OP/ED by BROOKE ASHLEY who speaks about HIV on http://www.shelleylubben.com/
Here is an excerpt from her story
"On March 29, 1998, I tested positive for HIV. I had made a movie that was to be my last. I was given lines of cocaine before the movie and a bottle of my favorite champagne to drink during the movie. I remember countless men, many of which I knew, some I did not. And I remember crying and asking them to stop because it hurt so much. I didn’t truly understand what I was in for. The movie was titled World’s Biggest Anal Gang Bang. I had done gang bangs before but this was brutal and they said if they did not get the 2 and a half minutes footage per man, I would not get the $15,000. What a price to pay for your life. And wouldn’t you know it, the checks bounced. Time went by, it wasn’t till I was to work on another movie for Michael C. that the test I had at that time was okay but the one I took the day before was positive.
I was devastated. I was lonely, I felt like GOD had abandoned me. Someone I had known for six years, had forged his test and infected me and five other women in the adult industry. I was so hurt. I felt like I was dying emotionally. My heart and chest never hurt so much before. Every time I would wake up, I would cry myself back to sleep. How could this be? Could this be a mistake I wanted to convince myself. But it wasn’t. Soon after I had newspapers and tv shows calling me and tabloids even. I never wanted to be invisible so much."
Wow. I didn’t know Brooke Ashley went through so much. This is the worst story the Pink Cross has posted. I pray to God she remains sober and healthy.
Brooke – what if I told you that you are NOT HIV+? What if I told you that the test you took could not possibly establish that you’re HIV+? What if I told you that, in the past year, I’ve forced two judges and twelve prosecutors to drop all HIV-related criminal charges because clinicians couldn’t prove that HIV tests detect HIV? What if I told you that the discoverer of HIV, Luc Montagnier MD, admits that HIV can be cured in weeks with clean water and good food, but that drug companies and clinics push HIV tests and drugs for profit? Don’t take my word – watch what Montagnier says:
Do you want to believe me or a drug industry that has paid $9 billion in fines since 2004 illegally marketing drugs that kill?
Are you taking Atripla or Sustiva? Check out the ingredients:
Ever wonder why Magic Johnson pushes HIV drugs and tests in the black community? Here are $60 million reasons…
Well, my bombshell is out already. Stay tuned, as LIB will have my exclusive interview with 20 year LAPD, licensed Private Investigator Clark Baker, founder of the Office of Medical and Scientific Justice.
And congratulations, Clark, on your 13th successful case in a row within 12 months!
hey!! I just had a girl ask me this right now. Do most girls in porn that do ANAL do crack and cocaine these days for the anal sensation the get out of it?? make them come?? Ashley??
And do you notice the words Germy Stool has been using,,like “Orwellian”,,,straight outof this douchebags writings.
You are truely a fool, Germy Stool.
You must get off on embarrasing yourself.
Germy just attempted another jump of the shark.
Damn it Jerry. Clark is just blowing the issue of HIV immunity WAY out of proportion. Didn’t you read the MIT article I posted about such cases? The science is real but ONLY a tiny minority have such immunity.
And Brooke doesn’t have HIV. She has AIDS. Fucking AIDS.
Please go to the lab, Jerry. You owe it to yourself to see the virus with your own eyes.
Ah, AIDSTruth, sponsored by the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry. I will let Mr. Clark answer this one, for ya, Joe.
This hit piece was also put out before any of his recent 13 slam dunk cases.
Stay tuned…
Know Joe’s attack is posted on the South African blog AIDSTruth written by pharmaceutical propagandist Jeanne Bergman. Bergman’s defense of an industry that paid $9 billion in criminal and civil fines since 2004 speaks for itself. If her allegations were true, I wouldn’t be a licensed investigator.
As a criminal investigator with more than 30 years of experience, I’m used to felons complaining about their arresting officers. Anyone who looks at my bio will know Bergman’s allegations (and Know Joe) are false. If I didn’t like homosexuals, I can’t think of a better way to kill them off than by convincing them to take HIV tests and consume AZT and Sustiva. Also, many of our clients are homosexuals… References are available by contacting http://www.OMSJ.org.
Regarding the acknowlegement of the “Orwellian” aspect of the AID$ fear-mongers, I’ve been making comparisons of AIDs and society in general to 1984 for many years now, long before I came across Clark’s OMSJ. Just got from lunch with Mr. Baker. And Origen, you say look at the photos of lab “studies”, but I already gave clues to how all of that does not stand up in court… STAY TUNED, FOLKS!
