AEE 2010, aka Porn Convention 2010, aka Porno Convention 2010
by Jeremy Steele, January 21, 2009.
For the readers who remember last years Vegas AVN adventure, where I took the greyhound bus to get there, and then managed to get a free press pass for POONTALK by a gentleman who felt sorry for me…
Well, this year, I drove from L.A. to Vegas with Lucky Starr. A cosmic bit of coincidence; from L.A. she booked us room 1138 at “The Plaza” hotel, which happened to be right next to and above the same greyhound bus stop where I arrived in Vegas last year! It wasn’t the best neighborhood in Vegas, as you can see by the parking sign I took a photo of.
When it came to getting a free press pass, I looked for the gentlemen who was there last year but he was nowhere to be found. I told the people there that I was press for POONTALK, and they said “Press for WHO?” I expected they would have me in their data banks from last year, but I was told they hold no data from past shows.
They asked me if I had a business card, and told me that would be sufficient to get in, but I told him I didn’t have any on me. The reason I had none with me was because I never had any made. A “friend” once told me I didn’t need any POONTALK business cards, that the great name of Poontalk was enough, to get me around. I guess not…
You can read of more of Jeremy’s story and see his pictures here