NL- I’m not saying I agree or disagree with this t-shirt, just that it’s painfully, sarcastically & rudely funny…. (Thanks Penny)
NL- I’m not saying I agree or disagree with this t-shirt, just that it’s painfully, sarcastically & rudely funny…. (Thanks Penny)
Unfortunately that T-shirt is very accurate.
Yes, very Accurate.
….and that’s only a small fraction of the destruction Republicans cause.
Whats the fastest way to turn a democrat into a republican?
Give him a job and make him pay taxes.
A wise man said if you’re under 30 years old and not a liberal then you have no heart, if you’re over 30 and still a liberal then you have no brain.
Anyone who believes in the Philosophy of the old and evil Republican demagogues simply never HAD a brain to begin with, regardless of their age.
Republican Dogma
Here are some of the things you are required to believe to be a Republican today:
• Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush’s daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him, and a bad guy when Bush wanted an excuse to invade Iraq and hand its oil fields over to Halliburton, even though his daddy had written in a book that trying to overthrow Saddam would be a bad, bad, bad idea.
• Trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is communist, but trade with communist China and communist North Vietnam is vital to a spirit of international harmony.
• The United States should get out of the United Nations, and our highest national priority should be enforcing U.N. resolutions against Iraq.
• A woman can’t be trusted to make decisions about her own body, but multinational corporations can make decisions affecting all humanity without regulation (provided, of course, that they don’t get caught, like Bush’s former close personal friend, “Kenny Boy” Lay of Enron).
• Jesus loves you — and Jesus hates homosexuals, Hillary Clinton, liberals, uppity women, uppity blacks, uppity hispanics, uppity orientals, immigrants, and everyone else you hate and/or fear.
• Along the same lines: A good Christian obsesses about a few verses in Leviticus that appear to support his biases, and a good Christian totally ignores Jesus’s liberal preaching about loving your enemies and forgiving anyone who does you wrong.
• The best way to improve military morale is to praise the troops in speeches while (a) slashing veterans’ benefits and combat pay and (b) inviting into the military high school students who before 2004 were considered too short, too unwell, too stupid, too fat, too lazy, or too gay to be soldiers, and telling the fat ones they won’t have to exercise or eat less.
• If condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents won’t have sex.
• A good way to fight terrorism is to belittle our longtime allies, then demand their cooperation and money.
• Providing health care to all Iraqis is sound policy. Providing health care to all Americans is socialism.
• HMOs and insurance companies have the best interests of the public at heart and care nothing about profits.
• Having the top one percent of Americans become even more wealthy while more than 4.1 million Americans slip into poverty is a huge success for Bush economic policies.
• Global warming and tobacco’s link to cancer are junk science, but creationism — “intelligent design”— should be taught in schools. (Next, after this admitted “wedge issue” is successful: Chemistry classes will be required to teach alchemy; geography classes will be required to teach flat-Earthism; math classes will be required to teach that pi equals three (1 Kings 7:23); anthropology classes will be required to teach Leviticus; biology classes will be required to teach the falsehood that hares and rock badgers chew their cuds like cows (Lev. 11:6; Deut. 14:7).
• A president lying about an extramarital affair is an impeachable offense, but a president lying to drum up support for a war in which thousands die — including well over 100,000 innocent civilians — is solid defense policy.
• Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, which includes banning marriage between free and equal citizens of whom you disapprove; establishing far-right “Christian” fundamentalism as the official religion of the United States, along with an American Taliban whose imams will include Pat Robertson and James Dobson; reducing women to second-class citizens by forbidding them to make decisions about their own bodies; and censoring the Internet (and any other media that promote truth over neocon ideology).
• The public has a right to know about Hillary’s cattle trades, but George W. Bush’s driving record is none of our business.
• Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime — unless you’re a conservative radio host. Then it’s an illness, and you need our prayers for your recovery.
