NL-If I was Steven Hirsch, I would want more than a correction. AP should be issuing an apology. I agree that this mistake hurts Vivid as a company. People in the mainstream will read that first article and never see the "correction"
Vivid Entertainment co-chairman Steven Hirsch said today that he was relieved that the Associated Press had distributed a correction to an erroneous story that falsely reported on the leading adult studio’s health safety record.
"The Associated Press is one of the most highly regarded news gathering organizations in the world, but on August 20th the news agency failed to check its facts for a story with the headline ‘Porn Makers Challenged for not Mandating Condoms’ by Shaya Tayefe Mohajer," Mr. Hirsch said. "Her story incorrectly stated that five performers in Vivid films tested positive for HIV in 2004. This erroneous statement was damaging to our company and demonstrates that you can never be too careful in sex and in journalism. The truth is that throughout 2004 Vivid had a mandatory condom policy and every performer was, and is today, tested before he or she acts in one of our productions. None of our performers had or has HIV. We are pleased that AP sent out a correction on Saturday, August 22nd and only wish they had done so immediately after we called the error to their attention rather than waiting more than 24 hours."
Mr. Hirsch pointed out that since 2004 performers have acted in several hundred thousand-sex scenes shot by adult studios in the San Fernando Valley and there has only been one reported case of HIV. "It is far more dangerous for a person to have sex with someone they meet casually in a bar than it is for people who act in a carefully policed adult film setting. We are confident that we are taking all precautions and the results to date demonstrate that this is the case," he said.
“ a carefully “policed” adult film setting”.
Who are these porn plice?
…”We are talking all precaustions, and the results today demostrate that…”
Actulally, the indsutry as a whole takes NO precautions, and the over 2000 infected performers in the last three years clearly, and without a doubt demonstrate that.
“Several hundred thousand porn scenes”….shot with only about 6 to 8 thousand individual performers of whom over 2000 have gotten just gonn/chlam alone, let alone trichomonis, herpes, hvp, well you all know.
Steve, these are great soundbites for the L.A. Times, but wait until they get crossed examined in a court of law, by someone who knows what questions to ask, not some Times beat journalist who doesnt have a clue.(or an OSHA official in that hearing you will have coming up)
And for the record Steve, your opponents cant wait for you to use that “porn stars are safer” line. Theyare going to spoon feed that line back to you like a jar of gerbers plumb flavored baby food.
The biggest names in porn today have said they and everyone else in porn has STDs. So you’re wrong. The casual sex experience usually has condoms involved too and doesn’t involve creampies.
Kayden Kross once wrote how when she was a Vivid girl, she was stepping on enema juice on the floors on Vivid’s sets.
You don’t have to be worried about none of this, Darrah. You’re not a porn whore so you’re not gonna step on anybody’s enema juice on a set and as far as for casual dating, you’re obviously a delusional loner who doesn’t get laid too often. So stick with your keyboard and your collection of dildos, and oh, don’t forget to take your meds on time.
general, you’re a moron. You’re a moron who trades in the same baked numbers that the LACH trots out to scare poor uninformed citizens, spreading its own vile disease of disinformation. 2000 gonn/chlam cases? You know as well as I that infected individuals after treatment are recalled for testing, sometimes multiple times, and will indicate residual infection although they aren’t in a contagious state. Each instance where a patient shows anything other than a neg test is required to be reported to LACH, so those multiple “positives” for a single individual are being used to dream up “accurate” stats by the county, and idiots like you, Weinstein and the AHF, and the Pink Cracks. Nice try, but no cigar, little guy.
You and Shelly should join hands in prayer – that Jesus knocks some fucking accuracy into your tiny brains. Keep trying, you’ll get those numbers up on the backboard in the right order someday, and maybe that dunce cap can sit proudly on the shelf next to your little Napoleon hat.
“…but wait until they get crossed examined in a court of law, by someone who knows what questions to ask…”
Um, gee, remember g-lizzle, this Cal-OSHA deal is merely a complaint, not a lawsuit. Get your facts straight. Oh right… you don’t really have any actual facts to play with. Study hard, little fella, you might make the grade one day.
tird, you moron,
The county department that std’s are reported to has a system in place that pulls the duplicates of any patient on whom they recieve more than one postive result in any two week perdiod. NICE TRY BUT NO CIGAR LITTLE GUY. Get your facts straight. These people are counting on morons like you who believe shit what you just posted. It is 100% false.
The county also pulls the duplicate reports that come from the lab that performs the tests.(they are required to report them too) ANd remember, this is only gonn/chlam. That doesnt even count those who get herpes,hpv, trichomonis etc. etc. etc. etc. If you include all of these that 2000 goes up and up andup. Sorry Tird, those are the facts.
