I AM THE SCUMBAG, ku ku ka chu…

This is about the 4th or 5th e-mail from this reader telling me what to do and who should be able to comment on LIB and who should not. I answered back logically and politely and explained my reasons  to the first few. But I’m done. In all the e-mails he loves Shelley and hates The Colonel.

Reader Email-The level of discourse on your site has sunk to anew low.  Look at the last several posting of colonel kilink.  And you wonder why the participation of your board has not grown one sigle bit it the last several months.  Who would want to post here, and have rationale debates when this childish insulting namecalling is allowed to take over every thread.
  Whether you like it or not, what you allow to continue on your board says more about you than it does about them. This site will never row in its participation if these clowns are allowed to continually insult anyone who has the slightest disagreement with them.  Colonel posts that polanski "did nothing wrong" and if you disagree you get called a fucking idiot loser, suck my dick etc…….Like I said, it says more about you  than it does about him to allow this…..or is this really the best you can do?

My Response Don’t like it? Don’t read it. Go post on AdultDvDtalk.com. They will be very nice to you.

37 thoughts on “I AM THE SCUMBAG, ku ku ka chu…

  1. Did I send this to you Cindi???

  2. the general says:

    No Al,
    I did.

    Maybe Cindi will post the email i sent to her Cindi@lukeisback address. Nowhere in any of these posts do I tell Cindi what to do, or who should be allowed to post here.

  3. the general says:

    You are the editor. The buck stops with you and nobody else.

  4. Houstondon says:

    Anyone that loves Shelley should probably spend more time at xxxporntalk.com than ADT (where banning is common when people disagree). The Colonel is an acquired taste, much like his counterpart the General, but they add some flavor to things here…

  5. sammyglick says:

    Say what?

    As if the all the other blogs out there in cyberspace only have POLITE posters…hahaha.

  6. the general says:

    And that lyric is ‘goo goo g’joob’

    Much like the adult industry when faced with facts, “See how they run, like pigs from a gun.”

  7. I don’t love Shelley though

  8. the general says:

    Rude is one thing, but what goes on here is beyond rude. All I told Cindi was that she would probably have alot more participation here if posters didnt have to put up with the constant name calling. And in the email she didnt print I also admitted to taking part at times in the shenanigans.

    NEVER did I tell her what to do or who should post here. Cindi, please feel free to print all the emails I sent you.

    Like I have said several times before, This is your site, and you can do with it what you want.(remember when the colonel announced that this wasnt your site and it belonged ot all of us) You are the editor, and the buck stops with you. p.s Ive alreaddy ben banned on adultdvdtalk…you know the truth about the porn industry is the LAST thing they want on that site.

  9. The Colonel says:

    This is clearly another attempt by Shelly Lubben and her army of morons. Cindi’s response was excellent. Here is my response:

    Dear reader, I’m glad I cause you so much anger, frustration and pain on a daily basis. I promise I’ll continue to do my best and make your life more miserable everyday.

    Say hello to Shelly Lubben AKA Roxy.

  10. The Colonel says:

    On another note, I’d like to suggest this reader needs to watch some of Roman Polanski’s masterful movies and educates himself/herself on the art of cinema instead of reading blogs that cause him/her so much suffering.

    All hail Mr. Polanski.

  11. Why don’t you organize a porn wide support network for Poalsnki. If your colleagues fell the same way as you its all good right

  12. Julie Meadows says:

    Wow… it’s always one extreme or the other, huh? Gotta love those Roman Polanski fans. He did great work, but so did Phil Spector. Should Phil have gone free for murdering Lana Clarkson because I love “River Deep Moutnain High”? lol Sorry guys, I couldn’t help myself. 😀

  13. how about Robert Blake… Baretta was GENIUS

  14. Julie Meadows says:

    I have a pretty good rebuttal on “Swiss tell US Polanski’s Max Sentence”. Seriously, it doesn’t make sense to absolve people of actual crimes just because they are “usually okay and genius.” I have thought about doing subversive things, myself, but there’s a big difference between thinking about it, and actually doing it. Might as well just allow European men to “rape our children’s asses” because they don’t know any better… or better yet, DO know better (which is why they are having intercourse with the ass – no pregnancy there), than actually holding them accountable for a crime. Poor little underage women of the American world.

