Motherly Advice- Parties this Weekend

I know you all just want to go out and have a good time this weekend, and either get your mind off of the tragic events we are living through right now, or maybe you want to honor Tom by having a few shots and sharing memories about him with friends.

Please do me a favor…. Who ever or Where ever is in charge of these parties, PLEASE spring for an armed security guard. The $200 bucks is worth it to keep you all safe.

You KNOW your mother would want you too….

3 thoughts on “Motherly Advice- Parties this Weekend

  1. with all the attention this is getting, I can’t believe Steve would actually show his face somewhere he would be most easily recognized – but then again, we are obviously not dealing with a stable mind here.

    “let’s be careful out there.”

  2. Pingback: Motherly Advice- Parties this Weekend | I DIG XXX

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