NL- Donny Long put up a website with a list of all of Mark Spiegler’s girls, next to many of their stage names he posted their real names. I think this makes Donny a Class A ScumBag. I will e-mail the link to Mark. If any of Mark’s girls want to see the list e-mail me at and I will send you the link. Or better yet DM or Tweet me on Twitter and make sure you are following me and I"ll DM you the link.
I won’t be posting the link on this site just as I won’t post stars real names on this site, 99% of stars anyway. I may make an exception to my rule and post Donny Long’s real name. Karma is a bitch. And i can be too, when it’s necessary & deserved.
Any lawyer’s out there who can give an opinion on this? Any laws being broken by opening up the girls to stalkers and invading their privacy, by subjecting their children & their families to danger?