Bloodborne Pathogens in the Adult Film Industry
Cal/OSHA Advisory
Meeting Tuesday, June 29, 2010, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Cal/Trans Building,
100 S. Main Street,
Room 1.040 A,
Los Angeles
Preliminary Agenda
• Introductions
• Background information
o History of project, rulemaking procedure, federal equivalence
• Presentation by LA County Department of Public Health
• Use of condoms, other barrier protection, and simulation
• Implementation issues related to the intermittent workforce
o Provision of hepatitis B vaccine, training
• Medical services beyond post-exposure and HBV vaccine
o Confidentiality issues
o Periodic and/or pre-production testing
• Primary and secondary producers
• Recordkeeping
There will be a lunch break from approximately noon to 1 p.m.
Please everyone come out and have your voice heard. This is about your protection for health and safety so it’s important your voice is heard.