• You support “states’ rights,” or, in English, the right of the Attorney General to tell states what local voter initiatives they are allowed to adopt.
• What former president Bill Clinton did in the 1960s (inhale, probably) is of vital national interest, but what current president George W. Bush did in the 1970s (getting drunk; tooting cocaine; going AWOL during a time of war, a felony) and 1980s (getting drunk; tooting cocaine; driving not one, not two, but THREE businesses into bankruptcy and being financially bailed out at least twice by Salem bin Laden, Osama’s brother) is totally irrelevant.
@Honest Abe,
I need your help. I am one of those repulicans you describe above but Iwant to become a democrat.
Can you give me a list of things I am “REQUIRED TO BELIEVE” to be good democrat. Just out of fairness and all.
I already know the first two.
Socialism and communism are better than a repulican(democratic) form of government.
The United States is the most evil country on the planet.
Can you help us with the rest HONEST Abe, or does your HONESTY only go one way(to the left)?
Thanks in advance, your honesty will be apprectiated.
The REQUIRED belifes of a democrat.
Communism is good
Socialism is good
Successful,and educated are bad
Rich people OWE you a share of their success, and if they wont give it to you we will take it.
Personal irresponsibility is good, as long as somone else cleans up yor mess.
Cradle to grave goverment control of your life is utopia.
Success must be limited, nobdoy deserves to have more than you do.
You are not the master of your own destiny, it is the collective success that is more important than the indivdual.
It is unfair for people to be successful and enjoy the fruits of their success while others are left behind.
Abortion is good, just ask Kacey.
You have the right to an aborion doctor, if you cant afford one, one will be appointed to you. You have the right to agree with liberals and communists, if you choose to give up this right you are evil.
Government should NOT limit itself to those rights granted to it by the people according to the Constitution. The governmet should be the one who determines what your rights are, after all, we know whats best for everybody.
To disagree with communism, socialism and liberalism is the highest form of ignorance on the planet.
Every female should have at least one abortion, therefore eliminating the stigma attached to this unselfish act of love for ones self, dammed be the inconvience of that thing called a fetus.
Sadam housien was a really nice guy, just misunderstood.
Children shoud be taught about sex and politics in SCHOOL, how dare parents think they know what is best for their own children.
Only liberal ond communists should write the testbooks used in school.
Wasington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison were the most evil people who ever lived. They created the most evil institution to ever see the light of day, The United States of America.
And the number one democratic principle, From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
Republicans help those who already have the means to help themselves, and perpetrate the belief that Jesus wants to destroy brown people. – ‘Family Guy’
We need more Robin Hoods and less Sheriffs of Nottingham.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
But when the rich get poorer the poor become absolutely destitute.
Redistribution of wealth has NEVER lifted the poor our of poverty. It destroys the middle class. The poor do NOT create jobs, yet democrats do everything they can do prevent the ‘rich’ from creating jobs. Becuase those jobs will eventually lead to the rich getting richer, and we all know we cant have that.
Democrat definitions of rich,,,1. anybody with a job 2. anyone with more than you.
Why are the democrats looking for a solution to the PROBLEM of rich people having money?(please reference the definition of rich above)
requplicans want to create jobs and wealth for people and help them move UP the economic ladder, democrats want to bring the wealty DOWN to the level of the middle and poor.
Seriously Joe Know, you dont seem to know very much if you can stand there and defend the things the republicans have done in the last 30 years going all the way back to Ronald Reagan and his backroom deals of arms.
George W. Bush is hands down the worst president we ever had for so many reasons I can’t name them all.
The republicans certainly haven’t lived up to the conservative ideal but it beats the holy hell outta the alternative.
Sure, Here you go, Joe “Does Not” Know.
Democrat Party Goals/Beliefs
-Pursue embryonic stem cell research.
-Support right to choose even if mother cannot pay.
-Cut the deficit in half over the next four years.
-Strengthen some parts of Patriot Act and change other parts.
