Stripper Sues Priest for Child Support…

What a beautiful Love Story- The Stripper, The Priest, The Baby & the Restraining Order, oh and the Payoff…

Only in Miami…

Beatrice Hernandez worked as a dancer at Porky’s Strip club and fell for a customer named David Dueppen. They started an affair, moved in together and made their happy life together. Problem was that  Dueppen was a working Catholic Priest!

 After the on again off again affair broke up in 2006 over "sexual differences" (According to the Miami Herald)  The Archdiocese paid Hernandez a settlement of $60,000. But the story doesn’t end the usual way with the Catholic Church paying off for their priests sins to be absolved.

Hernandez & Dueppen got back together for a short tryst resulting in Baby girl Marilyn.

Fights between them escalated which lead  Hernandez to  file a restraining order and sue Dueppen for child support. The hearing on this issue is today in Miami-Dade Family court.

I wonder if  Catholic priests pay their own child support or if the church pays that too?

One thought on “Stripper Sues Priest for Child Support…

  1. They has to pay on their own, and they do not earn much anyways.
    Humm, “la mujer del cura”

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