    I hope this is a joke, because it is damned sickening to read, let me tell you…

  15. Charles Manson is a very talented musician. Some theorize that it was his failure in that that let him to madness, as some also think it was Hitler’s failure, yet discernible skills at art, that led him to his thing

  16. The Colonel says:

    Man oh man, General Malfunction, you’ve really, truly fallen into the abyss of madness. Tell me something: do you have anything else to do with your pathetic life except for obsessing over LIB and all that’s written here, specially by me? You’re either on this board, writing stupid, worthless comments in broken English or you’re harassing Cindi by your emails. Sooner or later, one way or another you must accept the fact that you don’t matter, niether do your rants, and you’re not going to change anything and nothing will ever change for you, you old, desperate, frantic dog, you’re only subjecting yourself to more agony, pain and suffering.

    Here, it would be business as usual, and nobody gives a shit what you think or what you say or how you feel. For the 1000th time, if you don’t like this web site, fuck off and go somewhere else. You’re not a share holder of LIB and you don’t pay bills here; you’re just a disabled, retired fuck with a big mouth and too much spare time. Know your limits. Here, put on your glasses and read and memorize these words carefully: Fuck you, you fucking idiot loser. Suck my dick.

  17. The Colonel says:

    Al says:

    ‘Why don’t you organize a porn wide support network for Polanski. If your colleagues fell the same way as you its all good right.’

    Right, I assure you I’ll do everything I can to support Roman Polanski in any way, form and manner that I can. As for my colleagues, most of them agree with my main argument about this case and how badly and wrongfully it was handled; so we’re on the same page.

    And speaking of Charles Manson, his failures led to madness, your failures have already led to madness, too. Manson was 34 years old when all hell broke loose, you’re 26, so you might have a few more years left to hit your rock bottom; but you’re getting there, step by step. The difference between you and Manson is that he had somewhat of talent at writing music and lyrics, while you don’t have any talents at anything. You’re the ultimate loser.

  18. The President says:

    Hey general, is there any way you could possibly whine like a bitch any more? Eventually this guy is going to have a stroke either while banging out another rabid objection to another entertaining piece by The Colonel, or while fuming over his 1,284th post nobody gives a crap about on disease management which will be basically identical to the last 1,283.

  19. The Colonel says:

    You nailed it, Mr. President, more power to you. Eventually the little General will have a heart attck while reading my excellent writings; how cool is that?


    I drink to you, Mr. President and to Mr. Polanski.

    General Malfunction, I know you’re reading this, so one more for the road: Fuck you, you fucking idiot loser. Suck my dick.


  20. ummm, snap back to reality, roman polanski is sobbing contemplating dying in prison

  21. how’s your hairline doing colonel, I know its falling back, have you used the rogaine I sent you yet?

  22. working with the same 4 ladies for the 8th time this year?

  23. The Colonel says:

    My hairline is fine, Al, and you are one boring clown with really, truly bad jokes. You can also cut the crap, you don’t know me, you don’t know anything about me. You know it, and I know it, so shut your face and work on improving your comedy act.

    For the record, explain why did you hop on my coat tail like the bitch boy you are only a week after you said you were done with me completely. I know the answer is because you’re a loser and I am the center of your lonely, miserable, pathetic life. But I’d like to hear your explaination and know what do you get out of being constantly abused, humiliated and insulted by me.

    Let me make one thing clear: you don’t belong on this web site and this message board. Never did and never will. Cindi met you through her MySpace page at the time she was purchasing LIB from Luke Ford. She was experimenting new things for her web site. Giving you a chance to write articles for this web site was one of those experiments, nothing more, nothing less; and you failed at your attempts to attracting readers, because you’re not much of a writer, you’re not much of anything. You made the readers sick in their stomach by your half-ass, pathetic jokes about jerking off to stolen porn in your shared apartment and getting pissed at by your roomate and your complete, utter ignorance of the adult industry; but that was only the tip of the iceberg in compare to what people on this web site saw from you in the coming months. Eventually, everybody including Cindi saw you for who you really, truly are; and you became more alone and more hated everyday. But you won’t go away for the same reason that suitcase pimps won’t go away: because you have nobody in your life, nowhere to go and nothing to do. So stick around and continue your macabre dance of misery. I promise you I will make your presence here as painful as I can, and will take for a ride that you never forget.

  24. The Colonel says:

    A month ago, when Al Blanco claimed he knew my identity on a thread about the band U2, a conversation between him and Porn Fan/Jerry took place. Here is the following conversation which I saved. When you read it along with my explainations, 2 things will become clear:

    1. Al Blanco is emotionally and mentally unstable.

    2. He has no knowledge about my identity, and only claims he knows something to gain attention. Read and decide for yourselves:

    Open Sesame, tonight’s word is: Bi-Polar Disorder. Here are a handful of clear examples, reflections of a demented, twisted mind:

    After claiming he has some *insider knowledge* about The Colonel’s identity, Jerry AKA Porn Fan asks Al Blanco to reveal his information. At 6:26 PM Al responds:

    ‘If you knew someone was gonna shoot you in the head and you had no control of stopping it, wouldn’t you rather skip the bullet?’