-Support affirmative action to redress discrimination.
-Racial and religious profiling is wrong.
-Keep marriage at state level; no federal gay marriage ban.
-Tax credits and investment support for small business.
-Transparency in corporate accounting.
-End corporate welfare as we know.
-Crack down on gangs and drugs.
-Bring to justice those bringing drugs to America.
-Support lifelong learning and Distance Learning.
-Bush broke promise of NCLB by not funding it.
-Standardized tests to advance learning, not bureaucracy.
-Charter schools OK, vouchers not.
-Energy independence to avoid dealing with repressive regimes.
-Develop renewable energy and efficient vehicles.
-We cannot drill our way to energy independence.
-Reject choice of healthy economy vs. healthy environment.
-Honor hunting & fishing heritage via more conservation lands.
-Family is the center of American life.
-Bush bullies when he should instead persuade.
-US leadership in Africa for economic & humanitarian goals.
-Commit to “One China” policy but support Taiwan.
Asia: Enhance relations with Japan, S.Korea, India, Pakistan.
-Community of the Americas for US-Latin American relations.
-End Castro regime, but allow travel.
-Russia: work on nukes, human rights, and democracy.
-Knock down barriers to free, fair and balanced trade.
-Review all trade agreements; investigate China rights abuses.
-Line-item veto to root out pork-barrel spending.
-Ensure accessible, independently auditable, accurate voting.
-Reauthorize assault weapons ban, close gun show loophole.
-Bush’s Medicare Rx program helps companies more than seniors.
-Expand coverage and cut healthcare costs.
-We respect and honor our veterans.
-3 challenges: War on Terror; WMDs, stable world democracy.
-Reform intelligence community internationally and locally.
-Safeguard nuclear material and stop creating new material.
-Add 40,000 new soldiers and keep military all-volunteer.
-Focus on cargo containers and border security.
-Path for undocumented aliens to earn citizenship.
-A strong America begins with good jobs that support families.
-Change tax system to not encourage shipping jobs overseas.
-New vision for America: strong at home, respected abroad.
-Bar practice of keeping retirement funds in company stock.
-Oppose privatization and oppose raising retirement age.
-Cut taxes for middle class, not the wealthy.
-Put science ahead of ideology in research and policymaking.
-Vigorous federal highway and transit initiatives.
-“Name and shame” terrorist sponsors, tough on Saudi Arabia.
-Focus on Afghanistan to avoid renewing terrorist haven.
-Focus on preventing terrorism by education in Muslim world.
-Need a plan to “win the peace” in Iraq.
-Internationalize Iraqi military and political presence.
-Committed to Israel but support Palestinian state.
I can’t even begin to imagine just how horrible this place would be if liberalism were to allowed destroy unchecked.
I love watching JoeKnow argue just for the sake of arguing. He does it in every fucking thread. Oh, and just for the record, the two-party system is complete bullshit and I don’t cater to either of these assholes. Dems and Repubs are like good-guy/bad-guy wrestlers. They go out there and put on a show for the crowd, then share a beer and a blowjob backstage. Cynicism is bliss……..
I just couldnt pass this one up
“Focus on preventing terrorism by education in the Muslim world” LOL
Like every good leberal you will not concede even one single pooint. EVERYTHING liberals want is good EVERYTHING!!!
I will freely concede their is huge hypocrisy in conservative politics.
Will you ever conced even the smallest hypocrisy from the left?
The economic uprn under Reagen was bad. The economic upturn under Clinton was good.
A replican makes money, thats bad. Hillary makes a 1000 dollar investment and somehow profits 100,000.00 and thats good.
“We respect an honor our veterans.when its convinient) I guess you dont remember how the left treated the Viet nam vets back in the day do you? Youve got some nerve making that statement.
Farts, the two party system is complete bullshit. Just for kicks, whay type of system would you prefer?
Yes, here in the states the two parties put on their show and then go have a beer. Look at alot of other countries, the goverment tries to do their thing, and then they go shoot eachother.
