Exclusive interview-Aiden Ashley Recovering From Bad Accident


How did u get hurt on the BMX bike?
 A: I have hopes to do stunts in the future and always love to live on the edge with adrenaline rushes by doing every extreme sport possible. I am currently training to ride BMX so hopefully I can enter in some simi-pro competitions soon. I was practicing with one of the guys training me, he is one of the best BMX riders in the world. Well, that day (9/11/10) I got really ballsy during our session of street ridding in Newport Beach and I decided to go for a 6-stair. My handlebars got squirrely on the landing and I went flying over then face/jaw first into the concrete.

What were your injuries?
A: I broke my jaw in 3 places and fractured it in 5. I lost one tooth at the time of the accident and chipped almost every tooth in my mouth. They had to rush me to the ER on a stretcher because they were concerned I had damaged my spine (lucky I didn’t). I also was loosing a lot of blood they were scared about that, and the fact I was swallowing huge quantities blood and throwing it up was a big issue. I also was going in and out of consciousness. I had to get stitches in my chin where I hit and rushed into the OR to get my jaw wired shut. When under surgery they had to remove 5 teeth that were "un-salvageable" because I totally crushed all the bone in my upper gums so badly that the teeth would no longer hold in there. The doctors were in awe how I somehow only sustained internal damages and no external injuries. They said I got "very lucky", especially because of my profession. You cant notice anything from the outside.

How r u now?
A: I am still in quite a bit of pain and my jaw is wired shut for another 3 weeks. It really sucks to have to be on a liquid diet for 6 weeks. If i have to eat applesauce one more time i might kill someone, haha. I am actually just very stressed and worried about ‘the next steps’ and the financial aspect of this all. 

Do you have more surgeries?
A: Yes. I have to get bone grafting done to put in the upper gums in order to hold teeth into them. They will either have to take bone from my hip or a cadaver, the doctors have not decided which is the best way to go yet. After the bone grafting takes (4-6 months) then I have to get teeth screwed into the bone. I have to get a metal plate (between 1 and 5) placed in my jaw. I also might have to get my jaw re-set but they will not know until it is un-wired in 3 weeks. However, once my mouth gets un-wired an orthodontist will be able to make me a "flipper" so no one will be able to tell anything is wrong.

How is your recovery going?
A: My recovery is going well. The doctors say I am healing very well because of how healthy and young I am. Everything is going to plan, so far. 

Can we see a picture of you today?
A: Yes, I actually will be releasing a few very soon. Most likely I will release a few at my fundraisers (I will be attending them). I actually did a photo shoot the day after i got released from the hospital that is quite gruesome, I absolutely love the pictures. Perfect for my favorite season of the year, Halloween (which is also my birthday). =) 

Did you have health insurance?
A: No, I actually found out while i was in the hospital that my heath insurance policy was no longer in effect. So I am totally on my own with all of this.  

How much is your bill so far?

A: A lot…. The biggest part of the bill is yet to come. That is why i am trying to do these fundraisers. The reconstruction is the biggest part of the bill. Its quite overwhelming for me to even think about. Especially since most doctors want a percentage upfront because I have no health insurance.

How are you paying your bills right now since you can’t work?
A: I had a little bit in savings that is going quite quickly and almost totally gone that I am using for common everyday things such as rent, phone bill, and food. I don’t know what I am going to do after that is gone. I guess ill have to get creative and maybe sell things? I have friends donating things and I am opening an eBay store to try to help me get threw until I can figure something else out. I am also going to have a "paypal" incase anybody wants to donate. Anything helps at this point.

What are you doing to keep from being bored while you are recovering?

A: I have been trying to arrange fundraisers. I have also been spending quite a bit of time in my art room. I paint and make/design clothing. Basically anything artistic, I do. I am a very creative person.  I actually hand make most of my feature dancing outfits. I have also been thinking of selling a few of my paintings, since i have been asked about this quite a few times before from inquiring minds.

Who is taking care of you?
A: I have a very good support team of friends that love me very much. They are all helping me and trying to make sure that I have everything I need, physically and emotionally.

How long gonna be out of work?

A: This is a tricky question for a few reasons. I can do photo shoots as of right now, as long as i don’t have to smile (which if you look at most of my pictures, i very rarely smile in any of them anyways.) However, as soon as my flipper is made I will be able to be full on back in action (as long as the other girl is careful not to hit my jaw hard). The doctors are saying this will be around late November. I will of course be out of work again for a few weeks, or month when I have to get my bone grafting operation. My face still looks the same, its just the internal x-rays that shows my jaw as a broken egg shell.

Poor Aiden, Feel better baby….

10 thoughts on “Exclusive interview-Aiden Ashley Recovering From Bad Accident

  1. jeremiahsteele says:

    Yet another disaster on 9/11.. Aiden’s accident (2010), 2001, the day the building of the Pentagon was commenced (41), G.H.W. Bush’s N.W.O. speech (91) and my birthday (68). We need to make it a holiday and nat’l day of mourning, already!

  2. if you’re unfortunate enough to come down with an illness, all sympathy to you. but if you decide to become an x-games wannabe, whilst letting your insurance lapse – it’s time to take your own financial licks. i’m sure myself and everyone else has their own insurance to pay.

  3. I agree jed–I have my own insurance to pay so I won’t be able to donate. But to be insensitive like you are is just unnecessary. The girl is in the hospital with serious (life changing and porn-ending) injuries. If you care about contributing, contribute. Else, STFU.

    I hope Aiden reaches out to family. Friends are great but you need family at a time like this. Even if they are estranged, most would be more than happy to care for her during this time.

  4. Here is another piece of insurance she might want to invest in.


    I would bet that every single injury she incurred could have been easily prevented, or at the least, extremely reduced if she had just taken basic precautions……….Does this sound familiar to any other occupation you can think of? LOL

  5. Wow,

    I’mmm bacckkkkk LOL. .. well hate to kick someone while they are down, so I won’t .. I will say it was stupid to risk your career for a hobby but then again live and learn.

    here’s my problem a black side of the industry director Phasion passed earlier this year. He was a great director (of many many years) and all around good guy. He “dies” and there aint shit on here about it.. (not that I could find anyway) but a white girl breaks her jaw doing some stupid shit and we got articles and fund raisers .. fucking amazing.. I can’t say I am surprised but I had to point out the Bullshit..

    It really does make me wonder truly if X Y Z black star hurt them self the same way and in the same manner and to the same extent, if we would see such an out pouring of OMG let’s help em survive .. however i doubt it …

  6. RickMadrid says:

    well get better !! is all I can say girl and Good luck!!

  7. RickMadrid says:

    Yeah Justin…I heard that Phasion died through Surbrina Love and nothing was said and printed anywhere?? whats up people…Some white jewish guys kicks it and its the end of the world in the “valley” and somebody black or Hispanic dies in the industry and we don’t hear shit??? I love LA…..

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