ANd then go and pull the records from west hills urgent care and see how many times during the month they report positive tests with names that correlate from AIM. You, being in the biz, know full well that when a performer gets that little twinge one week after they take their test, they go to west oaks, but just keep working with their AIM test. An article about this very practice was written by performer Layla Jade and appeard on AVN .com a few YEARS ago. Layla uses to write regular article for AVN.
The court of law I was reffereing to is when they appeal the fines, which is all part of the plan, to get them under oath.
OOPS, the county oulls duplicate positives that are “reported from the same facility”. I forgot to put that in my above post. That is why they are now busy correlateing names form West oaks urgent care, tarzana treatment cneter, and a few other facitlities in the valley. AND DONT TELL ME YOU KNEW THAT ALREADY TIRD!!!!!
Oh yes, absolutely, let’s rely on outdated “reporting” from fading porn stars to set our “facts.” You’ll believe anything anybody tells you, g, as long as it supports burying your little snoot forehead-deep up the government’s ass. They use that duplicate info to stack their numbers, just like they make up many of their other stats (which they’ve had to revise and/or retract recently, in case you missed the news stories while you were perusing the latest OSHA retirement newsletter), and if you believe that’s not true, then you’re simply an imbecile. But I already know that. You’re a total hack, and laughable in your blind gullibility. Please, drink the Kool-Aid and go lie down on your cot.
Gee, all-caps and multiple exclamations… you ARE an obsessive little Napoleon.
general, is there any way you could take up more space with rambling and ranting crap nobody cares about? Seriously, what is the point of filling up every comment section here with the same horseshit?
Come on now…Layla Jade was easily one of the more ‘extreme’ porn girls over the past decade! Hell, she’s probably to blame for half of the STDs she came down with (as judging from her scenes, she had few…if any…sexual boundaries).
Besides, how about correlating the number of reported STD cases within the ranks of the Porn Community against the regular population. As it’s only fair to look at percentages if one is to rationally have a debate about this (instead of just spewing a lot of numbers out of context).
SG, words like “fair” and “rational” rarely have any relationship to the tactics utilized by any government or gov’t regulatory agency, health agency, or people like those of the AHF, Pink Cross Fdn., or our little general here. Their entire modus operandi is to lie, embellish, and obfuscate the facts, and thereby create a culture of fear through which they can try to control the population. The porn community—we free thinkers—have always seen straight through their bullshit, and always will. Guys like the little general are cranked out by the government-mind cookie-cutter by the thousands, and they have more useless words than common sense or credibility.
I hope this link works..Theres your comparison to the general pulic.
Maybe not, try this one, click on the top “lecture”
“words like “fair” and “rational” rarely have any relationship to the tactics utilized by any government or gov’t regulatory agency, health agency, or people like those of the AHF, Pink Cross Fdn., or our little general here.”
Agreed, Goverment regulation is never neutral and fair, and since regulators are human beings like us, their rationality is often compromized by their emotions and bias.
The correction wont do much, this would actually be a good time for his Showtime show to be on or at least filming. Too bad something like this couldnt happen to TT Boy. Anyone know the correct dates on when “Maneater”, Janine’s first boy-girl was actually filmed. The date of production is listed May 9th 2004, oddly, the first date of the quarantine.
Already read Kerndt’s screed back when it came out – more “fact” juggling, padding, and obvious bias against porn in general. There is not a SINGLE UNBIASED study out there, g. Give up and go fishin’.
THird, I agree…there is not a single unbiase study out there…And in my opinion that includes the industries(AIM) statisstics. true, statistics can be twisted to suit anybody’s agenda. What it the industy’s agenda with their own twisted stats?
Third, do you believe the Sharon Mitchell statemnet she made in front of a California State Legislature subcommittee that only 1.8% of porn workers get std’s each month? I don not believe it for the record, what about you third.
When all is said and done, I will continue to trust AIM to present the most accurate and trustworthy information related to, specifically, porn-performer health. Non of these county agencies, Cal-OSHA, or the AHF/Pink Crack Coalition have anywhere near the same intimate contact or knowledge of the porn industry as does AIM, which works directly with these performers day in and day out. They have done this work for many years, and any other agency or group is just on the periphery with significantly less knowledge or contact upon which to base their “facts.”
If I’m going to believe any facts, stats, or other information presented about my industry, it’s going to be through people who have its best interests in mind, not from government (with their dubious “systems” of information) or religious lackeys, or megalomaniacal grandstanders who are set on banning porn outright. The bias shown by these people is flagrant and laughable. I trust AIM, and will continue to support them through thick and thin.
Your defense of AIM is admirable.
Now the question was do you believe your industy’s own helathcare leader(Sharon) when she says only 1,8% of performers get std’s every month.
And wouldnt it be plausible that the “facts’ put forward by the porn industry may be just as slanted as those put fortn by the industry detractors.