Joe “Does Not” Know,
Regarding “Focus on preventing terrorism by education in the Muslim world”.
1/4 of the World population is Muslim. – What’s your solution? Stick your head in the sand and pretend they don’t exist? Or the typical “Right Winger” way of addressing things they don’t like which is taunt, mock, insult, ridicule, and outcast.
Your other Primitive Backwoods Bible-thumper Cliches make intelliget response difficult.
Regarding Clinton and the Economy: Do you know the origin of the phrase: “It’s the Economy, Stupid”? It refers to the disastrous economical situation the Republicans put the country in under the Regan/Bush administrations and a major reason the Republican’s lost the election to Clinton. Republican policies put us into largest fiscal debt the county had ever seen, and growing, with NO solutions.
The Clinton Administration inherited this massive debt and turned everything around. At the end of the very prosperous Clinton Administration, the country was left with the Largest SURPLUS Ever: $237 Billion Dollar SURPLUS. (F.Y.I. Surplus is the Opposite of Deficit).
Then came the return of Bush and the Republicans. In the same amount of time, the Republican Bush Administration turned and extremely prosperous debt-free Economy into the most perilous and disastrous economic situation since the Great Depression. In the words of John McCain: The US is in the “worst crisis since World War II.” Way to go – Republicans!
God only knows what the World would be like now if we had elected McCain and Palin instead of Obama. If McCain/Palin had won, our economy now would probably make the Great Depression era look like “Good Times.”
Dis honest Abe,
And Reagan didnt inheret the DISASTER known as the Carter administration? How far do you want to got with this. Do we want to go backas far as the FAILED war onpeveryof LBJ?
And werent all of those changes in the home loan programs that lead to this disaster all started under clinton, with the loosining of standards to ‘qualify’ for home loans set so low that people who should. never have qualified were now getting homes that everyone knew they wuld not be able to hold on to?
AAbe your rhetoric “Things you are REQUIRED to belive if youre a republican” is bullshit.
There is bullshit on BOTH sides, I will admit that, will you? Will you say ONE thing that you disagree with the left on. To take your stand that ALL democrat is GOOD and ALL republican is BAD doesnt lend itself to meaningful debate.
For the last several years I have been very financially fortunate. I have been an active member of the workforce for 30 years. I havent always been as fortunate as I have been recently, despite the overall economy, but it took me 25 years to get to where I should now be able to enjoy the fruits of my labor. What percentage of the money I make, and you make, should go to the tax man, and I mean all taxes combined, stat, federal, the taxes on my phone bill, the trash “FEES’ etc etc etc etc etc? At what point is enough enough,,40%,50%,60% 70% 80%…..I say it should not be higher than 30% total. And it should be mostly collected through a value added tax, not an income tax. Tax me on what I spend, not what I earn.
BE HONEST Abe, how much do you think it should be.(a question that no dogma following democrat will ever answer honestly, or am I wrong on that Abe, lets hear your number.)
And who was in control of CONGRESS, youknow, the branch that does the spending, during those repub administrations. There is bullshit on both sides, the exutive branch can only sign a budget that is presented to it by CONGRESS. Where do you stand on a line item beto Abe?
dishonest abe could the most misinformed person on the planet.
nope, my mistake he sounds like every other elite liberal america hating atheist snob.
Joe Knowless and Travis need to come out of the closet as (like most conservatives) they are self-hating fags.
Nothing wrong with a little bit of selfishness but Republicans take it too far…
wrong again chitowndumbass. you chumps never answer specific points or questions , just fall back on the same old tired dogma.
Look you guys. Bickering like children. This is the kind of shit that politicians want. Confusion, anger, and the consumption of mis-information. Until people realize that neither side gives one flying fuck about them or their families, then it will never change. There are no Democrats or Republicans. Just old rich assholes, getting older and getting richer. You guys should shake hands and talk about movies and music, instead of watching and participating in Washington D.C.’s version of Wrestlemania.
