I would like to offer this one simple solution to this particular problem that the industry is facing today.
Cal-OSHA has been trying to get access to AIM test results for years. They have been denied by the courts, but they still keep coming back. For some reason OSHA believes that AIM has employment records of performers.
AIM doesn’t keep employment records of performers. I called Deborah Gold a few weeks ago and asked her why OSHA thinks that AIM even has records like this. She had no answer for my question. Deborah Gold is an OSHA official directly involved in the current hearings.
I think one of the problems is the waiver that performers sign at AIM. I completely agree that there needs to be a comprehensive testing program, and those results need to shared among the people who are affected by it. But it can be done another way. I propose giving every performer internet access to their own results, and let the performers send their results to whom ever they wish. A simple program that allows performers to fax or email those results anywhere could be easily implemented. No need for a waiver, and no reason for OSHA to claim that if AIM gives results to producers, or any other password holders, then AIM should give those results to OSHA.
Does anybody remember the ‘old days’ at AIM. Every performer got paper copies of their results with the sticker and the embossed stamps? I personally sat at AIM’s front desk and did this hundreds of times. Then LABDAT came along. LABDAT was actually HLC’s internet reporting system. It was HLC, at the request of AIM, who granted the passwords. It was a great little system. When HLC was purchased by Westcliff Lab the Labdat system was not integrated into the new company. AIM then developed their own system that is in place today.
But somehow they system changed form performers checking other performers tests, to producers checking performers tests, and this was the opening of the door for OSHA. AIM’s main competitor, Talent Testing Service has no waiver, they send the results to the person being tested, or to one other place that is specified by the person being tested. And you don’t see OSHA going after TTS.
I think adopting a system like TTS would solve this one problem, and this is just one component of a multi-prong plan to improve the AIM system, and we don’t need any permission from anybody to do this. This would also protect producers. I think the current password system walks a very fine privacy line. But that line can be erased, and relieve not only AIM, but producers from possible litigation in the future.
So, what do you all think. One step at a time, and we can improve the system. I am anxious to see what you all think. And I am always open to suggestions. I don’t want to come across as someone with all the answers, I just want to make things better.
Thank-you again
Tim Tritch