    Basically he’s suggesting his worthless life might be in danger because of what he knows. Shortly after I explained he has no knowledge about me whatsoever and only regurgitates someone else’s bullshit theory out of utter desperation and rage, he writes this brilliant line at 7:51 PM:

    ‘I know a lot of things the Colonel doesn’t think I know, so you can choose to believe him or me.’

    So suddenly this failed blogger who lives in some shared ghetto apartment somewhere in the east coast and has no connections whatsoever inside the southern California centered adult industry, turns into porn’s deep throat (pun intended).

    And it just keeps getting better when he writes another great line at 7:55 PM:

    ‘It’s not like if he (the Colonel) actually stepped to me I’d be scared.’

    Two completely different statements in less than 2 hours. From being in the witness protection program, he goes to being the brave and the bold. If that’s not a clear example of bi-polar disorder which he admits he suffers from, then I don’t know what is. And the fun and cheap laughs continue when he insists on his credibility by writing this line at 8:01 PM:

    ‘You try to discredit the individual instead of the message.’

    Of course when *the message* is coming from a clearly pathetic, mentally sick individual, what am I supposed to do with *the message*; what anybody with half a brain and a shred of reason is supposed to do? I know what I do, I open a beer can, lay back and laugh my ass off.

  25. Really, I don’t know who you are? ha ha

  26. lmao, you are the center of my life but you are the one writing the shit ha ha. BTW, (that means by the way) what that meant was I was through just making fun of you for no reason. It’s ok though, I heard Polanski had a nice ass reaming yesterday in his cold, dark and lonely Swiss cell.

  27. All I have to say is comment 25. You have problems, and I don’t know why you are obsessed with me.

  28. the general says:

    Looks like a few of my posts here were deleted.
    I must have been hitting a little too close to home, right Colonel?

  29. The Colonel says:

    You General Malfunction and hitting too close to home? You can’t even locate the door knob, scumbag. Your comments were deleted because you were taking too much space with your more-of-the-same stupid spam that nobody cares to read. If you feel so strongly about *your writings*, go have your own web site, pay the bills to maintain it and fill it up with as much garbage as you can. Here, you are an unwanted, unwelcome parasite, and you will be treated as such.

    One more time for the hell of it: Fuck you, you fucking idiot loser. Suck my dick.

  30. the general says:

    Colon el
    You know full, and so does everyone that saw them before they were deleted , that the posts that were deleted said things that I have NEVER said before on this board. Like I said, hit a little too close to home.

  31. The Colonel says:

    I don’t know and I don’t care to know what you’re blabbering about today, General Malfunction. You’re a disabled, retired, old dog fart on the verge of dementia with a big mouth, too much spare time and zero credibility. There was nothing in your deleted comments that you haven’t said 1000 times before, rants that nobody cares to read. As I said before, your comments were deleted because they were repetitive and stupid and took too much space. This is the fact, but you can believe and imagine whatever you want, just like you imagine the man in the sky and believe in him. I don’t have to answer or explain anything to you, buffoon, fuck off and go prepare yourself for tomorrow’s church ceremony.

  32. none of my comments get deleted

  33. I just registered to say something. I don’t know any of you. I enjoy this site but this childish back and forth is stupid. If the general has something to say, just go start your own blog/website. Stop bothering the owner of this site (Cindi I assume, I just read the articles and news, don’t have a clue who’s who). Sometimes people don’t agree with each other, just leave it at that, grow up.

    Btw, if you really think this site is slandering Shelby or someone (I don’t even care, who really believes EVERYTHING a blog says unless you are totally dumb?? This is just for fun), you can start your defense fund and sue this site. All the more power to you if you have such faith. Otherwise just drop the issue already.

  34. i think i had one comment deleted, after michael jackso n died. pertaining to him and child molestation. dag, doesn’t this site remind you of being in jr. high or high school?

  35. max softcore says:

    CL-My Response- Don’t like it? Don’t read it. Go post on AdultDvDtalk.com. They will be very nice to you.

    You hypocrite…

  36. The Colonel says:

    Thank you for your comment, Dag, it’s always good to have intelligent, rational and reasonable commentators here. Welcome aboard.

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