Actually, Joe, I consider myself a Moderate Democrat.
You ask me admit to at least one thing on the left that I disagree with. I’m sure there’s a lot of things when you start looking in the extremes. I have no interest in extreme and radical politics, just the core beliefs – the things that are common sense, protecting the environment and human rights, building a strong economy, and International policy that does NOT make the rest of the World hate us.
We need a new world disorder to mess up the control through chaos con they’ve been pushing on us. Who’s with me? Chaaaaarge!
The typical leftist liberal response from Dishonest Abe. I expected nothing less. you “dont deal in extremes, just core beliefs” LOL
You have no problem making a half page list of expterem postisions and call them the core beliefs that repulicans are REQUIRED to believe, but wont coem up with one single iota of a critisism of dmeocrats. ANd you list of core belifs for commycrats, oops, democrats reads like a wishlist of the left, of course it requires the rich guys of the right to pay for it.
Stoppping terrorism by educating the Muslim world, yes of course, the leftists democrats know exactly what to teach the muxlims and they will stop doing what theyre doing, how could we all be so dumb as to not know that the commie left knows whats best for everybody.
Like most typical lefties, you wont concede one single thing, and you wont dare give a number as to the amount of taxes you think people should pay. I said 30%, based on what I spend, not what I earn. Whats your number Dishonest Abe? Of course a core belief of democrats means that the your number will be ALOT higher than mine, that is why you wont ever put up a number. Youre not fooling anyone. Now either prove me wrong and lets see your number, or continue to dodge and show your true colors.
According to YOUR core belief as a demcrat, what percentage of a $100,000.oo a year income should go to the government in taxation, state local, tlephone fees, trash fees, anything that goes to government. My number is 30%, what is your core belief that this number should be, as a democrat? (Now get ready to duck everybody, hee comes the dodgeball, with no number on it)
You and everyone who thinks like you gets your chance for change every coupleof years. And you get as equal a chance as anybody else. They are called election days, and you get as much of a vote as anyone else. The government does not control which name you punch, or write in on your ballot. IF enough people agreed with you then you win. Its called majority rule. A core beleif of freedom loving people everywhere.
Majority rules, unless of course youre in Wisconsin. Then the loosers abondon their constituants, leave the stae, and prevent any votes in the statehouse from taking place. true democracy at its finest, thanks to the leftist wing of the democratic party.
Abandon your constituants and actually physically leave the state to PREVENT a vote. Is that a CORE belief of yor party Abe,,,,,in Wisconsin it is. Abondon your constituants, and ignore the oath of office to faithfully execute the job you werre elected for, becase you actually know better than the majority,,now their are some core beliefs for you. Elistist snobs. Stabbing their own constituants in the back in favor of an ideology that lost at the polls on election day. Get back to your state and cast your votes in the Statehouse as you were elected to do, win or lose.
DIshonest ABe, what would your reaction be if republicans in some other state did the same thing that the union owned, democrats in Wisconsin did? You guys would be flipping your collective lid, and we all know that.
Abe, can you list us some of the CORE beleifs of the Wisconsin democratic party, who are PREVENTING emocracy from taking place?
Obviously to ‘faithfully execute the duties
Obviously living up to the oath of your office is not a CORE belief for democrats in wisconsin, to faithfully execute to duties of your respective office.
And how is it that not a sinlge other demcrat, state of federal has voiced a dissenting opinion to this despicalbe display of the total violation of the oath that these people took? Core democrat beleif, everything democrats do, even violating your oath of office is good.