With that level of intestinal trauma it’s little wonder Brooke Ashley produced a positive result on a HIV test. There was absolutely no need for any of the men she had sex with to be HIV + since it was not caused by an infectious retrovirus. She probably has a condition called hypergammaglobulinemia which results from damage to the intestinal lining resulting in antigens getting into the bloodstream and provoking an ongoing immune activation. This will cause an HIV + result, but has absolutely nothing to do with HIV. If the intestinal dysfunction heals and returns to normal, the test will revert to HIV negative.
If you would like to read more on the subject try this link
Just a few things on the Aids Truth piece linked above, just because I feel like living dangerously for a moment… and because people like Brooke deserve to hear the other side of AIDS truth.
Whatever HIV tests measure, we do know this: AIDS is strongly, strongly linked to free radical production, and to a shift in immune function that results in high levels of antibody production and positive testing. This is true whether there has been exposure to a virus or not. Extreme free radical production occurs as a result of chronic or repeat infections, injuries, contaminated drinking water, heavy metal exposure, inhalation of nitrites, drugs, severe malnutrition… anything that damages cell mitochondria, the end result of which is the proliferation of fungi and other opportunistic infections, and eventually wasting. Read The Silent Revolution in Cancer and AIDS Medicine.
Bergman’s charge that AIDS dissidents are responsible for untold death tolls in Africa is completely unfounded, at least if you’re more inclined to believe those who actually look at the data than those putting out drug propaganda—Henry Bauer’s analysis of CDC data revealed that the mortality rate of largely untreated HIV positive people in the developing world is actually lower than that of HIV positive people in the developed world with access to the best antiretroviral medications.
It’s easy to resort to ad hominem attacks and accusations of homophobia, and to trot out politics or style you don’t agree with. But whatever you do or don’t like about Clark Baker, he’s right about the virus hunters: when AIDS emerged they looked only at potential viral cause; they pretty much ignored possible toxic causes. You don’t need to be a homophobe to know that the excesses of some (clearly not exclusively gay) lifestyles come with serious health risks. And though it’s tidier and more lucrative to believe a single microbe to be the cause of any given disease simply because it is correlated with it, the truth is that most disease is caused by a multitude of factors, and often the associated microbe plays a minor role, or less—often it is simply convenient for viruses and bacteria to take over where immune function has been destroyed by other causes.
For God’s sake, the viral link to AIDS HAS BEEN PROVEN. WE HAVE TANGIBLE EVIDENCE OF THE VIRUS AND HAVE WITNESSED IT’S BEHAVIOR!!! Y’all need to take a visit to the Virology Lab at UCLA and stop talking about shit you don’t know–because YOU HAVEN’T LOOKED INTO A MICROSCOPE!!!
It never ceases to amaze me how easily people can be led to believe something. The human mind obviously is incapable of discerning truth from falsehood, which is why false and unsubstantiated beliefs have plagued mankind for all of our history.
You are clearly deluded and misled on this subject. Every hiv researcher who is honest will tell you that the causative link to hiv being the cause of aids has not yet been discovered, even after 350 million dollars in research. You also clearly know nothing about Electron Microscopy, etc. No doubt
HIV has never been “seen” in the peripheral blood of even a single hiv positive and particularly not through any microscope, not even electron microscopes. Even via EM, the source of what is pictured is not proven or verified to be HIV. HIV is only evidenced through unproven and unverifiable indirect techniques such as finding evidence of reverse transcriptase or finding a substance called P24, which again is “believed” to be evidence of hiv, but yet neither of which prove that a retrovirus is even present, and neither of which prove that whatever is present could definitely be hiv or definitely be the cause of any disease.
To begin with, retroviral-like particles can only be seen in an EM electron microscope, and only with great difficulty and only after many and various types of lab processing, which processing by itself could hopelessly skew the results. And even in seeing any such particles that might be believed to be hiv, it is not possible to tell the difference from one type of retroviral-like particle to the next. They all look virtually the same and they are quite commonly seen in any placental blood samples. Even the discoverer of hiv said he found particles under EM that were of 3 different sizes. That in itself verifies he did not have anything purified.
These samples that are used which could not possibly be verified to be hiv cannot be distinguished from those labeled as supposedly being hiv. And even after the extremely complex process required for “seeing” them via EM, it is still not yet known or proven that such findings are not simply lab contaminations (known as lab artefacts) or other unknown particles.
As for all those supposed pictures that you have been led into believing you have seen? None are verified to be hiv. And they certainly are not verified to be the cause of any disease. They are no different than pictures of UFO’s that someone took and swears are real because the photographer believes them to be such, but those too are unproven to be real.
As I said, I myself could show you a virus or lab artefact in a microscope, or show you a picture of any virus, and tell you it was a picture of hiv simply because I believed it, and you would believe it as well, simply because you want to believe it and because you are incapable of knowing the truth.
