NL- Rumors flying too. I’m hearing was also taken down. I’m hearing that Gene Simmons declared war on a faction of 4Chan called Anonymous. Why? No idea. But I also heard that Anonymous’s Operation Payback site was struck down also this afternoon. By whom? Dunno that either, but I’d just say don’t mess with my man Larry Flynt. And it kills me that the King of freedom of Speech would be Anon’s target, puhleeze! Would someone much more knowledgeable then me, give us a history of 4Chan and keep us up on what they are doing? I’d be happy to even hear from a member. You guys know my email address i am sure, lol Hit With DDoS Attack
By Rhett Pardon,
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — As promised by a 4Chan splinter group, was taken down today. The site rendered inactive or inefficient at approximately 1:45 p.m. (PDT) but was back up at 3:10 p.m.
Just prior to and during the DDoS attack, Operation Payback, on its site, said: "IMMA FIRING MAH LAYZOR." Operation Payback, on its Facebook page, said that it took 2 minutes and 53 seconds "to bring to a screeching halt."
The 4Chan vigilante cell said it would target, because parent company LFP Inc. recently filed suits targeting more than 5,000 alleged users of BitTorrent networks who downloaded content.
LFP President Michael Klein defended his company’s legal challenges to XBIZ on Thursday, saying, "Theft of content takes away from the company, performers, studio personnel and make-up artists."
A DDoS, or a distributed denial of service, attack oftentimes involves saturating the targeted server with external communications requests, such that it cannot respond to legitimate traffic or responds so slowly as to be rendered effectively unavailable.