Joe, if you ignore rigged Presidential elections (as Journalist Greg Palast and other independent investigators have shown) where Diebold promised Bush a victory, where Jeb Bush scrubbed 10s of 1000s of mostly black democrat votes in Florida, where nearly all black counties supposedly voted for Bush, and where Bush got more votes in some counties than registered voters, then sure we have a choice. I also recommend Vincent Bulgiosi’s “The Betrayal of America” where he says that 5 Supreme Court Justices- O’Conner, Thomas, Rehnquist, Scalia and Kennedy- should all be in prison for their (interestingly) unsigned opinion that there should be no recount because it would cause Bush “irreperable harm”.
Certain subjects are just too mega-huge, important and taboo for the polically controlled corporate media. Big media ensures that we have no real democracy. We should boycott the media by refusing to buy all products advertisers peddle on their airwaves. Hit ’em where it hurts, because they don’t give a fuck otherwise about our fictitious democracy.
And how many dead people in Texas voted for Kennedy in 1960? And how many ‘democrats’ moved from Pennsylvania to Ohio two days before the last day to register to vote?
All I am saying is it goes BOTH WAYS. I will admit there is major hypocrisy on the ‘right’ side of the political spectrum. Its people like you and Abe who will not even concede one single point, will NEVER express one single criticism of the left, no matter what. Will NEVER tell anyone how much they think SHOULD be taken in taxes.
And if you recall CORRECTLy about the Florida vote, Gore only wanted the districts that he “WON” to be recounted. DO a little research on this and explain that to me. They did not petition the Supreme Court for a “FULL” recount, and the court responde properly to deny a recount in a distric that the compaintant won.
And what is your alternative to our present form of geovernment by the way. Like they say, our form of government is the worst there is, except for all the others.
Heres the oldes political joke in the book. A little boy was sitting on the side of the road in Texas crying, and a policeman stopped and ssked what was wrong. The boy said “My daady voted for Kennedy five times yesterday” The policeman said, “You should be happy then becuase Kennedy won.” The boy said “I am happy about that, but my daaddy dies eight years ago and didnt even come to see me.”
It goes both ways, but those who ignore their own parties failures, and rely on rhetoric like “Things republicans are REQUIRED to believe” are just full of shit, plain and simple, but at least I will admit the failings of my side. Fox and Oreilley are full of crap, and so is Olberman, but you dont hear muchof that from the left now do ya?
ANd what about the IRREPERABLE harm the Carter administration did to our foriegn policy in the middle east? Give us a break!!
WELL SAID JOE. abe is just a left wing hack and poor jeremy has a conspiracy to cover everything. Neither of them are willing to concede a single point much less debate honestly
and anybody who thinks that Bush 43 was the worst president ever , has gotta stop watching msnbc , its rotting your brain. read a book
You’re an idiot Joe, an absolute fuckin’ idiot (and congrats, Travis for being so impressed) How many times on here have I criticized Obama? How many fuckin’ times have I said both the right and the left are controlled by the same puppet masters?
We need to be looking at the people who have been behind the scenes in D.C. for YEARS, who are advisors to both the right and the left:
Two examples off the top of my head:
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Author of “The Grand Chessboard” which called for aggressive global domination.
Henry Kissinger: War Criminal, advisor (Chief of Staff for Clinton) to Democrats and Republicans, picked by Bush to lead the 9/11 commission after families of victims insisted on it to Bush/Cheney’s reluctance. Stepped down after the usually compliant media even pointed out his conflict of interest
I’ll debate any point with you, Travis. I’ve already made some points. You didn’t debate them. You simply, with one sentence, dismissed them.
And Dubya was the worst President ever… by far. Diebold promised him the election, research proves he stole it and that the Supreme Court committed treason, and then Bush Jr. ran this country into the ground the way a GTA felon drives a stolen car.
They get away with huge things, which only presents the green light to doing even worse things…. 9/11, etc, etc…
You want some more truth, Joe?
