NL-I’d like to see a comparison of porn stars to grown up child stars and see who has more drug problems, rehabs, deaths & suicides. Everyone gives all this grief to the porn community, but I bet the child stars have the lock on this one.
From Actor Corey Haim died this morning of an apparent overdose — possibly accidental — according to LAPD. He was 38.
Police tell us they were called to St. Joseph’s hospital in Burbank, CA shortly before 4 AM PT to investigate.
Haim shot to fame in the 80s — when he co-starred in a number of films, including "The Lost Boys" with Corey Feldman.
Haim reportedly suffered a drug-induced stroke in 2001 and was rushed to UCLA Medical Center.
Haim also reportedly was in and out of rehab 15 times, but cleaned up in 2004 after moving to Toronto.
Cindi, I lost a very dear girlfriend last May resulting from an accidental overdose. In her case it truly was an accident. That is, she was having problems with her mood and felt somewhat depressed. Her Doctor prescribed Prozac and she took the recommended dosage. However, after taking the medicine she also sat down and consumed two martinis…..which was not unusual. The combination took her respirtory system down too low while sleeping and she suffocated . These “prescriptions” combined with moderate amounts of alcohol is all it takes to end someones life. I share this whenever possible. She was just 57 years old.
Love you
Big Lee
Mixing SSRIs like Prozac and alcohol is not dangerous, was she taking benzos?
It’s not just porn stars or child stars it’s our whole society. Drugs are everywhere.
Al, I’ve been told that your point is correct. In this case, the cause of death was ruled to be the combination of prozac and alchohol. In addition she had respirtory problems and I guess the combination took her life. She went to sleep and passed away.
Don’t do drugs people.
Too bad Corey Haim is dead. He could have been a contender on VH1’s Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew, along with other D grade washed up morons. It’s interesting to watch how these schmocks talk about how fucked up their lives are and embarrass themselves in front of millions of audiences just to get a little attention and a pathetic paycheck. If anything, reality TV clearly indicates the fact that AmoriKKKa is doomed and beyond salvation. Get your kicks while you still can, kids, the big house is going down the shitter.
that’s real unfortunate Lee… My favorite Corey Haim movie probably has to be License To Drive and the one he did where you see Nicole Eggert naked is good for seeing Nicole Eggert naked.
Yeah…Thanks Al, nice to hear from you.
Close Colonel, but no cigar. According to Haim’s agent, he hadn’t been approached for Drew’s show (oddly, Drew said that his producers had reached out a few times…so it must have been to his previous reps).
Ironically, Haim’s current agent HAD been approached by the producers of that other idiotic VH1 show Celebrity Fit Club.
Either way, the sentiment is the same. Washed up actors clutching at one more second in the limelight, when they should have simply gracefully LEFT the stage! Really Mr. Haim, you thought you had the ‘talent’ of other child stars like Leo DiCaprio or Jodie Foster? If you’d put down the crackpipe long enough, you might of realized your best acting days were behind you. As contrary to your loser brother-in-first-name Feldman, being cast in the direct-to-DVD sequels to Lost Boys isn’t exactly the path back to Spielbergland.
Corey Feldman and Corey Haim were best friends. Corey F. says don’t jump to any conclusions about Corey H.’s death. I was represented once by Corey Feldman’s dad, Robert, who’s a scammer lowlife who stole the money Corey made as a kid star, then used part of that stolen money to start his “Management”. Talk about incest; father fucking son, then using that money to fuck some more people in Hollywood!
I saw Corey F. on a show and he made some good points about the way people seem to celebrate other people’s problems. Then I immediately thought of the types on XPT.
Kids stars got it disproportionately rough compared to stars born in later years. A lot of The Little Rascals ended up going out too soon, too.
The O.D. might be based on the legal drug treatment Haim was getting. Basically Haim had a drug problem, so they give you drugs for your drug problem. But he was supposedly over it. But as Corey F. says, can’t jump to any conclusions…
Gone at 38, that’s about the average lifespan of fast -track rock stars and porn stars…
I would actually have to disagree and say both Corey Haim and Corey Feldman were were very capable child actors. Lucas for Haim was dramatic and Stand By Me for Feldman was also and they both were up to par.
Being a capable child actor, doesn’t make for a capable adult actor.
We’ve all been kids and I don’t know any kids, who don’t have some amount of imagination (which is the foundation of acting). You can be a kid who can hit his marks while imagining you’re in a gang called ‘Goonies’ on a grand adventure for buried treasure, or that there’s vampires living in your small seaside community.
Then you suddenly become an adult and POOF! You’ve lost your ability to think you’re someone else and you’re no longer a precocious tyke (so Hollywood has no use for you). That’s life. Adult actors have just as hard a time, if not more, transitioning from roles in their young 20s/early 30s to roles in their middle ages and beyond. Just because Corey Haim or Feldman or anyone else once HAD a career as a child actor, doesn’t automatically entitle them to a career as an adult actor.
Corey Feldman is another walking joke of a human. Here’s a guy always complaining about his life and career. Always so quick to cast the ‘blame’ on the media or Hollywood or The System in general. Then he goes on Larry King when Jackson passed blathering on about his weird relationship with the pop superstar, or he’s on Stern with his (now ex) wife…a former stripper who would regularly bring other women into their bedroom, and lets not forget Feldman on The Surreal Life; all of this proving once again if you give a person enough rope, they’ll eventually hang themselves.
Better to be a has been than someone who never was. Jeremy is right about Corey F.’s dad Robert. He had his crappy little office off Cahuenga. He wanted to manage me years ago, and I was steered away from him.
Thank goodness we are not the mid-east,
south America, or Europe. Those countries are total toilets compared to the USA. The former Soviet Union is a good example of what you get with communism and dictators. Check out Cuba as well. Real quality of life there. “NOT”. If your last name is Castro. The best thing about America is that you are free to leave.
By the way how is London doing lately with it’s infusion of mid-east wackos????
Did anyone ever remember seeing Corey Feldman on the original Howard Stern Show? That show was one of the funniest shows of all time, I think it was syndicated by WWOR. It had great ratings but WWOR pussied out and cancelled it anyway.
God it was so funny when Corey Feldman was on. It was early 92 when Right Said Fred had their hit song. Howard was singing “I’m too sexy for my drug addict” right there in front of Corey and Corey was dancing to it.
That WWOR show was so fucking funny I could never get into the later Howard Stern stuff. If I could youtube it I would, I don’t think there were any rules back then.
Here it is! one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Corey comes on “Club Howie” at 1:58 and Howie just humiliates the shit out of him.
yeah the channel 9 howard stern show was great
I wouldn’t call that humiliation.
I rented this house in Woodland Hills back in 2000 and when I was moving out they owner was showing it to a group of 6. (it had a guest house in the back) one of them was Corey Feldman and his girlfriend at the time who may or may not have been the one he married. He was such a smarmy little shit. His hand shake was like a wet wash cloth and he is all slouched over and just gross.
He didn’t get approved to rent the place because his credit was horrible and he had barely any income. I saw him on Stern just a few weeks later playing some lame ass music he said was from his new album lol it was terrible!
I remember that movie he did where he tried to dance like Michael too…terrible. Corey Haim to me was always terrible in everything except for Lucas. He was good in that.
Both were on heroine at one point and at least Corey H got away from Hollywood and didn’t hang on way too long pretending to be a celebrity when he wasn’t. Corey F ruined what credibility he had from some of his movies like Stand By Me by being such a cheeseball.