Then Herpes and Chlamydia must not be real either. It sure hurt like hell though.
If there is a hell I hope Marc Wallice will rot in it though for at least a decade producers and his friends in the business let this addict work.
You’re right “Dr. Hope” I’m not a medical doctor nor a microbiologist. But I’m not deluded or a fool.
This statement…
“To begin with, retroviral-like particles can only be seen in an EM electron microscope, and only with great difficulty and only after many and various types of lab processing, which processing by itself could hopelessly skew the results.”
What’s your name is where is your practice? You shouldn’t be a medical doctor and I will report you to the AMA. What you are doing IS MALPRACTICE!
“Talk to any hiv researcher…” Like YOU ARE ONE? You can’t afford the equipment, asshole.
Seriously, what is your name–or you prefer to remain an anonymous, untrustworthy, scumbag…
Cindi, how long are you going to let this go on. Anna Marie (Brooke Ashley) could read this and go off her meds…. PLEASE DO SOMETHING!
Hey Origen, for Christ’s sakes, everyone has the right to make an informed decision. Unlike the AIDS industry which says you have no choice, there is obviously a very attention worthy controversy here worth examining. Maybe Brooke Ashley should get off her poisonous meds, assuming she’s taking them. How the fuck can anyone know what’s what unless they’ve thoroughly examined more than one side of things? And like Clark has said, why the fuck would you trust a drug cartel which has killed and ruined so many people and paid so many billions in fines?
I would sooner trust a paedophile with my 10 year old niece than the drug industry with my life. They’re trying to push drugs on kids, the elderly, everybody. Everybody needs a toxic poison pill. Every normal mood swing is some kind of syndrome these days which needs “medication” which causes more problems than it solves (it doesn’t claim to solve any, btw). Nutrition and exercise and clean water don’t make them much money.
Dr Quack, to room 101, your next sucker, I mean patient is waiting.
Keep posting Dr. Hope!
You do have a choice. I’m not a fan of the pharmaceutical cartel but if you are infected with HIV and don’t consistently take anti-retroviral drugs you would mostly likely end up like Christine and her daughter. And its so sad that your friend and her daughter died, and you haven’t stopped to open your mind.
I can’t refute your claims without referring to scientific opinion. Can you take the integral of sin^2(x/2)dx without help? No, you would need someone or some guide to show you how to solve that. You COULD do a series of mathematical proofs to figure out how to solve that–but that takes extensive experimentation AND you would still have to refer to the works of others and JUDGE their findings. This is why the peer review process exists and why there are a dedicated a group of professionals you devote themselves to chronicling research and criticism. Belief/Faith does not automatically equal religion. Faith and credibility is central to ALL human interactions. Do you believe your girlfriend when she says she loves you? Do you believe an eyewitness report? Do you believe the restaurant kitchen is up to code (you can’t see it). Do you believe the elevator is safe to get in?
You can’t verify everything. Did you become an expert on aeronautical engineering in order to feel safe riding on airplanes? Planes crash all the time. Could be a conspiracy…
So, for the last time, I challenge you to call Dr. Benhur Lee at UCLA’s Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. First ask if you could look at interactive HIV samples though an electron microscope with your own eyes–or at least meet with him. Then challenge him like you have challenged us on LIB. He has more knowledge than any of us on this issue and you will have a more rewarding debate.
Dr. Lee’s number is (310) 794-2132
What’s your stupid obsession with Doctor Lee, Origen?
If he has proof of the HIV killer retrovirus he needs to collect his reward and win his nobel prize. Why are HIV tests based on presumptions in their own literature if Doctor Lee is so much more omniscient… or do his presumptions to you equate with proof?
All right, Colonel. I tried my best.
Once again, I’m glad you’re back. Are you going to posting any new articles soon?
Thank you, Oregin.
Recently I’ve been busy with personal and business stuff. Furthermore, I have to admit that I am disappointed by the current direction LukeIsBack has taken. An adult industry news web site must have some accountability and commitment to its readers. It should not be hijacked by a group of delusional lunatics who are allowed to use this website to spread fringe conspiracy theories and potentially dangerous pseudoscience garbage. If this is going to be LukeIsBack, then I no longer want to participate and/or be associated with it; so we’ll see how things will turn. If LukeIsBack improves and goes back to its standards, if I have spare time and if readers want to read my articles, I’ll continue to contribute. Otherwise, there would be no point.
Fuck it, Colonel. I say start your own site and make some ad money on the side.
UncleColonel dot com 😉
origen01 says to “Dr Hope”:
“What’s your name is where is your practice? You shouldn’t be a medical doctor and I will report you to the AMA. What you are doing IS MALPRACTICE!”