I simply have NO interest what-so-ever in pandering to or being the recipient of your incomprehensible hate-filled rants and ravings at the World.
well if that aint the pot calling the kettle black abe. i knew you would cut and run.
jeremy i apologise if i was dismissive but there is just no debating with you when any and everything comes back to someone behind the curtain somewhere. I just dont believe the gov is capable of huge conspiracies. The gov is filled with fools, self serving sure, but fools nonetheless. on the other hand you only criticizied bama because he isn’t liberal enuff, we really aren’t gonna have much common ground there LOL.
oh and a question, who on here sounds the most level headed/reasonable , honest abe,chitownie,karmafan, or Joe ? just sayin
Its not a matter of believing, Travis. Its a matter of looking at facts and answering unanswered questions. The widows of 911 still have unanswered questions. The 911 commission completely ignored the building 7 issue. Take a look at it on youtube and you theorize how and why that building came down. Would you theorize the building comitted suicide if it wasn’t brought down on purpose? They kicked Rosie O’ off The View after she brought WTC7 up.
No matter what the truth is its all unbelievable. I still can’t believe it but it happened.
@Dishonest Abe,
EXATLY as predicted. The typical leftist response. ANd your first listof REQUIRED dogma was not full of hate. LOL
ANd of course no number on htat tax issue. What is so hateful about a tax rate Abe.
Thank you for responding EXACTLY as I predicted you would. It was as predictable as the sun setting in the west.
Abe, cant stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Another one bites the dust. ALLyou have to do is ask that tax rate question and the leftists liberals run for the hills. NEVER FAILS!!! least we can say this about Joe Know…no one will ever accuse him of being a sockpuppet of Darrah Ford ever again after this.
I see that you are simply nothing more than just another wingnut who can’t see outside of the FOX News talking points.
If the best you can do is utter the usual Michelle Bachmann press releases about “leftists liberals” without any attempt at actual debate, then that says more about you than it does about the supposed “leftists liberals”.
And for the record, I happen to be an actual leftist who thinks that the Democrats are too CONSERVATIVE, and have been highly critical of Obama (from a progressive POV) Oh..and I happen to be Black, too..not that that matters.
Yes, there are independent Leftists who actually defend sexual media and porn…not all or even the majority of us are on Gail Dines’ or Shelley Lubben’s payroll.
BTW…that was NOT intended in any way to be a smackdown of Darrah..whom I respect deeply, even if I strongly disagree with her most of the time.
Oh..and one thing, Joe….
“Leftists” is a NOUN, not an adjective. I believe that you are looking for “leftist” as the proper adjective.
IOW, “lefitst/liberal”, not “leftists liberal”.
Of course, I’m eagarly awaiting the next talking point about the “Democrat” Party and their not-so-secret Muslim/homosexual/ChineseCommunmist plot to destroy America. We all know that’s coming, right??
Give it up, Joe, will ya?
This is a Porn Gossip Website. I stop by occasionally just to see what’s new while waiting for my pre-historic computer to finish whatever it’s taking it’s sweet time doing.
There’s thousands upon thousands of political websites where you no-life brain-washed Zombie Rebublicants can battle it out with the no-life ultra-liberal commie wackos till Doomsday.
What was that thing you wanted my opinion on – the percentage that I think personal income tax should be? Honestly? ZERO. I think it should come from other places. Happy now?
Good-bye. Have a Nice Life.
This is my short answer to Joe Know’s tax rate rant. I am a far left liberal. My maximum tax rate number is 49 %.
We all know “Its the economy, jobs, jobs jobs, good paying private sector jobs”
Now maybe one of the lefties here can tell us who creates jobs, and what it takes to “sustain” those new jobs. And I will give you a clue, it is not by taxing the rich.
Thanks for your 49% answer Chsris,,,now what percentage on a 50,000.00 salary. I respectfully think that taking half of someones 100,000 annual salary is too much. As a far left liberal your number seems quite low, but in reality, in california at least, the number is already higher than that, onece you include sales tax, the tax on ourphone bill, your trash ‘fees’, the taxes you pay at the gas pump,car regisration, the additional taxes on things like alchohol and digarettes( i dont drink or smoke). Sales tax in L.A. is, I beleive 10%,,can you beleive that 10%& sales tax on everything you buy.