As far a ‘laughable” I would say that only 1.8% of porn performers get std’s every month fits that category. And of course you realize the names of the over 2000 infected performers come directly from AIM and nowhere else.
1.8% is the official stat from the porn industry. Sharon Mitchell testified under oath that this was true. Do you believe it or not? I dont. Simple question.
ANother simple question, wouldnt you expect that someone who has the “industy’s best interest at heart” would fudge the numbers just a little bit to make the industry look good, maybe, just alittle.
I also like the way you say;;;IF I’m going to believe….” I noticed you didnt say that you do believe that stat, you just made an argun=ment that :IF: you belive it.(lol)
And shouldnt Mitch put her ‘patients’ best interest in front of the industry’s? And just what is the industry’s best interest compaed to the talents best interest.
Is AIM’s primary concern to provide healthcare for its patients, or to provide the ‘industry'(producers, directors, Vivid, Hustler), some sort of cover regarding the 2000 of performers who have gotten std’s while working for these companies(and other companies).
This very same question was posed to Ernest Greene during the HIV crisis in 2004. He answered..”both”
That, in my opinion, just about says it all. In my opinion, no ‘medical’ facility should ever put ANYTHING in front of patient care, especially political coverage for the companies that hire the patients. Ernest Greeen, AIM BOD president is also a porn producer, kind of like having an elephant in charge of the peanuts.
And I guess using Tird’s logic, I should only believe what republicans say about republicans, or what democrats say about democrats, after all, they have only their best interest at heart.
g, you’re pedantic, and boring.
Read Greene’s post I linked. That sums up exactly what I would say.
Nice quote, corporal, but I didn’t say it.
Citation please. You can look up the word if you don’t know what it means.
A misquote from the little general? Say it ain’t so!
Nice to have you drop by Ernest. Perhaps you can weigh in on the statistics that have our little guy’s knickers in a twist.
Mr. greene, And the little tird,
Please refer to, an old thread entitled Cal/OSHA lays down the law. The post by memeber WHOOYA on page nine of that thread asks……..”Is AIM a healthccare clinic or an entity that exists to facilitate the production of porn?” Two posts later,memeber ernstgreeene2000 resposnd,”Both. Again, check the site. STD testing for the industry is our primary function, but we provide a wide range of other services including treatment……
I’m fot sure if the link will work, but there it is Page 9 of Cal.OSHA lays down the law
And yes Mr. greene I know what citation means in the context to which you are referring. It also has another meaning, just ask the 16 companies that are about to recieve them.
And Tird boy, “SAY IT AINT SO”….O.K. Tirdboy, it aint so, there it is for you to see. Look it up yourself and read it and weep.
“Cal/OSHA lays down the law”
page 9
Sept, 2004
And before you ask the mods there to delete the post, dont worry, I got a screen capture of it.
Now, let the backpeddling begin.
Yours is probably the most informed opinion here. Could you tell us(or give an educated estimate) how many individual performers have been tested at AIM since the 2004 outbreak?
Would it also be possibe to see how many indiviual performers AIM has tested since its inception?
Not how many total tests have been done but how many indiviuals, each only counted onece, have been tested?
Little g, you continue to idiotically run your mouth—through your fingers—and completely skew statements out of context, or outright incorrectly, to support your asinine claims.
the general (misquoted) wrote:
“Is AIM’s primary concern to provide healthcare for its patients, or to provide the ‘industry’(producers, directors, Vivid, Hustler), some sort of cover regarding the 2000 of performers who have gotten std’s while working for these companies(and other companies). This very same question was posed to Ernest Greene during the HIV crisis in 2004. He answered..”both”
Note that you say, “THIS VERY SAME QUESTION.”
Ernest Greene (actually) wrote:
“There seems to be alot of misunderstanding among the industry as to what AIM’s role really is?
Is AIM a healthcare clinic or an entity that exists to facilitate the production of porn?
Both. Again, check the site. STD testing for the industry is our primary function, but we provide a wide range of other health services, including treatment and counseling, to people in the industry.”
Read Mr. Greene’s last sentence, carefully, little g. If you think real hard, you may understand the full context, and clear definition of AIM’s services; however, I seriously doubt that.
So yes, what I wrote above stands:
“A misquote from the little general? Say it ain’t so!”
No contextual explanation required.
I can hear the squeaky noise of your little tricycle going in reverse right about now. You are hilarious.
You must be terribly humiliated, little g. Here you had an opportunity to address a serious issue with someone who, by your own admission, offers “probably the most informed opinion here,” but then you proceed to GROSSLY misquote him, (not to mention adding your own absurd inference, out of context) from reference material that YOU, YOURSELF, PROVIDE!
It just doesn’t get any weaker that that, little fella. Now go take your nap and let the adults have a conversation.
