You can now get Sunny Leone & Aria Giovanni on your Iphone for only .99 cents each! You can read their blogs, see their work schedule, watch videos and check out photosets. The only thing you won’ t be doing is seeing them NAKED.
While the Apps are (giggle) Risque by Apple’s standards (they are rated 17+) they are TAME by our standards. The same kind of pictures you see on this site (which is rated PG-13) are the pictures you will see on your phone.
It’s a good start tho, and congrads to Sunny & Aria to be the first porn stars approved (thanks to GrindHouse Mobile who developed the Apps) because it can only get better, and sexier from here…
I just checked ITunes and it looks like Sunny’s app is FREE at the moment. Go get it for yourself, just search Sunny Leone. on ITunes.
This little lady here is way more my kinda chick. What I’d like to do to her is too big to fit in da box, but so is my dick. ha ha
Sunny Leone and Aria Giaovanni, Two pincess in the adult businnes: Is a shame that Aria never wanted doing hard core 🙁