“Dr Hope” was lying when he claimed to be medically qualified, as with every other claim he made. “Dr Hope” is one of about 4000 pseudonyms of an AIDS denialist internet troll called Michael Geiger. He’s been doing this for years.
Google: Michael Geiger HIV AIDS, and you’ll see what I mean.
I figured that Frank, thanks. I going to ignore these assholes from now on. They should argue their bullshit with virologists. Why do they prey on people with without this type of background?
Who’s been preying on people, Origen? The ones paying billions in fines for death and ruined lives, which but only adds up to a small percentage of their overall profits.
You shouldn’t have so low an opinion of yourself. You have the ability of getting informed and asking questions.
You are simply admitting that you are brainwashed, although I already knew that. You are saying you really don’t understand what the doctors are telling you, yet you trust them with blind faith. However, the hippocratic oath turns out to have been a hypocritical oath, as not “wellness” but the pursuit of wealth has been controlling their practices.
AIDS denialists are the ones who refuse to question authority. The root word of ‘authority” is “author” and Gallo authored a sci-fi lie
novel about AIDS which defies laws OF science and biology.
” Why do they prey on people with without this type of background?”
Because they are gutless sociopaths.
When they try to argue their bullshit with actual scientists and physicians they get shredded. So they target the most vulnerable audiences they can find.
Like I said, Frank, you will not dare answer the questions I and others have asked (see mine at Colonel’s “myth” thread).
I’m not brainwashed Jerry. I simply trust Dr. Lee more than you. Sorry.
Right on, Oregin, all options are on the table. I enjoy writing about porn and other adult topics and chatting with friends and colleagues, whether on this website or somewhere else. We’ll see how things will turn.
jeremysteele11 Says:
“Like I said, Frank, you will not dare answer the questions I and others have asked (see mine at Colonel’s “myth” thread).”
See my answers posted on that thread.
Thanks for checking in Ferbrazilian. If the other record post weren’t locked shut I suppose you would have posted there. I still think it should have been able to run indefinitely, or a continuation part two so we could babble on incesantly. It’s good ratings, Cindi, but some people seem to have some kind of literal investment in their current p.o.v.s.
I’m glad people in Spain are waking up. It’s a good thing they’re not all on Sustiva instead of Targa because the addiction level withdrawal systems of Sustiva are worse than heroin.
what about the work of Tina Van Der maas in South afrika? Why african people there get fed with natural and good organic food and gedt well??
Another thing. An average gay man who likes party for exemple There is a party here in Barcelona called Circuit Festival. it lasts for ONE INTIRE WEEK. Where they go and start with some Steroids to become huge barbie Dolls, Just after an 8 weeks exposure to anabolic drugs they come to the party. Starting with some GHB to get a bit Higher. Go to all the discos and taking Cristal, Meth and cocaine. So after that they organise a sex party! UUUUUU 🙂 so nice! Then they snif a lot of poppers and get making sex all night ( and day ) Long. Sleeping? oh it is not needed. I will sleep enough when I die They say. And also they have to go to the Pool party where they will drink Half mediterranean sea in alcohool.
After all this damage to their bodies is anybody still in doubt why Gay Party boys get Inmunodefiency?? Im not. Afetr all they get tested positive in an innacurate test wich is made for nothing and to mesuare anything. Based in the proteins of a retrovirus that hasnt been isolated.
The result everyone knows. And to complete the trajedy they get the wonderfull antiretrovirals 🙂 Just love the whole logic in this brilliant minds of theese cientists.
Of course people dont know that each ´Aids´ pacient medicated is a profit of 54.000 euros per year.
Also people dont know that the ARV´s cause the same, or worst health damage then the so called virus itself.
take a look at Atripla´s prospect for exemple
Oh I almost forget my african friends who have no food at all. Have no clean water, are dying from the same deceases as it always have been.
No But everything is to blame a profitable retrovirus.
Ok what can I do? I am not a doctor. neighter are many people in the world but I have the chioce to think. Evryone can do this. Otherwise believing with no proof for me means faith. And faith is a matter to religion and not for science.
In every cases of the scientific views the better results always have been found contrasting opinions and looking for the truth.
But for all I can see in the HiV/AiDS case, it really looks like a religion I mean People can never dare to have any doubts or questioning about anything. Even when they can not explain anything with science only.
Let the politicians be politicians. Let Religious people follow their faith. But Please, Let the science to be Science. A big cheer to Doctor Peter Duesberg, Etienne de Harven, Juliane Sacher and many many many others. Without minds like this this world would be rulled by viruses…… if it isnt already.
We love u Ashley!!!