Third Axis,
Thanks for doing my homework for me, I’ve had a busy week and was just getting back here to take out some trash.
On that long and winding ADT thread from 2004, I AT NO TIME made or responded in the affirmative to any allegation that AIM has a primary, secondary or any mission whatsoever to “to provide the ‘industry’(producers, directors, Vivid, Hustler), some sort of cover regarding the 2000 of performers who have gotten std’s while working for these companies(and other companies).”
That is what is known as a lie, for those who can’t recognize one when they read it. And that nice, round “2,000” figure, BTW – straight out of somebody’s ass. Not worth a response.
The accurately quoted comment makes it clear that AIM does, by providing testing, treatment, counseling and related services, assist performers, the industry at large and the greater public, though monitoring and caring for the health of industry performers is always Job One.
If anything, AIM’s computer database, accessible to producers, directors and production managers, makes it more difficult for companies and individuals to flout the accepted standards and engage in high-risk behavior, as we saw in the most recent detection of an HIV+ performer working in the industry. It was AIM that not only uncovered the case, but also made it clear that the performer in question worked without a valid test and was knowingly abetted in doing so by both the company personnel on the set and the performer who agreed to work with her in the absence of test documentation.
Because AIM can and does provide accurate, reliable information to those involved in porn production, claims of ignorance made subsequent to exposures are that much more difficult to defend.
There is a BIG difference between facilitating production by giving dependable access to performers’ test status and colluding with porn companies to sweep unflattering facts under the rug.
It was AIM that lifted the rug back in 2004 and then again this past June.
I can get pretty annoyed when fools try to put words in my mouth, but when the attempt is as clumsy as it was here, I’m more inclined to just laugh them back out.
And as for you, corporal, I’m not about to be drawn into any discussion of anything with someone who lies about me. If you want stats on AIM, try AIM’s Web site.
Clearly, you need to practice up on your reading skills.
Well stated, Mr. Greene. Keep up the good work*
AIMS website says nothing about the total number of individual performers tested.
Aim has made statements about 1200 performers tested monthly, but in that 1200 are about 1000 a month who have tested previously.
HERE is a promise from the General.
IF Ernest Greene, President of the BOD of AIM will tell us how many individual performers have tested at AIM since the last HIV outbreak in 2004, I will never post here again or on any industry board. ALL I can do here is give you my word on that, and on my mothers and brothers grave I do just that.
This is in that database of AIM”S isnt it?
HOw many individual performers has AIM tested in the last five years Mr. Greene?
And just for the hell of it, can anyone here guess why Mr. greene might be hesitant to publicly publish this number? I have a feeling I will be posting here for a long, long, long time.
Hope the lik works, A clue to the answer of my last question to Mr. greene can be found in this report “somewhere”
the general Says:
“HOw many individual performers has AIM tested in the last five years Mr. Greene?”
Since AIM’s testing services are available to not just actual adult performers alone, but to the sex-worker community in general, as well as to non-performers who are attempting to enter the industry, I seriously doubt that such statistics are monitored separate from the overall number of tested individuals. Why would AIM have the need, or take the time and resources to extrapolate that kind of specific information? That would be pointless – just like you, lowercase g.
g, you should toddle out of retirement and use what’s left of your government-lackey skills for the US Census Bureau. Then you could go knocking door to door, poking your little snoot into the homes of Americans and gathering all of that vitally important data. Give your life some purpose. There’s a clipboard waiting with your name tag on it.
“Riddle you this, Batman…”
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know all about the employer-employee relationship vis-a-vie labor requirements, costs to employer, blah, blah, blah…
Show me ANY industry in this state, or any other, where the employer fulfills all requirements of the law regarding employers – i.e., overtime pay, workers comp, etc. In the construction industry alone—one which I have extensive knowledge of, having worked in it for decades prior to going white-collar, and in many capacities incl. as an assistant superintendent on large commercial projects—compliance by-the-letter is laughable, even with oversight by a number of state and federal regulatory bodies. This is particularly true of smaller independent companies, who simply can’t cover these required costs; nonetheless, they stay in business, and the state rarely makes any effort to pursue action against them.
I won’t even address the issue of illegal aliens in virtually every workplace, and the total failure of this or any state to regulate or apply the law to the many thousands of undocumented workers.
Why should the adult industry be singled out from any other? The answer to that is, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever. When the state starts spending the time, money (oh yeah, what money?), and resources to regulate and establish full compliance of every industry within its regulatory scope, then I’ll believe that my particular industry is in imminent danger.
This entire event is based on the politics, moral grandstanding, and media whoring of a few pathetic individuals, like yourself lowercase g. When it all blows over, once again, I’ll still be standing proudly as a pornographer.
Pardon me. Above, it should say, “… where the employer fulfills all requirements of the law regarding employees…”