with its own identity that reflects those who live there. Montana is a hell of alot different than Delaware, but to the Federal goverment they are all the same.This is one of the biggest problems in our nation today, the increase of intrusion from the feds into the states.

    If you want federal funding for your healthcare then you get federal regulation of those funds, and good luck with that.

    Local chapterters of Planned Parenthood shoud be funded by local, or state taxes, not the Feds.

    I respect your opinions Origen, they are thoughtful and well articulated, even when youre calling me an a-hole.

  27. I’m sorry, joe, but I fundamentally disagree with your thesis.

    Capitalism is a complex economic mechanism with MANY different market models–ones that aren’t solely reducible to the forces of supply and demand.

    Likewise, our federal constitutional republic is too complex a system to be reduced to a state vs central government power dichotomy.

    What many people don’t know is that the permanence our federal income tax is largely the result of capitalistic development.

    With the rise of industry in the 19th century, commerce became more expansive while productivity became more efficient. The most innovative age in the history of human economic activity belongs to the concept of economies of scale. As industries grew in the United States, their interstate nature became essential to maintaining their level of economic profits since it ensured LOWER COSTS per capital unit.

    It is upon this concept that massive growth in the federal government began. One, because of a constitutional duty to govern interstate commerce and, two, because of policy need (one endorsed by public opinion) to BETTER ensure stability and tranquillity using a larger revenue base.

    This is the reason why the same states you are defending beg the federal government for billions of dollars every fiscal year.

    Do I support the federal government being involved in ALL fiscal and taxation areas across the country? Hellz nah. But keeping the federal government in line with its constitutional limitations the duty of Supreme Court or a Constitutional Convention–not the legislature. You can’t say something is unconstitutional just because you disagree with it.

    Likewise, joe, I understand your views on government and taxation but I’m a taxpayer too and I strongly disagree. I feel as your objective is not realistic given the nature of our society and economy.

    That’s why I believe in the party system and I mostly vote Democrat.

    And joe, you always bring ESSENTIAL facts and potent arguments to LIB. But, sorry, sometimes you still are an asshole. 😉

  28. The use of the commerce clause to do an end run around the tentha ammendment didnt really begin until the late twenties and was expanded greatly in the thrities. It was a pandoras box that should never have been opened and hopefully it will be closed one day.

    Perhaps a discussion of the tenth ammendment would be better suited for another time.

    TheBill of Rights is not the rights that the government grants to the people, it is the rights that the people grant to the government.

    “The powers not delegated to the UNITED STATES by the constitution, are reserved to the States exclusively, or to the people.”

    Providing healthcare and education to individual citizens is not a power granted to the UNITED States(federal) anywhere in the constitution. Using the commerce clause for everything from education(educating the people leads to a better economy), to healthcare(healty people lead to a better economy), has been, and is the reason the feds have begun to move into our bedrooms. If you want the feds to pay for the consequences of what happens in your bedroom, you have opened the door for them to regulate that which they provide funding for. There is virtually nothing in life that cant somehow be connected to commerce, as my above exapmpples illustrate, and giving the federal government this ability to turn virtually everything into a federal program is a recipe for disaster, as can easlity be seen by the level of federal taxes that we all pay. The income tax was started during the depression at 1% and was supposed to be temporary, but we all now can see what happens when you give the federal government one inch, they just come back for the whole mile, and more.

    From one asshole to another, have a good day. I have always ageed with ALOT of what you say.

  29. Each state has their own marriage laws, but every state is required to repect the marriages granted in another state. I predict it wont be long before the commerce clause is used to establish a federal standard for marriage, after all, strong family units are good for the economy. Where does it end? Unfortunately, it does not end at your bedroom door anymore, if you want the feds to pay for it, they are going to regulate it.

  30. Just to be clear, the federal income tax became permanent in 1913–not during the Great Depression.

    I also disagree with your view of the commerce clause–I think there is substantial evidence to pinpoint the beginning of massive federal expansion to the Gilded Age.

    I’m sorry joe. I just believe the federal government manages many things well–so long as it remains within its constitutional scope. Again, it is kept in check by the Supreme Court–not ordinary “joes” like you or me. Citizens support the powerful force of public opinion but they do not serve as constitutional authorities. We are a republic first, sir. Our democratic principles come second.

  31. As for gay marriage–the commerce clause probably won’t be used to constitutionally support a federal marriage standard but, rather, Article IV, Section 1 (Full Faith & Credit).

  32. Sorry, the above post is just nonsense. Ignore that, pls…

  33. Republic and democracy. So many people dont know the difference, hence alot of disagreement aboutour form of government. When you try to tell some people that we have a ‘repulican’ from of government, not a democracy, many people just dont get it. Although there are alot of democratic principles to be found in a repulic of united states. Have a good day origen.

  34. name anything the federal gov “manages” well.

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