FSC is proud to announce new members to its Board of Directors. The Board election was open to all active FSC members and held during the month of December.
Incumbent board members that were re-elected include Board Chair Jeffrey Douglas, Board President Sid Grief, Secretary Mark Kernes, Board Treasurer Lynn Swanson, Reed Lee, Alec Helmy, Joel Kaminsky and Mara Epstein. founder Peter Acworth is newly elected to the FSC Board. In addition, ElDorado Trading Co. founder Larry Garland was appointed to a seat vacated by Wicked Pictures Joy King. King is stepping down due to other obligations.
“Both Larry and Peter bring a strong business component to the Board – Larry from the novelty side, Peter from the online video side,” said FSC Executive Director Diane Duke. “Those skills coupled with their leadership ability will be a valuable addition to FSC’s Board.”
Members of the board in good standing include Theresa “Darklady” Reed, Tom Hymes and Christian Mann, bring the total number of seats to 13. Those elected serve two-year terms. -jc
Yawn, same old suspects, love that Kernes is their still as AVNs surrogate. Jeff Douglas, I would have thought he would have given up by now, someone has to, where’s that weasel Margold?