Chris the difference in our figures would leave and additional 20,000 dollars in the citizens pocket. Dont you think it would be better for the economy if this citizen spent 15,000 of that money on goods and services, and saved the other 5000. I think this would spark the economy more than having the government take that 20,000 and spend it the way governmets do, with lots of builit in waste.
And what is the leftist preoccupation with Fox news. The left has ABC, CBS, MBC, MSNBC, CNN, New York Times,LA Times,etc…WOW the right has ONE tv network, and alot of radio, Typical lefty, doesnt even want there to be one outlet for the right, consevative point of view. ANd the others listed above are as far to the left as Fox is to the right, or is your real objection to Fox is that people actually watch it in numbers equal to ALL of your outlets. Freedom os speech is a bitch isnti it?
And I will say it again, I beleive there are major problems with the right, conservatives, as well as the left. It just appears to me that a large portions of lefties do not agree that their side has problems. ANd I still dont see any mention of what th lefties in Wisconsin are doing, which is violating their sworn oath of office, to faithfully execute their duties. So lefties, what about the Wisconsin situation? The lefties loose the state in a landslide of epic proportions, so they actually physically leave the state to shut it down. Is that how you faithfully execute the dutuies you were elected for? LOL
Anthony, how about your number onthe tax issue. Its a very simple question, what percentage of a $100,000.oo salary do you belive should eventually go to the government? IF you dont want to give a number, why not? I’m just asking for your opinion on this.
Above, Chris said 49%, which I think is high, and is actually lower than what someone in California already pays. What say you Anthony?
Joe Know:
I’d say, roughly 45-50%.
I’m not for seizing everything a person owns…but gotta pay for the services you use.
Funny..because paying 50-60% on graduated income tax rates sure did wonders for capping the wealth of California’s rich….right, Joey??
Besides…what “the government’ takes from you, you get right back in tax subsidies, improved services like infrastructure, technology R&D, and jobs. And I’m not even including the defense sector, either.
Democracy should be for everyone, not just those who can buy it.
Anthony, are you actually saying that it is a good thing that using high taxation to “CAP” the wealth of any individual is a good thing. You are kidding arent you? Are you saying it should be a governemt function to restric the amount of money you can make, or if you make too much the governmetn should be alowed to take it through taxation. WOW,,,you are a true left fielder, almost to the point of communism, wouldnt you say?
Your 45 to fifity number is getting closer, but in California that number is already higher than that. I agree with you that there needs ot be tax cuts in California if the state is to survive.
Anthony, by any chance are you in favor of the government controlling wages, either through taxation, or flat out legislation?
Buying democracy, last I checked EVERYBODY gets to vote, and its free. One man, one vote.
ANd what happened is alot of rich Californians have fled the state, and taken their wealth with them. ALong with tons of industry and jobs becuase of the ridiculous tax rates, environmental laws, and hostile environment to any new business. But I am sure you dont mind sticking to those rich guys, you know, the same guys who create jobs and businesses, that benefit everyone. ANthony, how many poor people do you see creating industry and jobs?
And saying that the taxes we are paying are creating JOBS is ludicrous. The taxes we are paying, especially here in California, are KILLING jobs, you know, those good high paying, family suporting jobs. Leave it to the lefties to tell you that paying high taxes creates jobs. Talk about fantasyland.
Then you say, you got to pay for the services you use. Then what about all those renters who do not property tax, but benefit from all the things that porerty taxes pay for? What about all those low income people who basicaly pay very little taxes, yet use a majority of the services that the higher income taxpayer pay for. If they arent paying taxes should they not get the services, like YOU said, you have to pay for the services you use.
Anthony, would you support a ‘renters tax’ similar to a home owner property tax, so that EVERYONE can contribute to the services that property taxes pay for? ANd also eliminate the renters deduction on tax returns?