What a beautiful Love Story- The Stripper, The Priest, The Baby & the Restraining Order, oh and the Payoff…
Only in Miami…
Beatrice Hernandez worked as a dancer at Porky’s Strip club and fell for a customer named David Dueppen. They started an affair, moved in together and made their happy life together. Problem was that Dueppen was a working Catholic Priest!
After the on again off again affair broke up in 2006 over "sexual differences" (According to the Miami Herald) The Archdiocese paid Hernandez a settlement of $60,000. But the story doesn’t end the usual way with the Catholic Church paying off for their priests sins to be absolved.
Hernandez & Dueppen got back together for a short tryst resulting in Baby girl Marilyn.
Fights between them escalated which lead Hernandez to file a restraining order and sue Dueppen for child support. The hearing on this issue is today in Miami-Dade Family court.
I wonder if Catholic priests pay their own child support or if the church pays that too?