Sasha Brand- Bankrupt, Lawsuits, restraining order, no job-Needs Help

From Sasha Brand’s

October 30, 2009 – Friday

Sasha Brand NEEDS Help

My ex-husband has driven me into bankruptcy with continuous, frivilous court filings and monthly family court appearances.  My lawyer is awesome, but costs $350 per hour!  My ex, Eric, learned that I was working as a part time porn actress and has launched a full scale assault.

He is attempting to take my children away to no avail.  However, that battle is costing around $2,000.  He is now seeking a Domestic Violence Restraining Order because I dare mention my opinions of him on MySpace and Twitter.  Whatever happened to the 1st Amendment right to free speech. 

To make matters worse, my ex has teamed up with my husband’s ex-wife to disclose all the details about my porn work to his employer (a law enforcement agency).  They have just fired him after 19 years of SPOTLESS service, including an Officer of the Year award in 1998.  That is costing us his $94,000 a year salary along with our health benefits.  My children and I could be homeless in the near future.  My husband has several medical issues and without insurance, he is looking at a much shortened life span. 

All of this trouble from our ex’s because we love each other and I dare to share my beatuful body with wonderful people who appreciate it.  I am interested to find out if there are enough people to donate to a legal defense and living expense fun.  It can be any amount, form $1.00 to any amount you wish to donate.  We have four children living at home and hope to have a home for them to live in.  For a $25.00 donation, I will send a personally autographed picture. 

For now, I just need to judge whether there is enough people who are willing to help me and my family.  By the way, my husband could have retired in less than a year. Now, I don’t even know if he will be alive in a year.  Any help would be appreciated. If there is enough interest, Iwill open a special bank account.

Please, please help me and my family.  I love performing for you and want to continue, but the industry is so damn slow now.  We are soon to be homeless I am afraid.  Please help me.

14 thoughts on “Sasha Brand- Bankrupt, Lawsuits, restraining order, no job-Needs Help

  1. Is this skank for real? She must be talking her grand kids who are living with her. Liar Liar pants on fire.

  2. The Colonel says:

    An aging, bankrupt, washed up whore in need of your hard earned money, because she’s too damn lazy and stupid to get a job and take care of her wrinkled ass. Fuck you. Go to Shelly Lubben AKA Roxy, run your mouth and lie about how horrible the adult industry is, and how you were enslaved by pornographers. She will then collect donations for you, and take her commision, from her crazy right winger, religious nutjob and radical white supremacist sugar daddies. Here, I won’t even give you my pocket change, I already gave it to another loser who needed to buy a bus pass.

  3. I’m sorry and I don’t want to come off as rude. But what is she looking for? A job or money? What exactly does she expect any of us to do? Her husband was fired because she does porn which should never have happened. So was Jazella Moore’s husband and he was fired this year. So he and Jazella got a manager and Jazella is working the dance circuit.

    Does she expect us to pay her legal bills and mortgage and insurance for her, her husband, and their four children? She’s not Stephanie Swift who needs an operation now or her health will get worse. There was a former porn star about a year ago on her Myspace asking for donations to get plastic surgery so she could make a comeback into porn. Like seriously. The gaul of some people. I’m sorry but do what everyone else does and get a job.

    I’m sorry but times are bad for everyone but they do what they have to do on their own to pay their own bills. My father was laid off and now my parents just have to be more careful with their expenses. They never asked family and friends for donations to help them pay their bills.

  4. Third Axis says:

    Time for all of these out-of-work, lower-tier porn “stars” (yes, a ridiculous and meaningless term today) to go sell their collection of outdated stripper heels to the second-hand retailers on Melrose, find some minimum-wage job, file for unemployment benefits, or stand out on the street with a “Will Suck Cock for Food” sign. Seriously, do they expect help and sympathy from hard-working people, who are struggling to make ends meet themselves?

    Time for a big, fat reality check, ladies! (Incidentally, I fail to see any male porn talent groveling for handouts…)

  5. sammyglick says:

    “For now, I just need to judge whether there is enough people who are willing to help me and my family. ”

    That would be a resounding HELL NO. So you can go back to your ‘blame everyone else but myself’ life and leave the rest of us hard-working taxpayers alone.

  6. Lostbutterfly says:

    The third access is like a sky without any sun. Today was a big day for me I told people I wouldn’t take their shit and to bugger off! I also got XPT to take down the pic of my house and adress. Give the women a break… kindness is dificult espeacially for me with all the idiots I’ve had to deal with this year. But I’m not going to kill myself or let any stooge F with my day or life. And told all the porn wanna be star to blow it out their *** and you Biatch not me are the person no one even knows so how could anyone remeber you? Your like a vision of the spotless mind except you were never there to begin with?

  7. sophia, why would xpt have a pic of your house and addr., any way i’m glad you had it removed. that could have been a dangerous situation for you. you don’t need any nutjobs to show up at your door or worse.

  8. sammyglick says:

    Says what?

    Ummm…I hate to break it to you Ms. Mounds, but not every comment is secretly about you…

    Unless Third Axis is using a secret code word to mock you when he says, “…out-of-work, lower-tier porn “stars”…”

    Oh and Pornfan don’t worry about any ‘nutjobs’ showing up at her house…as I believe they’re already living there and even have a key to the door, a bed to sleep on, and a closet full of clothes.

  9. sammie, we know sophia is sophia, i’m trying to be nice to her.

  10. sammyglick says:

    What is this 5th grade and we have to make sure that EVERYONE in homeroom gets a Valentine’s Day card…

    Give me a break and if you’re so concerned, why don’t you become her next Sugardaddy so the next time she spills some milk, you’ll be there to help her mop it up and figure out which global conspiracy caused it to tip over.

  11. on the one hand this whore is boasting about her man formerly being on 94k plus benefits, yet they don’t have a pot to piss in, nor a window to throw it out of?

    i’m not sure which would be easier to drive my bus through – the holes in this story? or this whore’s busted old ass?

  12. Third Axis says:

    That’s funny, Sammy. If I wanted to encode a confusing message to Sophia//Jade, I’d use pig-Latin…

  13. sammyglick says:

    Jed — Sasha Brand probably just gets her ‘story of woe’ from Lubben (as there’s just as many holes in the testimonial of her latest convert Nyesha).

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