Belladonna Announces her Divorce on Twitter

NL-Belladonna’s Tweets- (I put them in the order they should be read from begining to end)

I just wanted to tell all of my fans that I am divorcing @ContentWhore! I have been longing for freedom and it’s time for ME! 4:51 PM Sep 24th from API

We will be keeping our business relationship though and continue to be friends.4:51 PM Sep 24th from API

Nothing happened it was just time for me to work on me.4:52 PM Sep 24th from API
You know what I really want? I want to have sex partners not Father’s. Safe sex partners.5:03 PM Sep 24th from API
All right, Belladonna & @contentwhore are NOT getting a divorce it seems. Instead, they are just insanely weird human beings .RT @James_Gunn5:37 PM Sep 24th from web

I am weird, and find it more interesting to live my life that way.6:41 PM Sep 24th from web 

To those who got excited about my fake divorce YOU SUCK! Sike! I just like playing games with my guy, hope I didn’t hurt anyone for reals.7:00 PM Sep 24th from web 

22 thoughts on “Belladonna Announces her Divorce on Twitter

  1. Just playing with him? The poor guy has fathered a child with this woman. It sounds like he’s trying to be a responsible parent, and she has become a nightmare….

  2. Great headline! Even i couldn’t recognize the blatantly obvious intentions…

  3. not to say everyone in porn is crazy, but I think she may actually be crazy

    my take on it is, she probably really wanted a divorce, and than had a mood swing and realized oh wait no..

    and if she was just messing around with her husband, than she s playing games and part of the reason men start to hate women…but porn ppl maybe past the normal relationship..

  4. “not to say everyone in porn is crazy, but I think she may actually be crazy”

    Do you think Belladonna is crazy?

    No fucking way!

  5. max softcore says:

    How come none of you keyboard warriors/CXXX haters ever call her a trannyfucker? Just curious…

  6. Good Joke Bella 🙂

  7. In case you are wondering……….

    Check this out:


    Ex – communication
    Over the past year I have come to realize many things about myself, the main one being I am a person. I haven’t been treated like one for almost seven years via my ex’s abusive scare tactic’s whether they are verbal, physically threatening, choking me , once i recall being punched in the stomach, what a great guy you say to yourself.

    Steroid, growth hormone, testosterone using junkie.

    What other attributes does this person have I bet you are wondering , I ghosted movies for a company that he agreed to a contract with then told me later about it. All my income from the fake contract was signed over to him then he gave it to me as he saw fit which was about 10 to 20 percent of the totally. When I would put together shoots I was verbally abused and told frequently how worthless I was.

    Pathological liar, bully, abandonment, self projecting loser.
    He would invite his grandpa over saturday and sunday every week for years and always find a reason not to be there .

    He can have everything ~ truly he has nothing. self loathing empty person.

    The only friends he can acquire are the ones he bullies into it or the ones he pays / payed. nobody will stand by him for free ~ they all have their hands out for good reason.

    To be continued

    Celeste Denae’s MySpace Blog

  8. Digital Playgrounds presents a Robbie D/Celeste Breakup.

    (Sorry, I could not resist).

  9. sammyglick says:

    Here’s any even better one Mr. Dent…

    From the filmmakers who brought you Babysitters, Cheerleaders and Nurses comes Digital Playground’s newest Robby D. Indiscretion — Jezebels.

  10. sammyglick says:


    Digital Playground Presents A Celeste Beat-that-bitch-who-stole-my-man Capture

  11. No box cover from the Bitch-thief?

  12. Pepe, I know you are cozy with the DP people and convering this might be a bit difficult to you.

    But in my best Christopher Walken impersonation I say,

    What are you trying to say?

    There is some talent involved in the breakup?

    Ill get my popcorn.

    A Robbie D triangle.

  13. sammyglick says:

    Pepe — can you ask the fine folks at DP what the fuck Celeste is exactly ‘capturing’?

    Is it lukewarm sex as seen through a gauzy, unfocused camera manned by a long faded porn star who wishes she could be doing a John Tesh music video?

    Or is it that she’s just managed to dupe another few dollars from unsuspecting perverts wanting to see a semi-hot porn chick get nailed so they can jerk themselves to sleep…but instead, they got a bunch of slow-motion porno bullshit set to horrible electronic music.

  14. Sorry Samy no idea about it 🙁

  15. sammyglick says:

    LOL — neither does Celeste…

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